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Posts posted by sadman

  1. Without any knowledge of this matter, I don't offer any view at all on its specifics, but would just like to point something out for the benefit of those who aren't au fait with the newspaper.

    The Daily Mirror is a massively successful money-making machine, at one time owned by Robert Maxwell, and in direct competition with the Rupert Murdoch-owned section of the media (particularly The Sun). It is a low-brow (IMHO) tabloid, relying on sensationalist stories and with a traditional left-wing bias. They are past masters at phrases such as "we tried to get hold of them but they wouldn't return our calls" that may or may not be true but that would be very difficult to challenge in the courts. As they say, never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

    If I read in the Daily Mirror that the sun was out at midday, I'd have a look outside before I believed it.

  2. As usual when the Brits come in for a bit of flack for their loutish behaviour, the first defensive move by most is to throw it back at the Americans and especially Australians.

    While in no way sugar coating the way Australian bogans behave, they can be as obnoxious as any nationality, lets face it, Brits invented the drunken violence when overseas behaviour with their soccer tours decades ago.

    An interesting TV series entitled "Boozed Up Brits Abroad" gives an insight into the mindset of these people. Many clips can be seen on Utube.

    I really wish I could contradict you, but you're absolutely on the money. I find it humiliating to see my countrymen behaving like that. In the UK I avoid creatures like that like the plague, but abroad we're all tarred with the same brush, for obvious reasons.

    Funnily enough, I don't mind such behaviour anywhere near as much if it comes from non-Brits - I don't like it and I dissociate myself from it, but I don't feel quite the same embarrassment as I do when it's a Brit. Do others feel the same?

  3. I guess we've been quite lucky. We saw a development in Cherngtalay about 3 years ago and loved the location but not the houses. We got a similar response to the original poster - can't change anything. About 18 months ago we saw that the developers had changed, and we made further enquiries.

    The upshot is that we bought the house, having sat down with the architect and the developers and changed it beyond all recognition from the original plans. I'm happy to say that we moved in a couple of weeks ago (just before we had to return to the UK) and are impressed with the quality - including the finishing. We have always been told that Thai finishing is poor etc etc, but this development is wholly Thai (no farang involvement at all) and is outstanding. I hope it stays that way! And the price didn't go up, either.

    BTW, we have another house on a nearby development where there is a 49% farang involvement. Quality is no more than ok, numerous attempts at tying us in to overpriced maintenance contracts for everything, and the farang has shown himself to be a liar time and again.

  4. A new bar opens(!) The Nancy Bar (if that is what it's called) seemed to be open yesterday afternoon - lovely decor :o

    Correct me if I am wrong, but in UK "English" isn't the word "Nancy" a term for a gay person?

    Well, yes it used to be, but I haven't heard it used like that for many years. However, it is still a popular girl's name and also a town in the south of France.

  5. I tip for good service but if there is service charge already added I don't usually tip extra, although I will for really good service. I like to see the benefit go to the person providing the good service, not just a hidden surcharge going to the owners.

    I also deeply resent the US practice of tipping 15% as a matter of course. I've got no problem with tipping heavily if the service is good, but the expectation that 15% should be given no matter how poor the service is, to my mind, ludicrous. Probably like most people, I've had great service in the US (and everywhere else, for that matter) and I've had dire service. Do I tip the same? Certainly not.

  6. Anyway, he packs up the brood and leaves in a huff. Makes me feel badly as I am in the customer service business.

    IMHO you needn't feel bad about this - you are in the customer service business and this has to include challenging behaviour that disadvantages other customers. Wouldn't it have been worse if a disabled person came along, saw he couldn't access your place and moved on?

    More power to your elbow.

  7. I know Rancho Santa Fe, but that was a bit out of my price range. I was looking a few miles down the road in either La Jolla or Coronado. I was due to teach at UCSD so the journey wasn't too bad. My father's family are from a seriously hick town in NH, but I don't fancy the weather too much.

    I am a frequent visitor and have property in Phuket, and am aiming to live there full time after my youngest child (nearly 16) leaves school/home and goes to university. I've managed to get rid of my 4 other children but this one flatly refuses to join the Navy to see the world.

