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Posts posted by Matej

  1. 23 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Immigration in Bangkok would be the best choice. You would just need to put a Bangkok address on the application form. No TM30 form will be needed.


    That means I don't need any confirmation from house owner that I live there. No paper, no his signature somewhere, no copy of his ID card?


    I just write addreas there and no one will ask anything about it?

  2. Hi


    on weekends I stay in bkk, on weekdays I'm in Sriracha. Soon I have to extend my tourist visa.

    My question is, where is a better place to do it.


    The problem is that last year I got fined for not reporting my address, TM30, in Sriracha and I want to avoid this situation now.

    It's quite expensive extension for my taste ...

    See here


    I stay with my gf in bkk and friend in Sriracha, so as you would expect no-one reported me to immigration that I stay with them.


    Is it possible for me to go to immigration only once, won't get finned and get visa extension without anyone doing TM30 on me?


    Or should Thais I stay with report me? Is there some online formular for that, or fast simple way ...


    Thank you for any advice.


  3. Time to close the borders, actually it should be done 2 years ago, but better late then never.

    Living in the EU is not a human right.

    Elites should finally face the reality. Vast majority of citizens don't agree with current immigration policy, otherwise there will be raise of extremist political parties ...

    Welcome culture will ruin the whole continent

    Pseudo humanist should finally face the reality ... Maybe leave fancy office in Frankfurt, Paris ... and look around a bit.

    World is not an oyster.

  4. A spokesman for the prosecutor's office in Ansbach said the attacker's motive wasn't clear.

    "We don't know if this man planned on suicide or if he had the intention of killing others," Bavarian interior minister Joachim Herrmann said.

    Music festival full of people, bomb in his bag ... What he planned to do?

    Complete mystery ...

    Soon there will be news that he has psychological problems and it has nothing to do with Islam.

    German psychologists have been missing the train recently ... Obviously.


    I wish fast recovery to injured people.

  5. Hello

    I'm looking for a decent place to train ideally in Dao Khanong, Thonburi or somewhere around.

    I do strength training/power lifting.

    So classic old style gym, no modern commercial gym with useless machines, bosu balls and lost of stuff no-one actually needs.

    It should have at least this:

    real barbell with bushing/bearing, plates at least 200 kg, power rack, bench, pull-up bar, few heavy dumbbells and air conditioning.

    Thanks for any suggestions.


  6. If you have them from lifting weights the best way to reduce them is to learn how to grab the bar correctly. It will help a lot.

    Quick solution would be to file them a bit or cut them with razor.

    How exactly is grabbing the bar correctly going to prevent calluses? Maybe if you are lifting 2 pound yoga weights. But I have never met anyone in my life who lifts heavy and doesn't have calluses. Guess we are all doing something wrong..... As if grabbing a weight bar is rocket science......

    I was talking about big calluses, which has tendency to tear, not about a bit rough skin ...If your calluses hurt when lifting heavy, you’re gripping the bar wrong. Do pulling exercises with the bar low hand, not mid-palm. Use chalk to fill your skin folds. This should stops the bar from tearing your calluses to bloody holes in your palms.

    You are right. Grabbing the bar is not rocket science, but you can still do it wrong and many people do.

    I use hook grip for deadlifts as well for barbell rows and I have no problems with bloody calluses at all.

    Good luck

  7. seeing as you signed up on a site with 0 girls with basic diplomas from regional universities, i don't see how it constitutes anything else but desperation. TF is for finding a quick bang with a hooker or for finding bottom of the barrel girls to marry/enslave.

    These sites have horrible reputations for normal thai people, those that are Americanized also do not hang on there to find farang companionship.

    Nothing wrong with that, plenty of people who fit better with those kind of girls. Sooner you see that you're part of that category and stop getting delusional about it, the sooner happiness will come.

    You are the only delusional one. I am guessing girls on that site simply rejected you which is strange cause you seem like such a nice guy.....lol

    I have dated several girls from that site in the past. A nurse, one studying for her Masters, one who just returned to BKK from Scotland with a Masters, and a few who have all spent time abroad. I also know some girls with degrees from Chula and Thammasat who use the site.

    Obviously there are also many girls on the site who don't fit any of the above I just mentioned. However, I feel pretty confident in claiming the problem is clearly you and your obscenely arrogant attitude rather than the girls on the site.

    You should man the <deleted> up and stop talking down to others. You simply expose what an insecure little boy you truly are. A real man would feel no need to speak in such a way to another.....

    You know there's threatments for mythomania.

    Id never join one of those sites. Everyone has his preference, i wouldnt want to get involved with a girl that has had more cocks than dentist appointments.

    Why did you delete first part of your comment?

    You were talking so respectful about your thai chinese girlfriend.

