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Posts posted by socalbro

  1. I met a PI once in Palm Springs who checked out wives for men who could afford him.

    His style was a bit different though; he would follow them to wherever they were going out for the evening and hit on them himself, often bringing them back to his "lair" where he had hidden cameras set up.

    He said at least 80% of them were "open to his advances" and then he would bring the pics to the suspecting hubbies. Saved him alot of time truing to follow them around with another "gik" and get the proof he needed for his clients. How he never got beat to within an inch of his life by the guys who hired him, I'm not exactly sure. However he was a fairly big dude with martial arts training and seemed like a guy you wouldn't want to "f" with...unless you happen to be a heartless howsewife in heat. He was also young and handsome, which helped of course - the ruffies probably didn't hurt either...haha.

    I don't think I'd recomend him to anyone, but the proof is in the pudding as they say...

    Wish my jop had fringe benefits like that!

  2. Prostitution!!! Dear lord what'll they think of next...

    Sounds evil, thank God there are people out there looking out for us. What, if a man can just simply pay to have sex with someone willing to do so for the cash, it seems that could undermine much of the power the common women have taken so long to establish over them.

    Instead of going through the usual channels like dinners, movies, gifts and putting up with all sorts of BS some would rather skip, and then of course the always possible threat of needing to make some sort of "COMMITMENT" :D just to get a lil' honey, an adult male can just put down some of his hard earned cash for an encounter with an adult female and get in and out - no strings attached - both parties get what they want and all the drama and false pretenses are left at the door.

    Oh yea I forgot one little thing though...THEY'LL BURN IN hel_l FOR ETERNITY FOR IT!!! Sex is dirty and without laws protecting us from only Satan stands to gain... If you don't believe me just ask the Pope, he'll tell ya! :D:D:o

  3. Don't drink the stuff personally, and if I have the choice at the time I also boil any noodles I plan on eating or serving to anyone I care about with bottled H20, yet I'm just too lazy to shower with the stuff as it's just too hard to stand under a bottle with holes in it (expensive too). But I do brush my teeth with tap water here in BKK and my teeth seem to be holdin' up so far...

  4. Name it what you really want, cause what they'll call it here ya never know.

    My son - Charles Joseph -started out as CJ - now they are calling him JJ since it is easier to say and I imagine it will be J sooner than later...

    But as an adult the child might want a strong western name to use for official thngs, legal reason, work and school.

    HE/she'll get a thai nickname guarenteed, so don't worry too much about coming up with a Thai name that goes well with Johnny cause nobody will ever use it probably anyhow.

    Best of luck to you, the new father - a blessed event in anyone's life!

  5. I've been waiting to pay Microbitch for their ownership of my computer.

    I know for sure that buying my computer from a dealer in Pantip Plaza I was safe though, of course... and just if I had the Linux removed to put a known program like windows on, does not by any means mean I was asking for a pirate copy of anything...

    In fact I hope a Mircosoft robot kills G.W.Bushie and rules the world with an iron fist and instead of taxes we pay a communication fee to be allowed to associate with other living beings at risk of penalty of death for not making on time payments.

    Otherwise robots should be our only source of contact outside the confines of our rooms which shall be defined as "cubicles per square person" by a Bush appointed district judge never to be accepted in challange by the Bush/Cheny Supreme court because it does not involve oil, christian rights or the removal of further freedoms for our own protection.

    See if we get scared enough we just might allow everything the constitution provides us to be stripped away, just so long as we have a common enemy to keep away and to flag wave against, and our president speaks to us in a comforting "Gomer Pyle" sorta way that convinces most of us that he could never be malicious or anything but a "good ol' boy", and although oil company profits are at an all time high, Brad and Anjoline are a much more important story for us to consume than his connection to the oil barons getting rich on his war and rumors of further wars.


    nevermind...at least the Thai's did not put up with being sold down the river by their "Leaders" and as messed up as things often are here ya gotta respect their unwillingness to accept complete ownership of thier country for profit. Or perhaps consumerism has just not reached deep enough into the national psyche here to allow these things so long as they can afford satalitte tv, foreign wines and major chain store marketing.

  6. Sad indeed, not much else to say here!

    My 8mth old son tries to climb off the balcony (@$th floor) and bite into the electric cords whan he is not trying to stop the fan blades with his fingers...

    So I know how hard it is to keep kids safe and charging the shop owner with their death will not bring them back or make anyone feel any better about it.

    Will it change the slack-ass ways the people here do things??? NO!

    In fact there is such a low regard for human life that I feel lucky when a car slows down to let me cross in the crosswalk. Driving is a game and all the "adults" in this country for some reason become little babies in a cartoon race when they get behind the wheel of their cars and have the window shading blocking out their identity. Can't lose face if you can't see the face right???