  8. I'm not yet fortunate enough to be living in Phuket full-time, but my (farang) wife and I had the same concerns about meeting people of our own age (mid-forties) and with similar interests etc. Gradually we've met some really smashing people, both farang and Thai, and are getting there (be easier when our Thai is better, though. Lessons continue!)

    As for Phuket or Bangkok - I've always lived and worked in London and I'm all citied out; Mrs Sadman grew up in Singapore (army family) and loves the Far East, so it's Phuket for us. I too considered San Diego at one time but the job offer was time-bound and my then (now ex-) wife didn't fancy it so it didn't happen.

    The only thing that would be a problem for me is if I didn't work or have something sufficiently interesting to get me out of the house. I'd go crazy otherwise.

    And as for keeping it in your trousers - there's temptation anywhere. It's down to your own mindset, IMHO.

  9. My pal (UK farang) has been married to his Thai wife for many years, they have children and have lived in Europe (mainly UK) all that time, having met in the UK. The only time he gets any problem is when they are on holiday in LOS and they attract snide comments from other farang. The thing is, they are both well in their 40's - in great shape but obviously not kids - have their children with them and yet he'll still get comments such as "I like your wife" (knwing wink, emphasis on 'wife'). I don't know how he keeps his temper.

    My experience is slightly different - my wife is farang, but if I meet Thais without my wife being present, I am often asked if my wife is Thai. I'd like to think this is because they view me as the pride of farang manhood - all women want me, all men want to be me. My wife, on the other hand, takes the view that as a fat, middle-aged farang, it should be assumed that no-one with any sense would look twice at me, and that the enquirers are simply trying to warn off any unsuspecting victims of my unwanted advances. I like my side better.

    Actually, I think it's a bit of a shame that such an assumption should be made, because it's based on peoples' experience and is probably not that unreasonable.

  10. Mrs Sadman and I are keen to come along, as we land in Phuket on 11th. I didn't shout up before as I wasn't sure of our movements in BKK beforehand. Are we too late?

    Sorry, if we are allowed to come, we'll be coming from Cherngtalay, so if anyone from the north of the island wants to share a lift, just holler.

  11. Sai Tarn is advertised starting at 26 million and they are located so far from anywhere you wonder who would fork out that much dosh for one of their places.

    At least the shifty prick who owned the restaurant opposite Sai Tarn has gone I'm told. He was running the old 2 menu system and even after I pulled him up about it he still charged me the prices on the farang menu. He charged my Thai friends the Thai menu price and I cursed him in front of all his staff calling him Ai jek kii gong LOL

    I thought Sai Tarn was the development in Laguna. Mega-expensive, though.

    And forgive my very poor Thai, but what does Ai jek kii gong mean?

  12. It is probably due to the throughput of fluids: you exercise (or drink too much Chang) and you therefore use and lose a lot of fluid. You rehydrate but all that does is replenish the water - not the salts and electrolytes your body needs. The more you drink, the more dilute your salt/electrolyte concentration becomes.

    Personally, I'd go for proper electrolyte powder and make up the drinks myself. Firstly, it's a darn sight cheaper than Gatorade etc; secondly, you can adjust the concentration to suit yourself.

  13. Also, the original Phuket Gazette article stated that you initially gave your name as Ian James Newton, a UK national, but that the UK passport you proffered turned out to be a fake, whereupon you gave your name as Kerry Graeme Mitchell, a New Zealander.

    Now call me an old cynic, but could this thread be trolling, perchance?

  14. I don't yet live in LOS full-time, but I have to say that I don't recognise the descriptions of Phuket in this thread. I recognise them as depicting certain parts of certain sois in Patong sometimes, but you know what you get in Patong.

    I have a house in Cherngtalay and am in the process of building another one, which is where I shall live full-time. We are semi-rural, very quiet, but just up the road from Bangtao if we want bars, restaurants etc. I have no issues with service, people etc. Yes, prices are higher, but I knew that before I decided to build there.

    I have been lucky enough to travel extensively throughout Europe (eastern and western), the USA, Africa (south and north) and Asia and have chosen Phuket as the place I want to live.

    Locally to Phuket, I have been to Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia and China, and I wouldn't swap a single one for Phuket. As for being ripped off, I have had attempts to do so to me in all those places far more than in Thailand.

    It's horses for courses, I guess - I'm happily planning my future in Phuket.

