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Posts posted by socalbro

  1. I complain all the time about anything in my sight...such a f'ing whiner sometimes, don't think I could stand hearing myself very long really...

    My girlfriend of 3yrs, puts up with my moods and complaining like a champ though, not that anyone should have to.

    Gotta love her for that alone!

    I'm not a bad guy to her really, I just seem to put guilt on her for things my ex did or would do sometimes. Pretty retarded of me for sure.

    It might be a good idea for me to get a grasp of what this "greng jai" means to someone as important to me as she is.

    It might be the key toward my better understanding and appreciating her and her culture, which might just keep us alot stronger in the long run...


    did I just say "better understanding" Thai culture???

    OOOOPS... must be drunk again!!! Son of a *&$$%#&+%*%3*!@^!!!

    She ain't gonna like this one ###### bit neither... well, so much for the "alot stronger" thing now I guess...

    ...and it's square one - - again...

    ... Oh "GRENG JAI" it all!!! (I think)

  2. Is it normal behavior for a Thai woman to put her family before her spouse? I have a hard time believeing that would be the case if I was I Thai male and not a farang.

    Yes and Yes. You'll place second to her family always, unless you let her have a dog...

    Welcome to the club!!!

    Helping out is great indeed if it goes where it is said to, highly unlikely in my experience.

    You married a Thai woman in Thailand and you will live by Thai/Farang marrage agreement - unspoken, but who in this forum dosen't know it already.

    We, you and I, are not as handsome, wonderful, witty and charming as we may have thought by our Thai-wifes made us think...no not even close. Do you get the same quality looking ladies giving you attention like you do here? Why is that ya think...?


    Sorry but this will only become more and more evident as time goes on...

    Not to say all are this way, many are not, but many are - I'm divorcing one now..

    We are outsiders always, although well liked even loved by Thai's in our lives. Imagine her ever going to your high school reunion and getting the same respect by everyone there as you want from those in your life now. With her lack of English, understanding of our culture and not having grown-up with your peers the chances are zero and less.

    But what do you get? A beautiful and charming wife who's the envy of the reunion...right?

    What she gets is money, at least that's the idea.

    Is it worth the trade-off??? Up-to-you...for me it was for 5 years.

    Now my gfriend is a bit wiser, older and although beautiful not the cream of the crop as before. She now gets my love and the security and good treatment we are known for here, without the constant drain on my wallet...but for a few Baht here and there, nothing to speak of. In return I get her love good treatment and hopefully a future this time...will see!!!

    And never bring her to live in the States with you - - -

    She'll find a new cow to milk just as you thought you're making progress in your life...

    In my case...fine, and look-out next sucker in line...

    Hey - I'm still sour-grapes - but take it for what it is worth! I had to learn the hard way and may have big lessons yet to come!

    Best of Luck

  3. Loser found the pleasuredome on his soi, got caught one too many times goin' there by wife he no longer loved. Too chickensh*t to end things properly he probably got really drunk, really often until this unfortunate event ended it all for the worse.

    As he could not have missed the three nightly episodes of CSI so generously offered by UBC/AXN (programming idiots and cheapskates that they are), I doubt he really wanted to get away with it. What kind of life could anyone live with the police always after you and this sort of act on your conscience? What would he do next? Go apply for work in Argentina?

    She had a Canadian family - this would have not have gone away until he was caught. Unless he has plans to pay-off the right Thai official to be found innocent, he would have been better off turning himself in in either Canada or Australia a better life sentence...

    He was screwed the moment he picked up the hammer and probably knew it and conseded defeat well before police arrived. His life's a private hel_l from now till dooms day - and well deserved. Just a sad, sick shame for all...

  4. So they are in fourth place in car production where? Asia? Possibly after Japan, China and India. In the world, don't hold your breath.

    Why would he want to be like Detroit anyhow? Has he ever been there or know of it's "rust belt" reputation?

    I'm just praying they can build something to replace those green monster mini-busses that whip through traffic like they think they are sports cars, not transportation for those unfortunate enough to need them, all the while spewing out huge black clouds of death gasses to anyone closeby.

    Can't they do something about that first. It's such an ugly thing to allow and such a big sore thumb on the city. So simple to correct, yet allowed to poision the air we breath like coal burning beasts from the 1800's.

