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Posts posted by GirlDrinkDrunk

  1. would seem to me that you are as responsible to keep your child safe on your property as she is to keep her dogs on hers.

    your reaction is pure stupidity, and either you are thick as a post to share it on here or you are looking for a reaction.

    sorry about your son, but I think you deserve the shit storm that you are about to bring upon yourself.

    As for not being able to accompany your child to the hospital over some air cond techs, well ill just ignore that altogether, but it is good to have priorities.

    • Like 1
  2. So the owners of pubs are all bad as well... don't forget alcohol if classed right is a hard drug. Only difference is its legal. I know of plenty of people who took xtc or weed and led a perfectly normal life had a job and so on. Its only a small portion that goes down and becomes a real addict. Kinda like alcohol not everyone becomes an alcoholic.

    Drag-user detected.

    Nice try to indulge your habit, but we both know you lie to yourself. I've seen many times somebody started to take drugs, saying: I control it, it's just for a recreation.

    But the truth is if somebody starts to take hard drugs (xtc, yabba etc) there are just two ways:

    1) addicton and death

    2) sobering. and every day of taking drugs it becomes harder and harder to stop, but a drug user just keep telling himself (herself): "I control it, I can stop now but I just don't want"

    If you take drugs less often you walk in the same direction, but slower.

    ignoramus detected. quit pretending you have an inside track on something you know nothing about.

    and ecstacy and yaba should not be discussed in the same breath

  3. I'm not keen on using the AC in the apartment - something ancient race memory of freezing weather in the UK makes me equate ac with a cold draft - so I didn't bother with clothes or ac around the apartment .... but after having startled the 'maa baan' a few times when she arrived to do the ironing I now wear shorts.

    your dog can iron?

    • Like 2
  4. I've lived here 15 years and never had a night out there in spite of living a 40 baht cab ride away. Never will go either but to each his own. hey enjoy yourself there

    yes the difference is you would look creepy, he should fit in fine.

    • Like 1
  5. In favour of the employee how? Ok this was in Bangkok. I went to the Labour Department with the contract I signed with the Agency and they told me to handle it on my own. If this was the US, people like her wouldn't dare do this because I can sue her for a lot more than what she owes me.

    Thailand is known for having a lot of corruption. I wonder if the Labour Department is paid by these crooks to not do anything.

    so, do you have a work permit?

    if no that would explain why labour wont touch you

  6. what does Thailand's free speech policy have to do with a privately owned forum hosted outside the countries borders?

    i suspectif you had woken up in North Korea, you might have had significantly more difficulty connecting to the inner tube.

    by the way, congratulations on adding another locked topic to the total

  7. Not advisable if you have little kids whose fingers may get caught during closing of these doors.

    I installed 6-panel aluminium sliding doors on 3 tracks that opens up 2/3. Insect screens are on the outside 4-panel on standard 2 tracks.

    good lord, better yet, avoid having stupid children.

    7 years at my house and nary a child has lost a finger.

    if you want to be able to completely open your room to the outdoors rather half open it, the answer is simple folding doors.

    while those in the OP's example are beautiful, they consume alot of outdoor space when open. more panels -- less space. accordion style.

    DO NOT skimp on the hardware. either the mounting or the doors themselves.

    buy the very best you can afford or you will regret it.



    and keep the track clean. 1 finger operation when properly maintained.

  8. Yes, it looks like he was picking up hotel guests... possibly as a side-earner to go with his timeshare selling. Right or wrong, this is illegal. Yes, it looks like he then returned with camera in hand to photograph some particular pieces of human excrement (presumably so as to make a formal complaint as to their earlier behaviour), and did so armed and expecting a confrontation. Upon producing the camera, he got one (before any weapons were produced). So yes, he's a fool too.

    My synopsis - the Aussie should have been arrested, and he was. The taxi drivers should also have been arrested for assault (and their own taxi-legality should be under scrutiny) - it doesn't look like this happened. And the hotel should certainly discourage tourists from using these particular taxis, as they clearly lack the respect for the hotel and its guests to not cause violent scenes on their street frontage.

    The point remains that quite a lot of Thai undesirable idiots doing the same thing as the Aussie don't get arrested, as is highlighted in the other thread. I've had this argument many times with Thai police, who generally tell me they're here to "protect Thai people" and that's why if there's a dispute they will often side with the Thai, regardless of who is in the right. I tell them they're wrong - they're here to enforce the Thai Law, and anything other than that is actually harming the Thai people. Very few of them agree.

    Did the police bother to interview the clients? That might be an avenue worth exploring as to whether this was a taxi pickup or not.

    Finally, this is more bad publicity for a tourist destination that is spiralling out of control. Phuket really has become a nasty place to go (well, in Thailand terms at least) and, as you can see, more people are mentioning Pattaya and Phuket in the same sentence as time goes by.

    more people are mentioning Pattaya and Phuket in the same sentence as time goes by." - yes, and I've been hearing that sentence quite a bit in recent times, that is, "I'm leaving Phuket and moving to Pattaya." smile.png

    are those are the same people who continue to lurk on the Phuket forum defending their choice despite the fact no one really cares where they live?

    • Like 2
  9. Nobody is ever forced to build a house where it floods every year.

    It is personal choice, and the government should not be involved.

    If they had built a traditional house on stilts, no problem.

    No problem if you don't mind swimming to 7 11, waterborne disease, car and motorcycle damage, general property damage, inacessibiliry to health care, food and supply shortage etc.

    Congratulations on a poorly thought out callously disaffected post.

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