    After a nice bribe is paid the current will resume in the puddle for the next bathers to fry in, if the bribe costs less than fixing the problem of course.

  7. Duty-free Tokyo carries them...

    for stiff necks the in store ads read.

    "The captain asks that all electronic gear be stowed at this time!!!"

  8. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read he was out on bail.

    You can bet your life if it was the poor English guy who had murdered his father-in-law he would not be walking around free at the moment.


    Think again man!

    How much does the western person get away with versus the 3rd world citizen?

    Ya'll love rushin' to judgement here on-line like ###### Jerry Springer audience members...

    Justice as we know it is waiting back at the Heathrow terminal for ya if ya want it, but I bet ya really don't and much of why you're here involves the things ya can get away with here that would never fly back home...

    Am I right???

    So give a little and get a little - or something like that I guess.

    Things that come to view are bound to seem wrong to us when we are involved and on the losing end of a publisized article, yet can you just imagine the amount of wrongful actions the native population has delt with involving thier mistreatment at our hands, without ever having any recourse or even attempt at justice.

    Two wrongs don't make a right - yet never assume we get the short end just cause we talk funny and sh't...

    Losing a father at one year old is a true tragedy for the child, mother and father(deseased) alike. The murderer in this case is bound to pay severly in more than just time spent...Ya can't take that shit back - EVER

  9. Does the 4 minutes take in to consideration the time it takes to pay the bar fine, walk/taxi to room, the compulsary shower-off and towel walk-in, condom confirmation and bottom-line payout negotiations?

    Cause if my ol'lady is out till 2am each night saying she had 0 to 1 customers in that time, then I might be getting ripped off somewhere here...

    If she brings back 500B a night it's like Xmas again.

    But if the figures above are correct she should have closer to like 20 customers a night, each being just 4 minutes.

    So maybe she's cheatin' on me, huh???

    Does it count about helpin oneself on this issue???

  10. I'm told the rate has to do with los making it's yearly payment to the World Bank on time for loans outstanding. Each year when the payment comes due and is paid in full it strengthens the Baht's standing against all other currencies regardless of current events.

    Then as normal market forces come back into effect it always slides back down to about 40-42/$ again - hopefully this is the case and if my source is correct the cycle will continue so long as Thailand remains solvent and pays on time each year. By years end it should drop back to @41/$ and repeat.

    Hurts like a mother F'er presently as my income's taking a good hit like the rest of you on monthly transfers from home...

  11. Yea right, I bet a guy clever enough to pull off several armoured car robberies and get away was in a hurry to drive into Baan Arai Gadai in a new BMW and buy all the buffalos in town to show who's the new boss in town.

    Perhaps it's not sexist to consider that someone had more face to gain by showing off (HEY - ain't just bring home a Farang showin'-off???) things simple country folk might consider signs of wealth? And ain't it possible jealousy and envy may have reared their ugly heads when the best lookin' gal in town comes home with a white boy?

    I mean the farmers I know work their asses off all their lives with nothin to show while lil'miss pretty just humps her way to a better life, then gloats and parades it around buffaloville as though she did something more than spread her tuna sandwich and is better and more deserving than those toiling their lives away in the rice fields.

    Sound familiar or perhaps possible if not likely?!?

    Ok so maybe I'm only 80-90% right and 10% of the idealist notions are true, I still like my odds...

    Give them the rope and they'll hang us all!

  12. its bloody funny for me, be a loser even dont start fight..

    will they shake thier bodies on the floor later as a kid wanna new toy and mom wont buy it for ? :o

    OBVIOUS IDIOT - Same Same most rural voters - they got sent a few bucks from the "PARTY" and are now heros...

    Never having received anything from any Thai politicians promise - I might well agree with them...

    But come on - All the BOO HOO krapp and references to children are more infantile responses than they beg to respond to. Matters that cannot possibly be understood by anyone responding in such a way!

    However, yes elections can be won with these pathetic sort of responses and labelings. Hey it's all about the bottom line dollar value to everyone here. Farmers and country folk can't feel the pinch a sale of billions of national assets will make on this country, while this country receives nothing in return for the sale...

    But trust in the fact that many tax dollars were used to create a national commodity (such as AIS), and getting nothing in return is the same as RAPE of the Thai people.

    Sorry those of you whose children got a bike for good grades still love the guy, he's as low as a grave robber you just have no understanding of what the hel_l he's really doing to tohose of you who have blind faith in broken promises!!!

    find the facts for yourself - Don't just repeat dribble you don't understand anybetter than a drunk cheerleader in heat.