    Fix that and I'll be impressed Mr. PM

  5. 1.  You do not qualify for an extension of stay (support Thai wife or support [with court order] Thai child).

    2.  Financial standing is NA because you do not qualify per one above.

    3.  If you intend to stay here you will have to make 90 day border crossings and obtain a new visa every 15 months or so.

    4.  You do not have the option to buy multi/multi visas - it is one at a time and very limited (Penang is the only local Consulate where it is normally available).

    5.  You might get a few days extension for your 1,900 baht; or you might not.

    Long term options are marriage for support Thai wife extensions.

    Court order that you take care of child or child says this after age 7 for support Thai child extensions.

    Investment of 3 million baht in specified condo or securities.

    Age 50 or over retirement with financial 65k/800k requirements.

    Yes.  This is the right place to ask questions like this.

    Thanks for the straight scoop.

    Maybe I forgot to mention that I am still married to a Thai woman who now lives in the US (not the mother of my son).

    Only now, because of my son and comitment to my new gf I have finally hired a lawyer and the divorce is underway and set to be finished by no later than March.

    So do I have to wait to re-marry in order to get a year extension although I support of our son and he has my last name? And if I'm not married by the time this visa expires might they deny me a next multiple Non-Imm 'O' as I've been reading?

    Also if you get 30 days when extending a 60 day tourist visa, you'd think a similar extension of stay would apply to each 90 day period of the 'O' type visa - right? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part?

  6. Why do you believe that America controls the immigration at Thai airports?

    They don't control it but they sure put pressure to have other countries adopt America based ways of doing things.

    Things could be a whole lot worse.

    Say Hitler or Stalin had come won, what then?

    Take your pick, we'd be living like the poor souls of either Burma or North Korea. That would be worth complaining about, only you couldn't, could you?

    Hey my glass is half full. Take a good look at the big picture and you'll see what I mean. Have you checked out the alternatives out there these days? Not nice...

    It's indeed great to be having a free exchange of ideas over the internet without fear of persecution, don't ya think?

    America can be pushy in its ways surely, but who do you want to have your back when push really comes to shove in this world? I can't think of anyone else.

  7. Sorry, but after reading the above I just slightly more confused that when I began, although my situation may not have been addressed here to begin with, but am not sure.

    I got a Non-Imm "O" visa about 90 days ago in Penang. The date stamped in my passport is Dec. 27, 2005, which is exactly 90 days from my re-entry into Thailand. I qualified for this "O" because I now have a son born to my Thai girlfriend.

    So on or before this date my options are what?

    - I go to an immegration office for an extension? How long is it good for? Not a year as I have read earlier, right?

    - What about my having to prove my financial standing. Will I need to when I go in this time or is that only if I am looking for a different long term extension? Could I get it if I qualified or does this not even apply to what I need to do next?

    - Make a visa run and return with a new 90 day stamp, which will continue to require me to go to the border at this interval for as long as I carry a Non-Imm"O" (dependant) visa.

    - Last I have multiple entry visa, but is that the same as paying for multiple visas, like buying three at once and not having to return to the Penang imbassy for three years like I had done in the past with 60 day tourist visas.

    It is very inconvienent for me to make a visa run on the 27th this month due to family holiday arrangements.

    So, what should I expect from the guys down at Suan Pluh immegration when I arrive, other that the 1,900B fee.

    *Sorry to be so dense - perhaps this is not even the right place to ask about all this...


  8. If I were to pay the 1,900B extention fee, how long is the extension good for?

    I imagine it does not extend the year given by the visa, only extra time (how much?) to make a border run if the date pending is inconvienent, such as the holidays.

    How long is the extension good for? After the extension expires how long until the next border visit is required?

    I will still need to exit Thailand every 90 days until the year has expired, at which time I must renew my non-imm "O" again and then continue to make visa runs every 90 days to keep this type visa current...

    Is that right???

    Might be little confused here, anyone know how it actually works so I don't screw this up?


  9. I won't see the day corruption is ended here in Thailand - The sun will have burned out by then!

    It's ingrained in their culture as standard business practice, with little thought given as to it being right or wrong.

    Those that are not corrupt just aren't in a position to be.

