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Posts posted by Matej

  1. Yet nobody has mentioned the old cliche. 'You can take the bargirl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl.'

    In many cases it might be true.

    Basically it's too late.

    The worst thing about bar scene here is wasted potential, youth, health ... of those young girls/women. It's failure of parents, educational system, society, government ... Choose whatever you want.

    Arguing that in bars are also good girls doesn't make any sense. Of course there are, but many bad as well. No one is denying that.

    Hypothetically, I would prefer an honest bar girl over someone who has real job and whenever I turn around steal from my wallet and/or is a compulsive liar.

    Luckily, there are much more options.

    Prostitution is everywhere and always will be, but many of those young ladies sitting in bars don't have to be there, but to change that someone would have to stop smiling all the time, address problems and act ...

  2. Try sitting outside the big office building, Bank buildings, etc. There are 100's of girls there. If you see something nice, check out her hand for a wedding ring. If none, note the time that she left for lunch; and just a polite smile. Next day, go at the same time. When you see her, go say hello.

    Hope you speak a few words of Thai; and asking to buy her a coffee/tea etc. Just see what happens. Be polite, and show respect.

    Otherwise known as stalking in the west.

    How many of us have already try that ... biggrin.pngbiggrin.pngbiggrin.png

  3. Just remember few things.

    1. Be lawful meaning respect the law , you don't want to land in monkey house
    2. Avoid fight with everyone specially Thai people. If you fight with foreigners you both will be looser anyway and if you fight with Thai people you will be the looser. As long as you respect Thai people you will never have problem with anyone but if you feel you are from Western countries and try bull them you will soon understand you come to the wrong country.
    3. Do not hurry to start a business or buy a condo or other properties before you understand everything here and decide where you really want to live. It is not so easy to sell a business or property.
    4. Warning, Warning, Warning, Do not fall in love for at least the first couple of years..You must learn the culture, know the Thai girl and their responsibilities towards their family and probably a child from other person etc. You may get a shock if fall in love quickly and then can not take the responsibilities which actually should not be yours.
    5. Take care of your health and make sure you have a good health insurance. Trust me Thailand is not that cheap if you fall sick and have to be treated in the hospital.

    Rest have fun

    Do not fall in love for at least couple of years ...

    That's impossible for a human being my friend, especially at my age.

    Who don't want to have a wife or at least a decent girlfriend?

  4. Your first mistake is asking advice on this forum, to many burnt farang.... Thai visa, seems to be full of blame Thailand for their own mistakes... \

    Keep away from bars, even tho, bar girls call you handsome man................... clap2.gifclap2.gif

    Dont rush, take your time and learn about Thailand.. Don't throw your money around, splash it about... coffee1.gif

    I didn't ask any advice ...

    What to do in particular situation, that would be asking advice.

    I asked for books and movies recommendation covering the topic, see topic title ...

    Thank you for your input anyway

  5. "Imperialism, really?

    I lost money, because I was trying to help ..."

    yes, that is imperialism. You come with a superior sense of privilege and think that others need your help. Would you just go give money to girls that you know back home? Who do you try to help financially in your own country?

    This is the mindset you seem to be in "I'm in a 3rd world country and I need to help these people have a better life especially since I love her and her family."

    I like many people and find them to be honest and hard working, I still don't give people money. Neither do I ever ask for it.

    Do whatever you want, make friendships with whoever you want but don't equate all Thai women to village girls or bar girls looking for a ladder to elevate themselves. These gospels on Thai women and dating are pure tripe built on stereotypes and personal agendas written by jaded and cynical people.

    If you want to find someone that you can relate to and contributes equally to the relationship, then stop doing whatever you are doing.

    In 15+ years here. I have never met a single woman here that wanted anything financial from me. I just don't hang out with gold diggers or social climbers.

    Join a club, sports team, start a hobby, take a class and you will find like minded people. Lots of my friends join biking clubs and a few have met their partners there.

    Thanks for your comprehensive analysis.

    I'll try to cut my neoimperialism attitude off.

    And now serious ...

    Did I ask how to find a decent girl? No! So save your advice for someone else. Your comment is off-topic.

    Stereotypes? Read your comment again if you want to see some.

  6. "I lost some money to a cancer scam and also time trying to change a liar to honest girl. Yes, I was so naive back then, hope it's better now ..."

    Their mum and their Buffalo are not sick or suffering from cancer,

    But feel free to help them out with their medical bills, just not more than 1,000bht a night.

    (1,500bht if they're really pretty)

    Honest girl?

    Is there such a thing? I've been looking for one for 44 years and not found her yet.

    Maybe it's me, or I'm looking in the wrong places.

    I hope we are not at the same track my friend ...

    Sure, I'm few decades behind you, but the final station can be the same, bitterness city ...

    Eventually we will meet someone decent

  7. "Private Dancer is the bible as far as relationships are concerned."

    Sorry but books on dating prostitutes shouldn't be a bible for dating. How Jaded are all of you.