  15. It's easy for me to do the selection and coaching from an armchair. When I get it wrong, we all have a laugh. When Ashton gets it wrong, it's big news.

    Please don't misunderstand me - I am passionate about rugby, happy to criticise or compliment as I see fit; I am not, however, fit to clean the boots of any of the international players or coaches. I played at a low level and I coach at a low level (both at county level) and whilst I have some knowledge, I would never put myself up as anywhere near those people.

    (But if the RFU are reading this, I'm available most Sunday mornings, if my son isn't playing :o ).

    Moss - sorry if I didn't appear to rate Kearney. I thought he was ok and I think he'll get better. He should deputise for Murphy, IMHO, but he's not the finished article yet.

    As for Jackman - I'm not so sure that it was really a cheap shot, rather than stupidity born of frustration. He did it out in the open and made no attempt to hide it or justify it. Also, I rather suspect that Jones wasn't acting as innocently as his upstretched arms made out. A mistake - yes. Enough to sack him - I think that might be harsh. If his attitude is ok, I think a good forwards coach could do something with him. But I still prefer Flannery.

  16. Bravo, Donna!

    Let me make a start. From around 8pm on Friday 21st March 2008 (that's not this Friday, but the next one) I shall be on the 2 Black Sheep Bar in Patong (can't remember the name of the road, but it's just along from the boxing stadium). They have great music there and it's a nice place to watch the world go by.

    With me I shall have Mrs Sadman, my eldest daughter and her boyfriend, and I should be pleased to purchase ale for any of you who happen along there.

    If you are of a more discerning character and wouldn't be seen dead in my company - fine. I'm still going to be there.

    PS Chantal - I shall email you separately and we'll come down and see you.

  17. I've just seen that Lievremont has made 6 changes to the French for Saturday. I have to be totally honest and say that I have absolutely no idea what he's doing and not a clue who might win on Saturday. I think the runes must favour Wales, being a settled side, but I just don't know about France.

    Also, the names Cipriani and Simpson-Daniel have been mentioned this afternoon - but you heard it first on TV :o

    Seriously, though - S-D has been on fire all season: I don't know what else he has to do to get selected. There must be good players wondering what they have to do, too, as the current team are re-selected despite playing so badly.

    I would have a couple of bob on Ashton not being around too much longer in his current role. I'd like to see Dean Ryan or Richard Hill (the Bristol one) come in, but I don't think they have the experience to take over as head coach. Jake White, perhaps? The RFU have already missed out on Gatland.

  18. Well I agree that there wasn't a wide game but Scotland does have a good kicker....shame about the rest of the team really.

    But a victory is a victory 15 - 9 thats all it took!

    Absolutely - a win's a win, for all tha'.

    Chris Paterson is just fantastic. One of the commentators said that he hadn't missed a kick in something like 28 or 29. That is an extraordinary strike rate. I know he had the best strike rate in the RWC and, presumably, in this 6 Nations.

  19. And now....for all you Scotland supporters....well done - you outthought us and outplayed us, wanted it more than us and fully deserved your win. However, they played pretty much as I expected and would have been destroyed against even a moderate side. Poor lineout and scrummaging, too much turnover ball (although the conditions probably had a lot to do with that) and a lack of invention. The atrocious weather helped by making a narrow game the only option (Scotland haven't got much of a wide game at the moment), but the biggest factor was, IMHO, will to win. England didn't have a clue. Kicking out of hand was dire, the discipline was simply unacceptable, and we couldn't string 3 phases together. Headless chickens. For the first time in a long time, I can honestly say that not only were there were no positives to take from it, but literally no-one had a good game.

    Ashton has said there won't be many changes for next Saturday. That just about sums it up, I'm afraid. The message to the players is that you can play badly and you will still play next week, presumably because the coach either doesn't have the heart to drop you, or doesn't know what else to do. My own selection would be: Cipriani (blood him at 15), Lewsey, Noon, Anthony Allen, Simpson-Daniel, Hodgson, Wigglesworth; Sheridan, Chuter, Stevens, Shaw, Borthwick (capt), Worsley, Lipman, Easter. However, what do I know? :o

    Ireland v Wales was about what I feared. A bit scrappy but with real will to win, and the deciding factor was a missed tackle on Shane Williams. I enjoyed the battle of the scrum halves (which is a bit odd, as I was a loosehead prop). I enjoyed the game, though.