  10. Hi Everyone,

    I'm down in Koh Samui at the moment and heading back to Bangkok in a week.

    I'm after some suggestions about where to stay.  I'm looking for an area with everything happening, markets, bars, etc.

    Can anyone suggest which area would be best for me and if possible any hotels?...  I've budgetted around 4000 baht to spend a night?.... 

    Silom sounds like it has a lot going on.

    Thanks in advance,


    I have a 65sq/m, 1 bdr, 1 bath condo on the 25th floor in the very heart of BKK. It is located off Ratchdamri Rd. between the Hyatt Grand Erawan and the Four Seasons hotels. The view over looks the pool at the Four Seasons and the Royal Bangkok Sports Club where horse races can be watched from the room on the weekends.

    It's a modern building with a large luxurious reception lobby, swimming pool, fitness center and squash courts and open parking if you have a car. It is located near the junction where the two Skytrain lines meet giving easy access to either the Ratchadamri or Chid Lom stations in less than 5 min walking. Silom is one train stop away, as is Siam Center and the fantastic just opened Siam Paragon Mall. Both MBK and Nana station on Sukhumvit are only 2 and 3 stops away. Also within walking distance is the Gaysorn Plaza, Central World Plaza with its famous beer gardens, Lumphini Park, Muay Thai Boxing Stadium and Night Bizarre.

    Also nearby are dozens of Bangkoks best restaurants of all nationalities. The world famous Brown Sugar Jazz Bar is just across from Lumphini Park along with many other upscale and trendy clubs. Discos, nightclubs, beer bars and Hard Rock Cafe are all just 10 min by taxi (traffic willing).

    We would have someone to clean-up the room each day and stock it with drinking water. The kitchen is small but has two burners, sink, microwave and fridge. There are two TV's one connected to international satallite (UBC) the other had a DVD and a large assortment of movies. There is also a computer available to connect to the internet and a fax machine.

    If you decide you would like to have a look, please contact me at [email protected] and let me know of your tentative schedule and time you would be staying here in BKK. My wife and I just had our first son and the extra income would be very welcomed at this point. We will head out to her home village for New Year's celebrations.

    If you are not interested in a condo space, contact me anyhow as I know of many great hotels in this area and a discount service I use really offers great deals and I'd be happy to helpout.

    Best always,


  11. We have a cat problem.

    The next door neighbour has cats.

    They breed prolifically... shit all over our lawn... never on their lawn 'cos their lawn is concrete... sit on the roof and bonnet of my car... sleep with their fleas on our door mats... lie all over any laundry that may be left outside... and generally give me and my missus the absolute shits.

    We hate them...  :o

    And I used to be a cat lover...  :D

    What can we do?

    Go to the Kanchanaburi Tiger Temple and have them give you some old towels or whatever with the tigers' urine and scent on it. I know they'll do it cause I was just there and they said could.

    My father visiting from the states says tiger urin is being sold to keep deer, coyotes and other wild animals off certain lands. It's very expensive there, but the monks in Kanchanaburi would be happy to give it for nothing.

    Then just rub the towls around the yard and maybe a few cuttings of it at entry points and you that should be the last pussy you'll ever see, around there atleast.

    However I forgot to ask if the sent would attract other wild tigers to come investigate the yard. That might be a good thing to know first.

    Perhaps even the BKK zoo could get ya some if Kanchan is trouble to get out to.

    I undrestand it makes a killer aftershave as well!

  12. Who really knows for sure?

    I think it's like anything else, you can meet creeps and liars at a coffee house or a bar, tor hey might pose as if they are rich, or have plastic surgery to look young and take 10-15 yrs off their real age when asked. It takes a while to really know someone for who they really are, and it is not real easy at a bar or shopping mall...

    Same is true over the net. The advantage being you can remain virtually anonymous over the internet, so maybe some people are willing to let their guard down and be themselves.

    Establishing ongoing emails and chat seems a fairly safe way to establish if someone is a decent person and worth meeting.

    However I have yet to do so as I am still a bit weary of meeting face to face with someone over the internet, because I'm just not certain they are who they say they are.

