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Posts posted by socalbro

  1. It's a ###### shame that there are'nt any authority figures in Thailand that can be looked up to by the young people here.

    What sort of role-models do the kids here have? Pop-stars and the Wealthy?

    How can they learn right from wrong when what they are told versus what they see are completely different from each other.

    How must it feel knowing there is nothing you can really ever do to change things and must finally just give-up and accept it and/or become that way too?

    There are many examples of outstanding persons all around Thailand; I know many and there are no better people in the world.

    Yet nothing stands out as much as the criminal behavior so prevelant amongst those who are inpowered to protect and govern their citizens, that it's regarded as normal and therefore will remain.

    If you can't trust the people you're supposed to trust, then who can you trust???

    I am honestly saddened by it all.

  2. Ok - perhaps that is the Thai definition of "FREE SEX", but in the context of the article it seems to mean sex in middle of public.

    It's not exactly fair to complain about the confusing grammer used by someone if it is not their native language.

    Unless of course it winds you up in jail.

    But shoudn't that common sense, wouldn't ya think...

    Oh well...can't say you weren't warned!

  3. :D

    When was SEX ever FREE?? I have had to pay in one way or another for years..

    Why don't these newspapers and govenment agencies pay a REAL American or even a British subject how to write a story or at least proof read them...???

    We all know they mean a display of "public nudity" and "public intercourse" ...

    This sort of thing should be done in those rented rooms or behind closed door as I agree with any government against this sort of behavior. Okay.. yes some of us got it going on at Devonshire Downs in the San Fernando Valley in SoCal, at theworld infamous New York's "Woodstock" and Great Britians "The Isle of Wight" in 1969 .. I know as I was at all three concerts... Lots of public nudity and sex, drugs and rock n roll as well  But today we are all visitors to a country that is changing and is starting to grow up a wee bit better.. Yes things here are very slow.. but look again at how many kidnappings as Mexico City and all the grime and crime of Costa Rico.. I agree NOT to bang a hooker or your wife on the beach in public.. very tasteless.. :o

    Ain't you forgetting the US festival out in San Berdo' round bout 1979, and before that let's not forget good ol' Cal Jam I & II at the Ontario Speedway, before they tore that baby down... first time I ever smelled that wacky weed and I was just around 6-7yrs old. Course I had all my clothes on then, but not everyone else did I recall. :D

  4. FREE??? Nothing - that means NOTHING, IS FOR FREE - right? I'm 100% convinced everything does indeed have a "COST" regardless of price paid or not, or any actual or implied value.

    What's that to do with FREE sex? It means the "FREE" that Thai leaders (oxymoron???) are refering to means "FREE" for all to see (as in no cover charge)

    "Why don't we do it in the road? Some Thai folks will be watching us... but why don't we just do it in the road?"

    "FREE" here is not meant in terms of spending money, nor of bar-girl's working off two for one promotional deals as it may otherwise imply; but rather of very wasted farang dudes "FREE" ballin' it on the beaches because they are far too messssssed-up on X to care about getting a room or who might be lucky enough to see their cavemen on holiday conquest.

    And I'll bet my left nut this is going down mostly with Khao San razor stubble babes, just wasted enough for the "let's be as one with nature" bit...not with Thai girls as you might be thinking; regardless of what their actual "COST" might be.

    Besides, ain't that a God given right to do as we please when visiting places that ain't quite as civilized as like where we come from?

    Welcome to Thailand...


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