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Posts posted by northernjohn

  1. To those who feel and think they will live forever by changing diet from this to that with the whims of each political "its bad for you and will kill you " statement made by those self deemed scientist say the following 3 times.

    ass-part-of-me is the smartest-part-of-me>>>. 3 times

    Never ceases at amaze me...... if you don't like something and YOU feel its bad for you...... DON'T eat or drink it..... but if someone else does like it , let them be not constantly preached to by the miserable I can't have it crowd..... They like it, so it makes them happy ...... if they die, they die...... while you can live miserably forever.....Happy while you're here vs the join me in the misery crowd.

    To each their own.... its their life not yours........ remember Not my brothers keeper.

    I also remember back in time when mayonaise was bad for you then it wasn't ......eggs bad for you today then it became ok

    All this pontificating has made me thirsty...... on to a Diet Coke with a splash of Pepsi Max.

    Well put. I know a guy who is a complete waste of time to talk to. He is so preoccupied with what is good for him and what is not good for him that he has no time to just enjoy life. I have tried to talk to him about other subjects and he just says they are all the same and sites some thing from over 20 years ago.

    If you are afraid of an early death go ahead and research all you want day and night because we all know Knowledge is constantly being enlarged. What was death yesterday is good for you today. A bit of an overstatement but look at coffee for example it used to not be good for you. That is not to say it harmed you. Now they say 1 cup a day is good for you and lately I have heard 2 cups a day.

    Science is in reality just a fledgling thing there is so much they do not know. The really smart ones know that they have no idea of how much they don't know.

    Reminds me time to have my sugar whitener free delicious cup of coffee for the day.

    Long and happy lifer to all who choose to make it a happy one. The others well up to you.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  2. IMO, Coke Zero is better and still no calories, but I still see Coke Light in some shops. Some places have it, but no Coke Zero. I am happy with either one.

    It might be zero calorie but the aspartame is poisonous and it has been proven to be more fattening than normal coke!!!

    If you think that either one of those things have been "proven", you better avoid loony websites in the future. They are both theories that may or may not be true, but, so far, conclusive evidence is not there.

    The evidence is out there my friend - you are obviously not scientifically minded like me and haven't done the research.

    You mean the research in the areas you looked into. Care to give us your scientific knowledge on the research the US Food and

    Drug Administration did.

    Was your research funded by the Sugar Industry?

    Not trying to be argumentative here but you and I both know that we can believe any thing we want and find proof of it on the internet.

  3. IMO, Coke Zero is better and still no calories, but I still see Coke Light in some shops. Some places have it, but no Coke Zero. I am happy with either one.

    It might be zero calorie but the aspartame is poisonous and it has been proven to be more fattening than normal coke!!!

    If you think that either one of those things have been "proven", you better avoid loony websites in the future. They are both theories that may or may not be true, but, so far, conclusive evidence is not there.

    Probably other toxins in your system are masking the effect of the aspartame.

    That's a good one.

    In other words the aspartame is not serious if it is in fact harmful.


  4. IMO, Coke Zero is better and still no calories, but I still see Coke Light in some shops. Some places have it, but no Coke Zero. I am happy with either one.

    It might be zero calorie but the aspartame is poisonous and it has been proven to be more fattening than normal coke!!!

    If you think that either one of those things have been "proven", you better avoid loony websites in the future. They are both theories that may or may not be true, but, so far, conclusive evidence is not there.

    Look up aspartame. It is approved by the Food and drug administration as being safe. They spent more time approving it than any other thing. It is the most researched item they have approved.

    Mostly because of the sugar industry and rumors. It will add more weight than sugar is a new one on me.

    I do not doubt for one second that some people can not have it. Some can not have Pasta but it is still OK for the general population. all kinds of perfectly good things have people who can not safely eat them. Every one has different reactions to different things we inject.

    Myself I drink Pepsi Max and have lost 28 Kilos. So what does that prove nothing. It just proves that I am one of the billions who can handle aspartame.

  5. Yep, one recalls post flood coke light drought. Actually had a Diet Pepsi today. Between, DP , light and zero Coke Light is the least "sweet", and my fave. Not everyday but keep it down to one can two max.

