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Posts posted by blueyeshk

  1. the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

    or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

    My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride?
    My L&M's went up by 23%. I believe they are not imported.
    They are look on the pack!
  2. the finance ministry need to explain/investigate how their proposed 5-10 baht increase turned into 20-25 baht or 26-30%, something just not quite right there

    or have they somehow managed to only apply such an increase to farangs - nothing would surprise me, don't understand why Thais are not complaining about this increase

    My explanation is the media reported 3% 5-10 bht increase was solely focused on Thai manufactured cigs all imported tobacco was neglected to report on -typically happen with copy/paste journalism -Everything possible in amazing Thailand - so beer /wine next ready for the ride? I take it as a heavy smoker as a signal point to reconsider and try again to get rid of the habit a friend just passed me this book and the start is promising : Allan carr's "easy way to stop smoking"
  3. Just because you don't know any sick people in Chiang Mai doesn't mean they don't exist:

    Jesus, did you even read what I wrote?

    I would not put much stock in what any "associate professor" or "medical lecturer" from Thailand says.

    They found that over a six-day period, every additional microgram per cubic meter of PM10 inhaled increases the chance of respiratory, cardiovascular, or eye-related illness by 0.04 to 0.21 percent. Thus when PM10 levels reach 200 points -- a common occurrence in Chiang Mai during the burning season - the chance of catching one of these illnesses ranges from 8 to 42%".

    Oh boy...There is so much wrong with this statistically and methodologically that it's not even worth considering.

    Oh boy...there's so much wrong with your denial that it's not even worth considering.

    Why not point out what is wrong with his "denial" in a reasoned fashion? Supplying counter arguments, references and examples goes a lot farther than assuming the rest of us will automatically subscribe to your point of view.

    If he can't acknowledge the facts and videos of previous post I can't be bothered to get you or him straight

  4. I posted before with half a tongue in my cheek.

    First, remember what we are talking about: smoke from slash and burn. No one is burning used polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles or old tires; it's organic material.

    Of course, elderly folks (some of them) can be affected by the added pollution from smoke. However, unless they came to Chiang Mai by throwing a dart at a map, they should know very well what the seasonal weather factors are.

    I have met many people who complain about the haze, but have never met a single person who said this was a tangible health problem for them. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but I think if you did a study, you'd find that most are mentally sick of the haze, but very, very few actually suffer significant physical problems stemming from it.

    "School children?" I assume you are being hyperbolic. There are thousands of children in schools in Chiang Mai; I think if they were dropping like (young) flies, we'd know about that. Normal school kids have the most resilience of anyone. [/

    Except from Putin in a public statement I never saw something more in unrealistic denial than your statement. Enough said.

  5. Localised burning not helping, stinks outside and ash falling like confettii.

    Have the committees had any success yet?

    Here is an exclusive picture of the committee monitoring the situation and identifying the wrongdoers - I hear there is a bit of a problem as only one single red band is to see on the screen all spots melted to one. But they are working on this hard latest for the coming season they think they find a solution.post-183415-14552682018051_thumb.jpg

  6. My friend living in Pai tells me they are just as bad there.

    I first realized what kind of drivers they were in the early 70s when I first went to Vancouver B C,

    Pai is a human circus or tragedy however u want to see it. Stay an hour on any given junction and I guarantee you an accident or at least dangerous situation involving Chinese often they fall coming to a halt or even just standing. Change your position and stand in front of the motorbike shops best spot Aya and there is a good chance u see them driving into the next shop. Pai looks like zombie town bandages all over. It happen to me twice in the hills that this idiots came in a curve on my site. There must be clearly a medical explanation something is missing.

  7. Pai mountains on fire drove today Mae Hong son the whole way was covered by smoke and street site fires- saw even now bicycle drivers doing obviously the loop wanted to stop and ask them what they think they are doing but than again not my business- flights booked out of here in two weeks a bit too late but soon enough to escape the hell of March

  8. It's got little to do with the judge's alleged mental illness. Yet again the junta applies silly laws inconsistently. No where else in the world has a defamation law which is criminal and has no defence. Absolute farce. In this case the junta is trying to save face (as usual) to try and prevent the world thinking the Thai legal system is a joke. It is too late for that, but the junta is oblivious to that. Double standards all the time. Remember the poor guy who was mentally ill and was found guilty of lese majeste and locked up for 30 years.

    Acceptable -except that you limit your statement to the junta.

  9. Had to get a tube stuck down my throat through my nose, as I thought I might have had throat cancer (non smoker) but realize now that is the air here. Negative on any cancer but a swollen larynx or something. A guy at my condo went south for a week, and his coughing cleared up and started when returned a few days ago. He is packing his bags and breaking his lease. What a shame and we have to include all the fine particulate matter that comes from these crazy construction sites, asbestos, various fibers, concrete and metal dust etc etc. What the hell are we doing to this planet anyways?

    It's just the programmed by nature extinction process which has to happen if one kind brings the system out of balance but this leads to far. Don't worry men can not kill nature but the other way around it works.

    Just join the burning never pick up a plastic bottle or be otherwise concerned this will only slowdown the extinction process and extend the suffering period for the future generations.

  10. This evening the headman in our village announced that the government is asking for villagers to complete all agricultural burning by February 15. After that, fires will by monitored by satellite and the gov't will "take action" against communities that violate. Time will tell.

    They will have no Problem to see the red belt as usual and as usual they will ignore it.


  11. This evening the headman in our village announced that the government is asking for villagers to complete all agricultural burning by February 15. After that, fires will by monitored by satellite and the gov't will "take action" against communities that violate. Time will tell.

    They will have no Problem to see the red belt as usual and as usual they will ignore it.

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