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Posts posted by ironhorse10

  1. As a US citizen retired in Thailand, all it would take to help would be for the Medicare system we have, to pay while you are living overseas, I draw a Social Sucerity check from the US and pay taxes on every penny, why do I have to go back to the states for Medical care when I feel like I've already paid for it in my Taxes? No thanks, I will keep seeing my Dr. in Chiang Mai and paying out of my pocket. Ofcourse if I got real sick I would have to go back to the states.

  2. I would like to throw my 2 cents in, I don't know why, But here goes anyway, I lived in the state of Oregon all my life and I know what the dams have done to our fisherys there, they have pretty much riuned the salmon and sturgeon fishing, the sturgeon are now land locked behind the dams, and are being over fished by everyone.The sturgeon can't go into the fish ladders ,as for the salmon the adults can travel up stream to spawn, it's the figerlings that have the trouble coming down, Even with screens around the turbins thousands are killed every day, and even inland there is gulls and pelicans there to pick up stunned fish by the thousands. We even started a program to barge the small fish down passed all the dams, and it really hasn't help that much. As far as the farmers along the river some have been able to have water rights , so they can pump out of the river. and grow their crops, but mostly its dry land farming now. We have talked for years about taking the damns out and making it a free running river again, but that will never happen, to much money in Hydo power. Don't let anyone tell you that the fish will be better after the dams. It won't be, if fact it will be devastating. I am talking about the once Mighty Columbia River. Ruined by 14 dams. Also I want to add with the raise and fall of the river it kills thousand of catfish and bass that spawn in the rocks in shallow water, when the river falls the eggs are out of the water, and this will happen on the Mekong too, sorry to say.

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