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Posts posted by pancakeman

  1. Who controls Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin is an open source protol. It the same as saying "who controls the internet", "who controls torrents", everyone connected has a certain amount of control.

    Who maintains the algorithms for their creation?

    The equations that dictate the generation of new bitcoins are already written into the source code, if someone were to change the rules in their version of the software it would not be compatible with other people's version of Bitcoin and thus unless everyone (or at least majority) decided to change their code also then the changes would be meaningless.

    How do you know that in x years time the controllers of Bitcoin won't change the rules?

    See answers to #1 + #2

    or flood the market?

    See answers to #1 + #2

    That the system is unhackable?

    If SHA256 was "hacked" then bitcoin would not be the only thing to be hacked, the hacker would also be able to access just about any security system on the planet (ie your bank account too)

  2. Tastes no different to Pepsi (probably also the exact same ingredients seeing as the manufacturer was previously producing Pepsi right?)...personally I prefer Coke Zero as I don't have to feel guilty about the amount of sugar I'm consuming.


  3. my suspicion is silk road server will be in sealed room with magnets to wipe. Also bitcoins are still encryped so feds can't touch. The owner is savvy enough to have taken all sorts of precautions so I don't beleive much of the feds reports of seizure of servers etc

    Nope. The owner was savy enough to use his real full-name gmail address when initially promoting the site back in 2011...I'm guessing there were no wiping magnets or sealed rooms.lol

    Plus the fact that there have been like 20 arrests already makes it pretty clear that FBI has the full silkroad server.

  4. My guess is they will try to use the block chains and trace the currency transactions back to the pseudonyms of their previous owners. They want to track who controls the largest caches of bitcoins and where and to whom they're distributed.

    Those millions of legitimate bitcoins leave a nice breadcrumb trail.

    Or they could simply look through the Silk Road database (as they appear to have seized the server) and pay a visit to all the addresses listed in the private messages and sales.

  5. I will agree that a good deal of the supplements, etc, sold are bunk.

    However, if and once you find a product that makes a difference in your life, it is hard to want to live without it.

    (you meaning me)

    Bhip's a/o or aio formula worked for me!

    I would love to find an alternative to this i can purchase in thailand.

    Or a similar product i can ship here, this one can not be shipped here.

    I can't wait to find a pill that, once taken, I find it hard to live without.

  6. Tesco always bill in Baht, Homepro Chaeng Watthana always ask, Homepro Rangsit always used to bill in Sterling (UK card), but now staff are (often) asking.

    Homepro are the worst for it... you have to literally pry the clerks fingers away from the terminal to stop them from poking the USD option.

    The staff are slow and ill trained at everything else, but when it comes to fking you with USD they are grease lightning. 95% of their training courses must revolve around pushing that button before the customer notices.

  7. Considering that the majority of Thais live in shoebox size apartments, don't own cars and live cheque to cheque, Costco wouldn't succeed. Costco depends on customers owing large freezers, arriving by car because of the big loads not fitting on public transit and a house with sufficient storage for your 10 lbs of salad dressing a 5 loaves of bread. Not to mention I would think that the average income of a Costo customer would be $60K + USD per year, far beyond the 15,000 baht average Thai salary.

    There's no problem with the 51% Thai ownership as many Thai corporations would love to partner with an American company such as Costco. Just look at all the successful joint ventures already in place that do well (7-11, Hilton, Marriott, Heineken, etc.) Its hard for a Thai company to rip off an American corporation when you have quality lawyers drafting partnerships.

    I guess you've never met people like my MIL; she goes shopping and comes home with packages of 25 Brilo pads, or 50 airline size toothpastes...because it was a "good deal". Her room is packed with jumbo size packages of all kinds of items.

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  8. Well, it looks like I may be relying on an old friend who runs a WiFi internet service in the condo block. I have never had good luck with WiFi internet services in serviced apartments or hotels, but he's a pleasant enough fellow and is charging a reasonable rate for what seems to be a 10Mbps speed so far.

    But where is he getting it from? If he can get it, so can you.

    Wifi doesn't reach very far especially inside a concrete condo. In my experience only about 20 meters through a couple of walls or floors. And if your friend is only a few rooms away then how is he able to get DSL without any problem (or does he get internet via dish?)

  9. Based on the age of your building i would say the course of action would be contact TOT to hookup a phone line (you'll pay for the installation). Get your building technician to work with the TOT techs in deciding who is installing which portion of the cables.

    If met with resistance from either building tech or TOT techs then bungs all round (500-1000baht per side) should do the trick and they will install the wire no matter what the building management says when it puts money directly into their pockets.

    It may seem to a layman like a lot of work to install a new cable from the street all the way up to your room, but it really is not that much work as there are already conduits to poke the wires through.Couple of hours max.

  10. My wife's grandfather had a lovely big teak Thai house he built over a number of years. He also liked a drink by all accounts. His wife's brother knowing this got him blind drunk one night and tricked him into signing his house over to him and then kicked him out the next day. His own sister and brother in law. I hear stories like this regularly in Thailand. There are some truly horrible people here. And yes, you get horrible people everywhere but nowhere near this extent. With the government, police force, judiciary and countless stories of people like this I am really beginning to believe that Thailand is rotten to the core.

    Nice story, but you simply can't transfer your property in this manner.

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