    She must be lucky to have you ...

    Maybe you should show her your comment on her.

    Anyway, I hope she will wake up and break up with you.

    • Like 1
  8. This is just my opinion, but I think no man, living in LOS full time, who wants to find a girlfriend needs online dating sites.

    On the other hand, dating site was my enter point to LOS.

    We were together two and a half year, so it's possible to meet decent and normal people there.

    ThaiFriendly is more escort and bazar than dating site nowdays.

    Good luck, hope your friend will find a decent woman.

  9. Don't call them kathoyes they consider it a slur.

    As other member has already mentioned ladyboys can't legally change the gender on their ID cards, but they can change their male names to female ones and many do so.

    That's pretty much all they can do now. Thailand has no special laws for ladyboys.

    How and when it will change is hard to say.

    Maybe there will be third gender added or something like that.

    Also Thai transgender people are not only ladyboys ...

    So if kathoey is not the PC term, what is their preferred nomenclature? I doubt ladyboy would cut it, not a Thai word.

    Ladyboy(s) is a good way to call them in English conversation.

    I've even heard this word used by young Thai people, speaking Thai.

    It's very popular and widely used in Thailand, Philippines ...

    Term is not pejeroative in any way, no matter what western MtF tell you, it's different culture here.

    As a group they refer to themselves always as phuying, women.

    Few times, in situations where were necessary to distinguish, I've heard terms sao praphet song(female, second type) and maybe one or two times phet thi sam(~ third gender)

    I've never met a ladyboy who refer to herself as kathoey, but maybe some do that.

    When I visited my gf family.

    Her grandma asked where we met, she answered website for kathoey.

    I've heard word kathoey used by ThaiTGA activists, but pronounced differently, without y(j) at the end, but rather with long e(i) same like in the word knEE, sounded like kathee(ii)

    But I don't know what's the difference between them.

    That doesn't change the fact that term kathoey is rude and disrespectful.

    When Thai people ask me if I have gf I always answer krap, sao praphet song. Never had problem with that.

    The Best way to call them is by their names/nicknames.

    Their transgenderims, sexual organs and/or sexuality don't define them.

    They are human beings with feelings and passions. They have parents somewhere worrying about them ...

    Every ladyboy is unique and different. They deserve love and respect, like everyone else.

  10. Don't call them kathoyes they consider it a slur.

    As other member has already mentioned ladyboys can't legally change the gender on their ID cards, but they can change their male names to female ones and many do so.

    That's pretty much all they can do now. Thailand has no special laws for ladyboys.

    How and when it will change is hard to say.

    Maybe there will be third gender added or something like that.

    Also Thai transgender people are not only ladyboys ...

    Don't call them kathoyes they consider it a slur. well don't call me FALLANG then

    Tit for tat, really?

    Come on, let's be adults

    Words farang and kathoey have different connotations. Farang is not pejorative or disrespectful term, kathoey might have this meaning in many situations. That's why it's better to avoid it.

    If your Thai friends or gf family still call you farang it's probably your fault. Gain some respect, tell them you don't like it and be a man ...

  11. Don't call them kathoyes they consider it a slur.

    As other member has already mentioned ladyboys can't legally change the gender on their ID cards, but they can change their male names to female ones and many do so.

    That's pretty much all they can do now. Thailand has no special laws for ladyboys.

    How and when it will change is hard to say.

    Maybe there will be third gender added or something like that.

    Also Thai transgender people are not only ladyboys ...

  12. Believe it or not, delaying sex while you get to know the woman is useful..very useful.

    Absolutely one hundred percent agree with you

    What has happened is real tragedy. We can't change that now

    Common sense, is what we all do need here - head first.

    Everyone makes mistakes, important is to learn from them and keep moving forward.

    It's not easy. I'll probably screw it up somehow.

  13. My little experience in Thailand:

    Thais usually get homesick in very short time and no salary can change that. So think about that twice, especially if she has never been abroad.

    If you talk and behave like this in front of your Gf's mother then I'm not surprised she doesn't want her to go.

    Actually, it's nice to see that some mothers caring their daughters. I wish more mamas do that in Thailand.

    ... and don't fight for your Gf with her family, you will not win.

  14. There's a 10,000€ declaration limit on leaving/entering an EU country. This I know for sure.

    If I'm not mistaken in Thailand you must declare all cash worth 20.000USD/500.000THB or more.

    In the EU for failing to report it. they will confiscated it. I don't know in Thailand.

    When you get here, don't tell anyone about it and don't answer any private messages from thaivisa.com members with offers that they will help you out.

    Bringing large amount of cash will always raise suspicion, so think about that twice.

    Also notice, that in Thailand you will get different answer in every institution, I would go with customs

    Good luck

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