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Posts posted by Matej

  1. I've seen some working at foreign police, post office, at airports ..., but on the street as policeman never.

    The 2007 constitution prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and in a new junta constitution draft, which was rejected in September 2015, it should also be added gender.

    In September 2015 was also introduced new law for protecting LGBT people. Huge step forward, in my opinion.

    Notice that Thailand has no special laws for ladyboys.

    They are more or less accepted by society, but it's not heaven for them here, and probably never will be. Nothing is 100%. For example my ladyboy girlfriend has paper from army that she is "insane" - rejected. Her younger friends have paper claiming gender dysphoria. Even army is slowly changing.

    Some might say it's superficial acceptance, but I don't agree with that.

    Good luck

  2. There's still seems to be a big controversy about soy and estrogen in scientific community.

    You will not find the final answer here. I think that for an adult a few bites of soy a week shouldn't cause any problems.

    You can also find high quality protein in raw/whole dairy products, eggs, beef, poultry, sea food, bean, lentils, nuts and many others

    Don't forget that healthy diet, lifestyle, is not only proteins. You also need healthy fats, carbohydrates and micronutrients(vitamins and minerals), exercise and so on ...

    rock solid health for you. Good luck

  3. There must be a story behind which is not told by the OP.

    Money laundering suspicion sounds likely.

    Maybe there is a (farang) informer/"squealer"/competitor with a strained relation to the OP?

    Large (seven digit) cash deposits? Could trigger an automatic report mechanism by AMLO.

    And when you are on watchlist then police (which immigration is part of) will quickly know about your assets.

    Just today walked past a Bangkok Bank micro branch in the shopping centre and seein a poster ot the anti money laundering office (AMLO) in Thai language.


    (English site is quite useless/buggy wink.png )

    So, why do you have so much money in Thai bank accounts ?

    If you'd ask me: because I live here and not nervously want to watch the collapse of the Euro.

    Proofed a good decision over the last years.

    Never been asked anything.

    With the laughable some millions I am surely not a richman in smalltown.

    The local electronics/homeware dealer changes between Porsche 9xx and Ferrari.

    And behind the back there is rumor that there must be another source of wealth whistling.gif

    Nice story bro ...

    BTW, collapse of the Euro. I'm afraid you are going to wait long time for that and also I don't think THB is the best choice out there for safe and long term investment. Stop watching Russia Today and you will be all right.

    Good luck

  4. Hello

    I'd like to buy a car. It would make my life much easier here.

    I stay here on tourist visa. I'm heavy visa runner. I don't have single overstay day, if it matters ...

    The question is whether it's allowed. I want to be a legal owner, of course.

    If it's not possible to own a car on tourist visa, what I have to do to make it happen?

    Find work, visa B?


  5. If you want to date Thai woman, girl in this case you should be at least a little bit mature, a man.

    Turn off freaking skype, facebook and live in the real world. Do something, act ...

    If you don't have money for flight ticket or have fear to go to Thailand to meet her ...

    I don't know how old you are, but I guess you are in your early twenties. You have to man up first, encourage independence and confidence

    Otherwise stick to Portugal chicks

    BTW, she is neither your girlfriend nor your friend.

    Unless you meet someone in person and spend at least few months together it means nothing.

    Good luck

    • Like 2
  6. Thai kids, not only, especially from poor Isaan families, have almost no idea what money is, where it comes from, how wealth is created and so on ...

    They are just dreaming about something they've never had and probably never will - intergenerational transmission of poverty is extremely high in Thailand.

    Everything and everyone starts in school. Look at Thai public education system. To make a long story short, total disaster.

    Result is ... just look around, you will see.

    But don't worry, the guy with patek philippe watch/es is going to save this country.


  7. There is a very old scam that happens in the duty-free shops. You go in for a look and the nice girl in the store gives you a gift. You think life is good.

    When you leave the po-po stitches you up for stealing. They take you to a room somewhere and a third party comes in a negotiates the pay off.


    I'm not surprised at all ... anything is possible here.

    BTW, thanks for the warning.

  8. "Est Cola" ... is that the cola with detergent taste?

    They are leveraging their distribution channel to force everyone to sell this sh*t.

    Good news is that it taste so bad that I started drinking more water instead.

    If you don't eat sugar and never coke or similar and than drink a pepsi or coca cola it taste like thinner with sugar.

    I don't even want to know how Est Cola taste....


    There's nothing better than water ...

  9. Money and profit cause next to nothing law enforcement in this country, laws like this one are just a formality nothing more.

    As jadee said, prostitution is illegal in Thailand for 55 years, but it's still national sport number one ...

    Everywhere money talks, but in Thailand money shouts.

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