    France v Italy was great to watch! The forwards fought each other to a standstill and it was, predictably, the talented French backs who made the difference. A fair result but again, Italy are showing how dangerous they are - Canale again dropped a try-scoring pass but, hey, they're getting better with every game they play.

    For this weekend: I still fancy Italy to beat Scotland; France to beat Wales (provided Lievremont doesn't muck about with the side too much) and Ireland to beat England. Let's hope I'm wrong.

  20. Hmmm, a very sad day,

    however Sadman, what are your thoughts on?

    1. Kearney

    2. Balshaw

    and most importantly

    3. Jackman.

    I wonder if they are the same as mine?

    Moss :o

    Firstly, my views are all my own, and the fact that I went for an England victory by 15 will explain in part why no-one asks me to write predictions :D

    Well, what to say? I thought that Rob Kearney was ok - nothing special (except THAT tackle) but very dependable. He didn't let anyone down, but showed his inexperience at this level. I suspect that the communication between him and his left wing/outside centre was lacking, judging by Trimble's missed tackle on Shane Williams leading to the try. A good reserve - should challenge Dempsey - but I'd still rather have Murphy.

    Balshaw. I'm sorry to sound like a stuck record, but I have no time for him. Supremely talented going forward but very much a confidence player. Great at hitting the line provided he has solid centres, a dominant pack and can work in broken play. Doesn't turn, track back or cover tackle very well and, most of all, is a racehorse: a finely tuned athlete who gets injured easily and gets lots of tweaks and pulls. Waste of time at international level.

    Jackman. I know he's new at this level, but I'm unimpressed so far - although he could well improve. His throwing isn't good, but that could be a communication issue rather than accuracy. Appears to be a fairly effective scrummager. Doesn't seem to be much of a ball carrier and was rash in hitting Ryan Jones. To be fair, all this can be coached or gained by experience. The two real issues I have are his commitment (he doesn't seem to have the same will to win as Flannery or the great Keith Wood) and his fitness - is he unfit or just slow? Personally, I'd give him a few games in the A side and give him a chance to show his worth. But then I ain't no international coach.

  21. I haven't been around for a pissup in some while: after the only one I went to, the others have always been arranged from when I'm not there :o (thinks: I really must ask myself some searching questions).

    I'm around between 18th-31st March and would be keen to meet up and make Mrs Sadman think I actually know people who will drink with me without me paying them to do so.

    If anyone can lower themselves to join me in a beer, how about the Patong area, as it's reasonably central?

  22. Given that the nightclub manager has gone on the record saying that DC stayed for the briefest of times and wasn't imbibing, I feel Yoda has made one goof too many this time (and does Iain Balshaw have photos of him naked with a donkey or something?!?!)

    BA is a gifted assistant coach but lacks the gravitas and objectivity to be a head coach - as shown by events at RWC 07. There are now just too many episodes of poor man/squad management ... his frankly inexplicable cold shouldering of an in-form Josh Lewsey (difficult individual though he is rumoured to be), repeated mishandling of James Simpson-Daniel (Why o why disrupt the lad by calling him to the national squad only not to pick him???) and this farcical episode with Cipriani.

    In my opinion the RFU must remove BA straight after the 6N, regardless of England's remaining results, and replace him with a proven head coach, Jake White being the obvious candidate...


    I'm with much of what you say, CC. Cipriani was actually at a school reunion and indeed wasn't drinking or misbehaving. However, there is a long-standing rule against it and I think it's right to drop him for what was a deliberate infringement. Whether or not the rule is right is a different matter, but everyone has to abide by the same rules.

    Lewsey, I am given to understand, is difficult only if he's given too much leash. He needs to be kept in line and he's ok. I fully agree with the general comments about Ashton. He was the only real option after the RFU had let the Robinson thing go on far too long, but I was hoping they'd bring in Gatland after the RWC. But oh no! True to form, they fudged it and lost him, as they did with John Mitchell.

    As a former player and now a coach, my view is that players need to be directed positively and to follow a game plan. This doesn't mean a dictatorial style - with international players I would imagine that they can devise their own game plan - but it's not sensible to just give players their head and say "ok lads, pop out and score some tries, make some tackles and see how we get on", which seems to be the Ashton school.

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