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tubby johnson

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  1. Presumptuous fool, if only you had read the entire article before embarrassing yourself with your foolish speculation. If only.
  2. So you lost. Cry harder. I'm enjoying my refreshing glass of Liberal Tears, and not reading your immature rant.
  3. Yeah, the OP has trouble accepting Democracy. He lost, got his precious ego shattered by Trump and is throwing a hissy fit here. Unseemly behavior. Democracy has winners and losers. Losers need to man up and cry in private, not burden us with their drama. Trump won the popular vote in a crushing victory. He's earned the right to govern.
  4. Is Malcolm cosplaying as a food delivery boy these days?
  5. Useful information, thank you very much. Does Chaengwatana currently require 2 copies of everything?
  6. Reefer madness He should stick to a diet of Belgian waffles and beer.
  7. Well, duh! Because white Africans tend to be smarter and more successful. Who is Africa's richest person? A white dude: Elon Musk.
  8. Never cross a ginger. Greenpeace regularly orchestrates these media panics in order to drum up donations. Donations that will be fed into their hefty office salaries and perks. A scam.
  9. I can't take this country and its people seriously.
  10. If you don't sashay and mince across this gay crosswalk whilst holding hands with two underage boys, then you'll slip and fall down.
  11. No helmets on those motorbike punks. They're the real criminals.
  12. Hammer + penis = terrible combination Those two words whould never be mentioned in the vicinity of each other, let alone in the same sentence.
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