    This is not

  13. Who cares really!

    Yea it's a hassle to report and replace a card, but while the credit companies lure people with the promise of greater material wealth and acceptance through sexually driven advertisements. Geared to make the average white collar worker believe they are getting something like sex appeal from the products own - they fail to assert that they will be charging something like 20% APR and each month payments only cover interest as the original debt floats or even rises.

    So they lose a few thousand Baht to forgers and con artists - wowiee...

    I should feel sorry for the corporate muther fer's or the guy that just commited to pay 30,000 Baht for a 10,000 Baht mobile for his girlfriend while completely never understanding he just signed his future away.

    There are basic laws in most developed nations that govern the credit providers to where they are nearly human when followed to the letter...

    But give those same companies a new immature market like Thailand to rape, where consumer protections are almost non-existant, and they will abuse each and every standard of law we consider our rights, and thought to be fair practices in the western world.

    In other words, they lie, cheat and steal for every moment they are able where they can freely cheat people. This is considered acceptable business practices, but it is really it is their best effort to cheat people while they are in an undeveloped market with soft spots.

    So every time a credit card user gets ripped off, and is smart enough to report it quickly and avoid responsibility, I applaud those clever enough to pinch a piece back from those intent on enslaving innocent people with promises of having more money and material posessions than they can actually afford through lies and manipulations.

    Given the chance and I'd loan those who want it a reasonable amount for a straight 10% payable in 12 months - no questions asked and no small print.

    there is a world of opportunity to do something good for the average Thai here, but of course that opportunity will be exploited as far as it can by the cold steel blades of CORPORATE GREED!

  14. 50% of Thais drive like teenagers thinking they are in a grand prix, 40 % drive like grandmothers and10% have chaffuers.

    No traffic laws means drive however you want, never having instruction nor patience or common sense. Hope I never need an ambulance since everyone else here drives like they are going to a fire. Children behind tinted windows, no smaile there - why?

  15. I suspect the US Embassy is suffering post "State of the Nation" jitters and expect a strong Muslim contingent to join the demonstration, and the paranoid peeps from the underground cubicles have wound them up that it'll be infiltrated by AQ and JI agent-provocateurs ... therefore they're warning Americans to stay away in case of Afghan/Iran/Iraq sentiments leading to assaults on their citizens.

    Anyone seen if other embassies are issuing warnings?

    Me - I just wish I could get down for it, but am stuck in Chiangers this weekend with visitors from afar.

    ###### right my wise friend! In fact I believe it would be wise for all Americans to avoid falafals and hashish for a while too. Them ###### paranoid Yankees better just avoid MBK too cause I saw a muslim gal there and she may be an ill-quida babe lookin for a fight. In fact if your smart you'll uncircumsize yer tallywacker for safe measure as well in case the guy next to you is a pee-pee peeper.

    So when does it end - this should be made into a cartoon...oops can't do that they may take it personally or something. IDIOTS!!!

  16. Bought somewhere between 300-400 secondhand jackets at market on Cambodian border at Poi Pet with gfriends aunt. Leave for Northern Essan tomorrow and distribute to those in need the following day. Hear it's unusually cold this year.

    How secondhand jackets come to be sold at a Thai market on the Cambodian border with American logos on them is another story. I imagine jackets wind up donated to Cambodia, who need them about as much as a dog needs fleas, and so are in turn sold at Thai border markets and on down the line. Even notice all the Western style secondhand clothing at Chatuchuck market, I think this is the source as well.

    Kinda like the baseball jerseys and Levi's there...

  17. Had to look it up.


    Best I can find is that "Greng" or "Grong" means jail/prison and "Jai" means heart obviously...

    Together it's "jailed heart", which could be meant to lock-up, own or somehow clamp-down on someone's heart/mind/spirit/soul... Perhaps something like having leverage over a person or situation.

    And/or as in to corner someone's person/pride as suggested in the Stickman webpage.

    Any other takes? I only found the words individually.

  18. I believe you will find that this Affidavit of Support is only used for immigrant visas and some students.  Not for tourist type non immigrant visas.

    The OP is not going to obtain a visa for someone with such a form.

    Forgot to add, even for a tourist visa, you need to show, a) the applicant is financially able to pay for the entire trip by themselves (cash in bank), and/or the sponsor is able to show they will/can provide housing and meals for the diration of the visit. And it appears as an out for the US government, they may ask/require a bond to guarantee the finances and the prompt return. I have no reason to believe that this is not the correct form, as I was given this by a very reputable visa house in Bangkok.

    Does it matter if the money just appears in the account overnight or does it have to look like it was earned over time and is there a set amount required???

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