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Posts posted by blueyeshk

  1. With the recent rain it would be very strange if it didn't go down.

    Sadly the arrival of rain seems to be our only annual saviour and we will go through the whole thing again next year

    That would be right if you don't learn anything and plan now to leave in time for good or for just the time of the fire season

  2. So is it safe to come back to Chiang Mai now? And I'm asking people who think the pollution is a problem, not the guys who think it's OK (and liveable as long as you have an air purifier... sorry, I just don't agree!) What's the verdict on the situation? Is it over?

    No its not safe, as PM2.5 levels are still at least double sometimes triple the international safe level.

    Be interesting to see a fire map to see where its coming from (surely the Thai's have burnt all they can by now?)

    Lol show me a pyromaniac Asian - not limited to Thais-who runs out of reason and material to full fill their passion.
  3. Below is since Friday. It hasn't hit PM10 or PM2.5 130 since April 22.


    24 hour AQI calculations for PM2.5


    Well if at all I go with the us consulate announcement on this matter


    Which suggest otherwise. However visual check out of the window , live reports of my friends, using its own senses is the most trustful to go with for me. Numbers are just numbers can be right- highly unlikely they are. Living quality will not be fixed by numbers.

  4. no, the air is still not safe. PM 2.5 levels were recorded by US government to be over 130 recently, and I still can see a thick cloud of smog obscuring my view of the mountains. Its causing asthma in me and my wife who normally do not have symptoms, perhaps because this burning season is lasting for a long time...

    My guess is that this duration will become the new normal- so if you not already it's time to move on the north is now only good a certain time as a holiday destination but unsuitable and harmful to consider it more.

  5. So is it safe to come back to Chiang Mai now? And I'm asking people who think the pollution is a problem, not the guys who think it's OK (and liveable as long as you have an air purifier... sorry, I just don't agree!) What's the verdict on the situation? Is it over?

    Watch the weather if it rains for a week at least an hour a day than its time to return with peace in mind - the rain we saw last week was just a weather pattern - nothing will stop them to ignite it again with the last drop fallen only a lot of rain can do this.

  6. Today!!! It will not take Long enough To clear the lungs unfortunately . After the last drop they continue on with their passion.

    Lets hope it stays down.

    Hope like in hope for change ever- hope dies last. Too much realistic to know it already started again. But we can hope for maybe more -a lot more- rain some weeks from now and with it the final relief of this madness until it will start in 8 month or so again.

  7. May is here and it sounds like the smoke is still very bad in Chiang Mai. Ran into this article which is interesting, but certainly not an indicator of any future change in the thinking there.


    For the first time I am running into people who have decided to up stumps and move on.One an American lady at my Doctors said she has 3 children ,2 with asthma, and she can't let them

    suffer any longer as she believes nothing will be done .She had hoped that decisive action would have been taken,been in CM 7 years. 2 other couples in our village are on there way as soon as they can sell up.

    For some people it is a major problem, not a whine, and the extreme heat has hastened decison making.

    Quite different- I know only a few who can't leave the once who can leave at least for a couple of weeks but I hear more and more are going for good which is for sure not solely decided by the hazardous air pollution but also to other reasons like visa , overall development of the kingdom and just the realization that other countries have a lot more to offer.

  8. Looks like the Day got potential to become high up in the ranking of bad days this month in Mae Hong son all covered in thick smoke


    Thank you for the Chart but I personally decided not be to confident with all the readings provided I trust my senses more than these numbers to judge the situation. In the end everybody have to decide based on their feelings if these living conditions are suitable or not to feel well.

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  9. Spent the afternoon at Panmivan in the Mae Sa valley, the hills just South of us were littered with a dozen major burns, all afternoon, smoke streaming several feet into the air, nothing subtle or discreet about it at all.

    Ola la mr.

    "Pictures of active fires else it aint so "

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