    A good example would be sitting here chatting with you. You seem quite nice, intelligent and interesting - but how do I know for sure that pretty girl in your avatar is actual you, or that your actually a girl at all? I guess if I set-up cameras and other equiptment it would help, but I don't have the time and only log-on about once or twice a month.

    Hard to say. I suppose I would like to sometime if it felt right to me and worth the trouble. I just have the back of my brain always telling me it's not going to be what I would be expecting - a trust issue I guess.

    Maybe you could help me out to learn how you've made your choices in the past. and what sort of proof do you need before really trusting someone from the cyberworld.

    PS. That's not me in my avatar -Thank God

  13. Let's see now...what do I remember about my wedding...hummm

    Lot's of monks eating and humming songs, then tying strings around us and pouring water on our hands. (Bring kneepads cause you'll be on hard wood or concrete floors for what seems like several hours) A huge stage with cute costumed dancers then uninteligable speeches given on stage just before dinner.

    Ok, then there was that first bottle of Lao Khao from my brides oldest brother, another from the second oldest brother and so on right down to the 5th and yuoungest of her brothers. Then I remember having to cheers and make toasts at each of the 80 tables while collecting envelopes of cash from those attending (which I never got to keep one Baht of). :D

    I then sitting down with the same monk that had just married us to share some Sang song (he said he went home to change out of his robe to that he can now properly drink and party like the rest of us. I didn't mind since his English was alright and he was the one who found me in the bushes behind the outhouse with my trowsers dropped to my knees and snoring like a baby. :D

    Some older women from the family came over and tried to get the vomit off my Miami Vice blue tuxedo shoulders and lapels. But that was alright since I didn't care for the shark-fin soup anyhow and was obviously a bad judge as to the strengts of their "Thai Tequila" better known as Lao Khao in Thailand and Essan, but known as Moonshine down in New Orleans.

    But I weaseled my way out of having to drink the fresh pig's blood I saw them draining form a quite large sqweeling pigs neck earlied in the day and was MIA to give my speech on stage in front of the whole village, as I have stage freight it could have only created missunderstandings.

    I was later told by a guest attending that her father had said in his speech that he wished she had chosen a Thai man instead of a falang, but that maybe I might have more money available to the family. And that that whole section of the village new well of her volitail temprement and probly wasen't wanted by anyone in the area because of it. I was of course the last to know, but what bothered me more than the screaming and yelling was her desire to leave this miserable world and the day after day of crying and not leaving her room except to eat and use the bathroom.

    I now know this acting out is prevelant with many women in Thailand, but I found myself calling the police to keep herself fromcutting her arms up with broken bottles...of which when police finally arrived she tried to tell them that I was the one who cut her, but the sargent took me to the side and said he sees it everyday and besides the cuts were going in the wrong direction for me to have done it. He suggested I excuse myself from the marrage before completly losing it myself.

    Weeks later I caught her already over the balcony railing 24 floors up, around the waist, arms and legs dangeling downwars. So I bolted all the windows shut and made plans to return to the states with her and get her into some thearapy with a top professional there.:D

    On a trip to Chiang Mai she tried another bunji jump without the cord out our 14th floor room. I had my father who was visiting and a half Thai/Aussie man who worked for us tokeep her away from me for the night so that I could for once sleep well. Still feel lucky I woke -up every morning with my penis still attaced and intact. But that next am in CM I found that the others took her to a mental health hospital over by the SW corner of the moat. After we got her out she said she felt better, yet I'm not sure why when she said they had shot her full of tranquilisers and tied her to a gurney where the deeply disturbed folks made a b-line for her and fondled her under her hospital gown all the while unconsiusly drooling on her from head to toe.:D

    OH SH*T, guess I carried on to far with my experiences here. I'll end by saying that things only got worse after finally getting her to LA. But as it relates to Thais marrying farangs, it might be helpful reading - I hope!

    I pray that you've done a much better job in chosing your spouse, but youcannot ever forget that out two cultures are so different in so many ways, that if those differences are not a bother much here, the culture shock of moving to the States or Europe will drasticly change the relationship to fall into a western style of doing things, general outlook on the world, materialism takes the place of the sabai sabai lifestyle you've known each other in here and attitudes and motivations change right along with it all. After 6 months I no longer knew nor even liked the woman I was head over heals for while here in BKK.:o

    Unless you are so solid beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know your mate inside and out I would not do something drastic like relocation without spending several months living there as a trial period.

