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Everything posted by bbi1

  1. Read that OnwardFlights(dot)com has been mentioned a few times here. Checked out their site. Looks like it costs $7 for them to generate a ticket within 12 hours. Do people generate these onward flight tickets just before departure or can you do it a month or two in advanced?
  2. Out of touch with what's happening recently with visas, etc. What are the best options these days for an under 50yr old Aussie passport holder to spend 5-6 months in Thailand? I've read that from 1st Oct they are now offering 45 days visa exempt entries. Are they strict like previously or can you just do these 45 day entries over and over by flying out and back in? Or would it be best to get a METV? Also, planning on getting a Thai motorbike drivers license to make things more convenient while I'm over there. Something I should've looked into a few years ago but didn't, so don't know if visa exempt will matter or METV matters for this? Also, what's the deal with TM30's these days? Are they still needing to be done if you want to extend at immigration for 30 days in Pattaya or Bangkok?
  3. Thai son/daughter sending money to parents every month - Is this part of Thai culture that the kids must send money to their parents every month once they are working from their 20's onwards? Does this apply to all Thai kids, even if their parents are well off?
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