    Does anywhere have soda water or any sparking mineral water in a can? For picnic or hiking use.

    Tops has Shweps soda and tonic water in the can at least the one at the air port and central festival do.

  6. He also said dismissal is not technically possible since "(T)he prime minister and all cabinet members have been out of our positions since Parliament was dissolved on December 9."

    Then what are they doing.

    Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear about the minister of this or that.

    If they are not ministers what is a proven liar doing representing Thailand at the WBO?whistling.gif

  7. "of" or "for" democracy? It looks like they've misprinted another one of their signs.

    good eye

    “If our numbers are more than those of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, it will demonstrate to Suthep Thaugsuban, the PDRC secretary-general, so that he will not become so arrogant,” said Mrs Thida, adding that this would be an appropriate time for all red shirts to come out.

    UDD chairman Jatuporn Promphan, meanwhile, vowed that the red-shirt followers would not return unless they win the battle.

    So now they have a leader who is a communist step down and become their advisor?

    What battle is Jatuporn referring to?

    Just because a couple of unemployable red shirts come to turn part of Bangkok into a pig sty the court is not going to be influenced one bit.

    They are operating based on the law not money from a foreign land.

    • Like 1
  8. Two side playing ego trips, double or nothing, stakes - the people of Thailand

    Both of these character are choosing to be part of the problem rather than part of the solution

    Well you have a point there.

    But at what point does the anti government protestors cross the line between pointing out the corruption in the existing regime and giving good suggestions to solving the problem and becoming a part of the problem.

    Where would you put that line.

    We know that if the anti government demonstrators go home the whole thing will be relegated to the not important files in the present government.

    Don't forget you said part of the solution. That requires a continued knowledge of the problem. Where is that line?

  9. you would think the oxford educated politician would know better, one of the biggest disappointments in politics of this generation , murder charges hanging over his head, pretending to be democratic but using every dirty trick in the book to get back into power. worst opposition leader ever.

    he is always talking about PTP leaders resigning. i think its about time this useless, anti democratic opposition leader resigned.

    your opinion only

    My opinion and that of many others is this oxford educated politician has done more for democracy that PTP even dream about

    so as there are two sides to a story

    what do you say Thailand should do, that is not baised to any side

    the only vacuum is in his ethics and political thinking

    he is respected by none for his non-democratic stance and his over protection of the elite he seeks to serve

    Thailand needs a third way based on:

    • reform of the judiciary followed by other reforms (Police, Army etc) and all the corruption
    • non-attachment to the old feudal system (inc. les majeste reform) bye bye 'krenge jai'
    • protected elections

    Neither the PTP nor the PDRC/Dems can deliver this

    Jeez you are so wishy washy . On another forum you were intimidating that he would be the answer to all of Thailand's problems.

    If you ever decide to contribute some thing positive get real first. You are so obvious.

    First reform the judiciary which at the moment is in a position to enforce the law and get Yingluck the Beautiful deposed.

    Gosh O gee I wonder why that is the first thing on his list of never going to happen.

    How about a Democratic leader (Abhist) and some moderation on the les majeste laws and punishment for those breaking the election laws. Along with upgrading the machinery to use for voting. Lot's of money to do that with if they eliminate as much corruption as possible. As for eliminating all of it what are you going to do cut off their heads there will still be people willing to take the chance.

    I notice you did not eliminate Thaksin as the answer.

  10. you would think the oxford educated politician would know better, one of the biggest disappointments in politics of this generation , murder charges hanging over his head, pretending to be democratic but using every dirty trick in the book to get back into power. worst opposition leader ever.

    he is always talking about PTP leaders resigning. i think its about time this useless, anti democratic opposition leader resigned.

    your opinion only

    My opinion and that of many others is this oxford educated politician has done more for democracy that PTP even dream about

    so as there are two sides to a story

    what do you say Thailand should do, that is not baised to any side

    Not sure if you are correct in saying "democracy that PTP even dream about"

    You are implying that the PTP know what Democracy is.