    I loved my wife, but no longer knew the sweet (yet disturbed) just weeks after arriving in the USA. So if it works so well here, stay here cause your happy here together and there is always a chance the two of you will start having less in common there, more stress to deal with, they probably won't like much of the food and are leaving one of the greatest cultures in the world and a taking a chance on a new setting foreign to where you're most happy together already, to somewhere untried and tested by you together as a couple, which just by its very nature will create if not force changes in you both, some maybe good changes yet most just take you further and further away from who you both are now and how happy you are together here and now and that should be the most important thing to consider where marrage is involved and both your future life together.

    Big life events like this are just that...BIG LIFE EVENTS...and through these events people tend to change some slightly, or in my case rather drastically. Just be prepared for the fact that life over there is quite different from here true strong love should over come the new differences, just be prepared to accept each other always regardless of everything new and changing around you, and realise ahead before going that how you know each other here may not be the same there while trying to adapt to a new way of life with its different behaviors, morals and standards, don't lose sight of what's most important - the love you have for each other.

    If all else fails, move back to Thailand -I did -but she stayed there as she was no longer the girl I had married, but bcomean americant immigrant bent on finding richer guys and finding more ways to send money back to her parents without ever helping out with the bills for the house or her car which I took care of and she making great money at a fansy hair salon, and if I was ever broke near the end of the month she would go into a 3-4 hour anger and put down session about how the store I opened sucked, I was a loser, could do nothing right need gas or grocerey money sometimes and that her parents needed it more than I did. Maybe give $5 to go to McDonalds or something and thats it and complain for days.

    While here in BKK we seemed like a real team together in all ways. But after seeing how all the streets are lined with gold there, I dropped out of the equasion and started dating a wealthy art gallery and yahet owner in the marina who got a kick out of telling me over the phone about the things she did for him and said to him while they were together. But without receiving her greencard yet she had tried to stay with me giving nothing but lies and excuses until I finally got fed-up and came back to BKK alone and I've never been better.

    And BOY have I learned some important lessons along the way.

    First and foremost is the one I've stressed earlier in this long reply - IF YOU'RE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU'VE GOT HERE NOW, THINK IT OVER LONG AND HARD BEFORE CHANGING ANYTHING THAT MIGHT UPSET THE WAY YOU LOVE THINGS TO BE NOW. It may or may not improve what you have now and there's always a chance it will do more harm than good if your not careful, perhaps testing out the water first.

    I hate to be such a downer here, following such wonderful news for those getting married I must sound like a jerk. But this was my experience and hopefully it will help someone from making the same mistakes didI

  14. When a DVD copy of a feature film still in the theaters is 80-100 Baht, why would a Thai making 6,000 Baht a month or so spend 200-300 Baht on a book they have no way of knowing if its good or not?

    I have not seen any libraries around, though I just may not have noticed. That might be a good place to start. But then again why would this government want their population to expand their minds with literature.

    It would be like asking for trouble if the majority of the citizens understood the nature of this society and the oppression most live with and the cause and effect of the corruption ingraned here.

    A well read population expects more from its leaders. They expect more from their lives and hard work.

    Books are obviously not the only concern these days as the media in both radio and TV are finding out.

    Hopefully these are not signs of things to come as it will only backfire in the face of those trying to supress the freedom of information.

  15. It is sad and a little embarassing that 90% of the problems I see in person are created by drunk farangs who want attention. :o  :D

    Let me guess...90% of your time is spent in farang beerbars...chai mai? :D

    I've seen some nasty mob fights take place in normally very quiet country villages after the entire population is drunk on either lao khao or sato.

    Booze is the catalyst for violent idiots to lose control worldwide. Usually insecure young guys trying hard to prove they're men to the rest of the world.

    Unfortunatly it does happens here by farangs, damaging our reputation with the locals. Not that we're held in the highest esteem by most Thai's anyhow, but it would be nice if these young stallions on vacation could keep their cool around town for those of us trying to live here.

    Testastarone completly floods the mind in places like this if your not accustomed to it, just add a quart of Sang Som and you've got the recipe for a real he-man-hooligan type to perform his tuff-guy act on some unfortunate person.

