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  1. The police should also enforce the white-yellow/white-red curbs no parking and no stopping areas in the rest of the city.
  2. The above rates were fixed 2015 but are apparently under review but still valid
  3. Just for your info, the official, legal, motor cycle fares are: 1. First 2km 25Baht 2. Over 2-5 km an additional 5 Baht per km 3. Over 5-10km an additional 10Baht per km 4. Over 15km the fare is negotiable. So a km ride should be 35Baht From Central Shopping Center in Pattaya to the beginning of Jomtien beach is 5km, the fare should be 40Baht
  4. The fact that you can get a license when you are 15 does not mean that all 15 year old drivers have a license. Latest poll shows that 32% of the drivers on Thai roads do not have a license. And most kids driving to school do not have a helmet.
  5. That was the first information I found. Having looked further, at a number of different references, I may have been incorrect. It looks like you can get an unlimited, probationary, license when you are 15. This license is valid for 2 years and you need to pass all the required practical, theoretical and medical requirements. I have not found any reference limiting the bike to 110cc.
  6. When you are 15 you can get a learners permit. If you drive with this you must be accompanied by a driver that has had a drivers license for a minimum of 3 years. No independent driving is allowed. You can not drive a 110cc alone without a drivers license,
  7. I feel sorry for these kids and their families, RIP. These kids were 17, so definitely had no license. I see this daily around schools where hundreds of kids, 2-3 per motorbike, usually no helmet, all to young to have a license, arrive and park at their school. The school don't care, parents don't care and the police don't care ????
  8. The Thai standards are pretty much the same as international standards in all aspects of traffic safety. The problem is that there is no enforcement by the police. Before covid most people used a helmet, after covid the police stopped checking this and now less than half of the motorcyclists use a helmet. As for the license, a resent poll showed that 32% of drivers do not have a license. Without enforcement there will be no change
  9. For over a year it has been compulsory for children under 6 years old to use a special seat, with harness, in cars. I'm still to see a single car here in Thailand where they follow this rule, 2000Baht fine. Usually the children sit in the cargo area of the pick-up.
  10. I just report what I see. I've seen hundreds of news posts om Asean Now where people credit their survival of a traffic accident to their lucky amulet. I'm still to see a single one giving credit to a helmet or safety belt. As long as people have beliefs like this and ignore traffic regulations and the police don't enforce these regulations we will, unfortunately, have this carnage of traffic deaths.
  11. Everyone in Thailand know that the only thing that works is a lucky amulet. No helmets or other safety measures have more power
  12. Most bike rentals have bikes that are obviously modified, beer can size mufflers. The police should go and test all the rental bikes for sound pollution on a regular basis, and do the same at checkpoints around town.
  13. I'm not sure if he was standing on the step behind the bahtbus when he fell off, but that is very likely. It has been illegal for passengers to use these steps while the bahtbus is moving for a long time now, but as with most Thai laws this has never been enforced.
  14. Just another extremely overloaded pick-up truck in an accident. The maximum legal load for a pick-up is only a few hundred kg. Here you can see pick-ups with a ton of pineapples in the back, front wheels barely touching the road.. A heavy load will seriously effect handling and breaking capabilities of a pick-up.
  15. Thanks for the info.
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