    You lost money because you came here with an imperialist attitude and a savior complex. If you treat local women the same as you would back home, then you wouldn't have lost any money. Date women with your social and educational background and stop trying to go "pretty woman" turning prostitutes into socialites.

    If you really want to watch movies that represent the culture: Fan Shan(modern love story/friendship), Suriyothai (historical) Sukothai is pretty good also, Nang Nak(ghost movie) I don't do the comedies or the horror/comedies but you will understand their sense of humor more.

    Reading books written by foreigners explaining dating, culture, etc. will only give you a jaded experience. Watch what the locals watch, listen to the music they listen to.

    I didn't say it's the bible ...

    Imperialism, really?

    I lost money, because I was trying to help ...

    I know her more than a year, we were even in KL together, I met her family, people in her work ...

    They can play hard. I know that now

    Thank you for your tips, I will watch those movies.

  8. Hello

    Can you suggest some books/movies, about Thailand every expat or 'tourist' should read/watch?
    Especially about culture differences, language, dating and sex, business in Thailand.
    I'm 25 years old, 'long-term' tourist, usually spending 6 months here, 6 back in the EU ...

    I just finished Private Dancer by Stephen Leather. I know it's only a novel and
    I'm not saying it represents Thai dating scene or girls, but I wish I read it when I first got here -
    I lost some money to a cancer scam and also time trying to change a liar to honest girl. Yes, I was so naive back then, hope it's better now ...

    Thank you and have a nice day.

  9. Many Thai women would get jealous - not by you staying with an exGF, they get pissed at the amount of money she thinks you might be spending on another women - other than her.

    Even if it's nothing... They will just assume you are..

    Anyway if she has an issue with it or not.. Some Thai women believe having sex with a Thai guy or making a few extra bucks with a customer is OK, while their farang bf(s) or sponser(s) are off staying with their exGF or family member back in the States..

    When you call her and she doesn't answer - think the worse.. If she answers the phone - doesn't matter! Think the worst..

    You're not being a dick to your Thai gf... She could careless about you.. It's all about the money.

    And you should stop dating hookers.

    and whores, spoiled Facebook girls, kids trapped in adults' bodies ... too

  10. Jeremy is right....and trump would agree.

    We need more straight talkers....too much liberal BS fuzzies up the brain.

    I think hitler and pol pot would agree too ...

    There were not too many ladyboys back then.

    Its a modern day scourge.

    Ladyboys in Thailand, SE Asia in general, are not a new phenomena and it will not go away anytime soon.

    Also Red Khmer madness was not a few centuries ago, so let's remind ourselves that

  11. From my own experience, yogurt made from UHT milk is runnier than yogurt made from raw milk.

    On the other hand consuming raw milk in Thailand can be a bit tricky, considering weather and heat.

    So I use whole UHT cow milk. I heat it up so it's warm, then I add plain yogurt, mix it together, fill glass jars and put it in yogurt maker for 9 hours ...

    To spice it up you can use whatever you like, honey, cinnamon, poppy seed, nuts, fruit ...

    For healthy people I don't recommend eating low fat dairy products at all.

  12. With all the respect, but I have to say this.

    Big American lotteries, Power Ball and Mega Millions, are absolutely not worth playing, it's just a plain nonsense, caricature ... Taxes, no jackpot cap, odds of winning are just insane, prize fund distribution between each prize tier ...

    Compare these 2 lotteries to their European counterparts, Eurojackpot and Euromillions. I'm not saying you should play them, but sometimes more regulation can be positive.

    Good luck to happy winners.

    Playing the lottery is about dreams. I rarely play but when it gets to 1 billion who can resist buying a few tickets. From the time you buy the ticket until you find you loose, you imagined what your life would be like if you won. For me, it wouldn't be bad traveling in a private jet.

    I agree. It's all about dreaming, everyone's the winner before the draw.

    My previous post was about those two specific lotteries and their rules not about lotteries in general.

    For example, in my opinion lottery with no jackpot cap is nonsense. What's the point, for players, of having 1.3 billion in first tier while only 1 million in second?

    Good luck in your next games.

  13. With all the respect, but I have to say this.

    Big American lotteries, Power Ball and Mega Millions, are absolutely not worth playing, it's just a plain nonsense, caricature ...


    You can explain that to the three people who each just won more than 500 million USD. Sure it's a long shot, but for the first time in my life I bought a couple of lottery tickets. It's those kind of winning numbers ($'s) that are almost insane.

    I hope you will win something too ...

    Good luck you're gonna need it.

  14. With all the respect, but I have to say this.

    Big American lotteries, Power Ball and Mega Millions, are absolutely not worth playing, it's just a plain nonsense, caricature ... Taxes, no jackpot cap, odds of winning are just insane, prize fund distribution between each prize tier ...

    Compare these 2 lotteries to their European counterparts, Eurojackpot and Euromillions. I'm not saying you should play them, but sometimes more regulation can be positive.

    Good luck to happy winners.

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