    Perhaps a few nights in a Klong Toey jail cell could make them see the error of their ways. But for that to happen a policeman not on the take would have to make the arrest, and that ain't likely to happen around here anytime soon.

  16. The air quality may be better on the edge of town, however it would not suprise me if the ground water is dioxins, mercury and the like. Much like in LA before anyone else knew any better the newly forming housing communities were built on top of toxic waste sights resulting in horrible health problems for all living in the area. (See: Erin Brokavich -True story)

    Where the people of Singapore and their govt. would be fully aware of the results of dumping waste on site has for the workers and future land owners, I would have to say that even if company management knew of the hazards it wouldn't be enough to convince them to spend one extra Baht to properly dispose of their waste. And unlike Singapore if a govt. health official were responsible for enforcing proper waste disposal they would gladly look the other way for a few thousand Baht,

    My girlfriends aunt lives in one of the nice new community developments in Bangakapi (BKK suburb), but walking past a garment company 100 meters from the entry gates I could see rainbow colored water from who knows what draining into the nearby klong (canal).

    I would doubt any development managers must disclose what occupied the land before, they may not know ar not tell you even if they did and you asked them - playing stupid is an artform here - But if I were you I'd do a little reaserch into the area I was moving into for the kids sake. Just take a look at the festering klongs around BKK if you need an example.

    Another main difference is that if you are ever pulled over by the police in traffic they don't want to write you a ticket - about 200 Baht palmed over to them is what they are after before letting you go. I keep 200 in the ashtrey just for that purpose alone.

    Otherwise it can be a very exciting lively and enjoyable place to live.

    Welcome and good luck!

  17. I've had both Fords and Toyotas and both are quite good. I lean toward Toyota because of the better quality in important things like the overall interior package and overall build. Toyota is hands down winner for reliability and general apperance. The Ford has 150HP while the heavier Toyota has just 125 and is rather gutless on long steep inclines and is bigger and more difficult to park in the city. I have 90k on my 2000 Sport Rider and it is running strong, my mother has a newer model Ford Explorer and has had it in the shop several times already.

    Either is a great SUV, I don't think you'll go wrong which ever you choose.

  18. Pre-nup or not, think long and hard about what it is about her you fell in love with and chances are those qualities are unique to Thai women.

    Now ask yourself do you really want to change her by taking her to live in the states? Because I guarantee you it will. Some changes may be positive and others not, but rest assured a move to the states will change her in many ways which you'll have absolutly no control over.

    That was my experience and I'm not alone. In my case things went from having a happy married life in Bangkok to a first-hand introduction to living hel_l in LA.

    She found what she was looking for there and I found it here.

    Don't mean to sound negative but I may still be with her today had we decided to stay here in BKK. Or maybe not.

    But before you uproot your new wife to live in the states, believe me when I say they will westernize faster than you can imagine and in my case it just didn't work out.

    I'm having more fun now anyways!!! :D

    Best of Luck!


  19. <snip> original long post deleted. RDN

    I think I will spend my holiday elsewhere.

    I cannot support any country where this type of archaic, ignorant,

    destructive behaviour is condoned.

    The fact that there are no animals left in the jungles is bad enough.

    I am ashamed of Thailand and surprised by even the fact that

    someone thought it was a good idea.

    Horrible press will follow, protests will come, this is just bad.

    Lets hope you go back to Canada soon then. Whilst you are there, please visit an abatoir or a slaughter house. Then report back on the conditions you see there whilst eating a hot dog. Or in fact, go to a hot dog factory and see what &lt;deleted&gt; you are eating. We look forwards to hearing from you again once you are in the land of milk and honey, (and slaughterhouses)

    <snip> Flame removed. RDN

    Perhaps you slightly misunderstood the premise of the article or the intentions of the CM Safari buffet as well as the argument and opinion that followed.

    There's absoutly nothing wrong with eating meat native to a region and its' culture, no matter how unappealing it may seem to others.

    The real issue here is that the Chiang Mai Safari is actively persuing animals to put on their menu in the name of profit. They may or may not be presently an endangered species, but are certainly rare and extraordinary creatures which should not be exploited as part of an idiotic marketing gimmick.

