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Posts posted by pancakeman

  1. Don't have any experience for hiring foreigners.

    But when hiring Thais they are always required to bring their government ID to be copied/submitted with their job application. So I don't see why it would be any different for a foreigner (passport as a substitute for government ID). This simply shows that you are who you say you are, and that you are serious about gaining employment.

    Honestly most of what Soulpeel said sounds like BS to me "some perv" wants to get off to passport photos? Get real.

    Note that the copy should be black/white only and you should draw a line across it sign you name, date, and the reason that the copy was made. They should not be making scans or color copies.

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  2. The letter of the law says you need a "bicon" (sp?) form for each package in order to receive VAT 0%. This can be obtained when shipped at the Chenwattana head post office branch.

    This forms states the value of the goods that you exporting, so that you can claim 0% VAT of that value.

    However this presents some problems:

    - You may have to travel far to go to this branch, and other branches don't have this service available.

    - The service is expensive (about 300THB per package) so if you are shipping small items then it makes the cost unfeasible.

    Possible solution:

    Talk with your local revenue department; and see if the head dude to cool with your situation. In most cases the revenue department people are actually pretty down to earth and will understand your case and will be fine to accept the regular post office receipts/slips as proof of exports, especially if your payments are coming into your bank from over seas.

    I understand you position as the letter of the law really doesn't allow any options, but thankful the revenue departments are flexible in their reading of the laws (but as I said go visit them and feel this out first in your district)

    Another possible solution:

    You or a member of your staff can be certificated for issuing the export forms themselves (not sure on the details of how to apply for this), then you can save on the 300THB, but I think you still need to travel to Chenwattana to ship.

    Note it will help if you have a respected accounting company doing your accounts as this will put you in a much better position should any issues arise later.

    P.S. The Post Office discounts are kind of dumb, as the discount only applies on the day you ship, so you could do 200,000 in shipping per month and get no discount (if you ship 9,000 per time). Yet you could get a 10% if you ship only 10,000 per month all at once.

    UPS offer much better discounts; we get more then 50% discount on UPS published rates, and they don't care how much you ship each time, they base discounts on your overall average shipping volume. They are also more willing to come with "solutions" for various situations, as opposed to the Post Office which is set in stone and that's that

  3. With a show like this you are only talking about a very thin slither of Thai society that could even qualify.

    Speak English well (ie private international school educated)

    Young (20-30)

    Unsuccessful in their own career (if you had a successful and fulfilling career you would not be on this show)

    Seeking fame/attention

    Highly concerned with appearances

    So basically you are talking about a few thousand rich kid Thai brats that would even quality. And what do you think their personality is going to be like?

  4. Generally when hiring people you should require a "deposit". ie they pay you 1-2 months worth of salary as a deposit. If they don't have any money (often the case) then cut the deposit money from their salary over the first 4-6 months that they work.

    If they quit unannounced, or steal etc... then this deposit is gone.

    This seems harsh but it's expected normally for Thai employees.

    IMHO if you caught someone stealing they either need to be shown the door immediately, or if they important to your immediate operations then come up with an exit plan to get them out as quickly as possible (do not let them know that such an exit plan has been formulated). Cutting salary or fining them while still keeping them on is madness and asking for trouble.

  5. I would suggest using electrum instead for your wallet: http://electrum.org/

    Then you don't need to download the blockchain and you can start using in minutes.

    Thanks for the info.

    I have tried to download Electrum but my Windows 8 rejects it.

    Not sure if I am using the correct one, I tried "Windows Installer".


    Your downloading the right one, bummer that it doesn't work on windows 8 (I'm using windows 7)

  6. So far most every 'externally hosted' wallet has been "hacked" (basically once enough coins collect in the third party site, the owner claimed hacked and disappeared). If you want to get into this scheme (scam) at least download your own blockchain.

    Lite-weight clients (such as Electrum, Multibits, Bitspinner etc..) should not be confused with 3rd party hosted wallets. With Electrum your bitcoins (private keys) are not stored with any external host.

    I agree that you should never use a wallet where your private keys are known by someone else, or instawallet type sites (that's asking for trouble)

  7. Well, there is a bitcoin "community" website (that hasn't included the original developer(s) = "Satoshi Nakamoto" since 2010) and a guy to email improvement proposals to at bitcoin.it . As the whole scheme seems to depend on a single block chain that conforms to a protocol and contains every transaction that has ever taken (and will ever take) place, which must be downloaded and processed by every participant in the "collective" (well, as I understand it, the "lightweight" e-wallet products don't actually do so, at the cost of some security), with no central authority, it doesn't sound like something that's very adaptable or susceptible to any major change (i.e., the ability to "innovate" new features when new rival crypto currencies crops up, as they have been). But who knows?

    It's as innovative as the majority want it to be. Anyone can create an update to the software (download the source and modify it), if a majority of users start using that new version then that is the new version of bitcoin.

    If the majority of users choose to stick with their current version forever, then there would be zero bitcoin innovation.

  8. Just who is accountable in the bitcoin system should something go wrong? In a system that has a fluctuating value, how would one be compensated? For example if the bitcoins mysteriously disappeared from one's anonymous cyber account, who would one claim against and how would one establish a pecuniary loss?

    Your money, your loss, no one else to blame. If there should be some kind of global system meltdown (such as a major bug that rendered everything screwed), then all it would take would be a bug fix and a majority favored rollback to bring it back online. If most people decide "I'm going to install the new bug-fixed version, with the database rolled back 1 day" then that what it would be...some people would get screwed, but that's just life.

    I see the bitcoin as a scheme hatched up by the same type of people that have given us Ponzi schemes.

    Breaking news: Charles Ponzi invested bitcoins.

    Bitcoin investors will come whinging when they lose their investments when the scheme collapses.

    Would doesn't whinging when they lose money? Will they ask someone else to pay them back their money...unlikely

  9. Do the suckers who are grabbing the cyber currency believe it is independent of people or groups who have the skills and software that can manipulate the cybercurrency?

    It is not possible to manipulate it through software.

    What of the programs that inappropriately "mine" the cyber currency?

    This is not possible; the fastest way to find the hashes is the best way to mine, doing it faster would not be "inappropriate" it would just be the best way to mine.
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