    For an establishment such as a zoo or safari to not only condone but activlely promote the import of these animals for a buffet meal is pure madness. It's these same type orginizations that fight for the protection of these animals worldwide so thing like this don't happen. Promoting wild beast banquets only further advances the instability of all rare and indangered animals. This promotion to the people lining up for tiger steaks would doubtfully have second thoughts about the slaughter of animals on the brink of extinction for their dining pleasure. The Safari presents the opportunity for an exciting and glamorous evening thus furthering the belief that eating these type of rare and exotic species is acceptable by those thought to be knowledgable about such things.

    Many of these animals are not traditionally eaten either here nor in Africa, if they were the buffet would have gone unnoticed. If not rare and special then how would the safari ever hope to attract visitors to come to see them.

    Having approved the idea already, just how much faith can be given that the animals roaming in the safari are well treated and looked after. If they have no qualms putting them on their menu, how can they be trusted to adequatly manage their health and welfare. It is just one of those things that cannot be taken back once having expressed their callous and ignorant attitudes.

    Knowing they are willing to profit from dining on these creatures, would it really suprise anyone to find that they are just as negligent toward the smuggling of endangered species in blackmarket for any reason that might give them financial gain? I for one seriously doubt it and will never show my face there to support such pathetic and ignorant means.

    Read back through this blog you will see that it's illegal in Kenya to eat even the giraffes, although somehow it has been arranged so that wealthy Thais will get their chance to soon. Sounds like more of the same old corrupt practices driven by greed and lack of concern for everyone and everything else. Truely a disturbing undertaking to say the least.

  20. I read an article saying that the A380 may have things such as small restaurants, internet shops and the frightening thought on an on board casino.

    Just what I need - lose all my ###### money before even arriving at my destination. At least with a plane this size I should manage to catch the next flight home at least...although the wife may not be thrilled me at that point.

    And certainly I could win back all my money on the way back home...right?

  21. They can't seriously expect mini-marts to stop selling alchol - that's thair main source of revenue along with ciggies for christ sake!

    Isn't 7-11 a mini-mart? How about rural communities where mini's are the main source for all items not grown on the farm?

    Well Mr. T's gonna have things his way, inch by inch, until its an absolute bore to be here anymore. Did he ever read about prohabition in the USA and how well that worked?

    Why doesn't he do something that would really help here like stop the police from extorting bribes from drivers by standing on the corner and waiving everyone over guilty or not to collect 100-200 Baht each. That is so ###### obvious, but I guess it's acceptable although oppresive and barbaric.

    Regulate the emissions coming from the black cloud busses. That would impact the air pollution immediatly and only needs a catalytic converter installed to prevent the filth from pouring out - especially the green mini bussses.

    I could go on and on...

    I doubt the thing holding back most Thais is not having beer available after 12:00 as much as it is the powerful taking advantage over those who have nothing.

    Are the brewary owners supporters of Mr. T's oppisition parties or something? They have increadible wealth and power. What are they doing about all this while watching their business being cut out from under them with arbitrary laws being made every 3 months affecting their sales.

    Well Mr. T is no worse than Bush and at least he has not given the Thais an unnecessary war based on lies and driven by greed and Haliburton pipelines and the likes while we sit by and watch the Iranians build an Allah bomb - actual WMDs going up there and just fanatic enough to use them.

    Sorry - off subject and my last beer's finished -Gnight

  22. It just don't seem to add up...

    How is registering a cell phones going to stop a blood thirsty terrorist from killing if that's what they decide God wants them to do???

    Couldn't be too hard to steal a phone from someone and use it if that's what they need to set off a bomb. Then the fellow they pinched it from will have the police shoot him down as he gets home from work and the real murders get away.

    I think it has much more to do with controling the whole population of Thailand and using the violence in the South as an excuse to do so.

    Is it possible it could have anything to do with the AIS-Taksin relationship? Is there any benifit to the service providers. Or just the govt. being able to tap into any phone and now know who they are listening to, where they are located and who's doinkin' who's ol'lady.

    Could they listen in on a political opponents conversations? Know where a person is, who they talk to and about what?

    I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but it wouldn't be unlike the police or politicians here to use this info to their own advantage somehow - most likely not for good of others as they claim...


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