  11. you would think the oxford educated politician would know better, one of the biggest disappointments in politics of this generation , murder charges hanging over his head, pretending to be democratic but using every dirty trick in the book to get back into power. worst opposition leader ever.

    he is always talking about PTP leaders resigning. i think its about time this useless, anti democratic opposition leader resigned.

    I agree with you, he was a much better Prime Minister than opposition leader. The murder charges are just political posturing. People have died during the current protests so by the same logic Yingluck could be charged with murder. PTP leaders don't need to resign, they get kicked out sooner or later. Doesn't matter where they are educated Thai leaders are all the same. Thaksin was educated in the USA after all. Thai politicians are in it to make money. Same as police or soldiers in Thailand. None of them are looking to serve the public.

    Would suggest that moonao think and investigate before he posts. It would be nice to see him post a post based on reality. You are quite correct Abhist would make a better leader than opposition leader. In most parliamentary systems the opposition is given the chance to speak. Not so in the PTP Thaksin system.

    "Noppadol Pattama, a Pheu Thai executive, gave assurances that his party would definitely assign a representative with decision-making power to attend the EC-initiated meeting and the party Thaksin would not set any preconditions whatsoever."

    Took the liberty to correct a mistake in his statement. Refer to article in the Bangkok Post.

    "The Pheu Thai Party will not argue the Democrats’ demand for a live broadcast of the forum, bearing in mind that the best solutions to the political conflict is a fair and clean election, he said."

    The Democrats no longer demand a live broadcast. How ever they do wish the media would pay attention to the proceedings.

    "Referring to the proposals by respected older Thai citizens and caretaker Justice Minister Chaikasem on resolutions for Thailand, Mr Noppadol said everyone has rights to propose but any group of people or political parties should not set conditions or act against attempt to resolve the country’s crisis."

    Just what has his party being doing for the last six months to resolve the problems other than say hold an election. They may not be the brightest lights in a box of 20 watt nulbs but surley they must know that an election by it's self would solve nothing.

    “An attempt with the objective to win but ignoring the rules or the feeling of 65 million people is equivalent to tearing the social contract of co-existence – an act which will contribute to endless conflict,” he said. (MCOT online news)"

    Like when they held a 3:30 AM vote to exonerate Thaksin and it passed with a vote I believe of 305 to 3 against the wishes of the 65,000,000 Thais. The Senate saved their ass on that one or there would have been an uprising.

  12. coffee1.gif

    CMU have organized buses and people behave just fine.

    Kudos for recognizign that CMU is actually "the awesome park that Chiang Mai never had". Not many Farlungs managed to realize that. (I rarely see Westerners there for recreation.)

    attachicon.gif0.jpg attachicon.gif1.jpg attachicon.gif3.jpg attachicon.gif4.jpg attachicon.gif5.jpg

    If someone is interested I can point out the best places; it's a large area.

    Just where on the campus would you have to go to get the tour bus. Also Time if you have that information?

    Thanks for the info Winnie.

  13. This really should go back to the Chiang Mai forum so the OP can learn if the Hon. Canadian Consul in Chiang Mai can issue income letters. Not every Hon. Consul is able to do so. Seems that he is planning to use the income method and a copy of bank statements showing income isn't going to be sufficient for CM Immgiration.

    The OP may want to put off his return to CM by a day to go to the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok to get an income letter. Embassies can definitely issue income letters, but they may not offer citizen's services every day. This information should be posted on their website.

    OP -- if you're not using the Income Method to justify your extension, but instead are using the method of showing a bank account in Thailand (800,000 baht, solely in your name) then you don't need a letter from your Embassy/Consulate at all.

    Since some people do want to be pedantic, the US Embassy (I believe the Consular Section actually) cannot issue an income letter. The US Consulate in Chiang Mai will notarize an affidavit from a US citizen, as will the Consular Section of the Embassy in Bangkok.

    To get a verified income letter, it would have to go through the US State Department's Office of Authentications http://travel.state.gov/content/travel/english/legal-considerations/judicial/authentication-of-documents/office-of-authentications.html , where income verification is specifically listed as a general document. However, it is so tedious and time consuming that an agreement was made between Thai Immigration and the US government to accept the affidavits to fulfill visa related requirements (visa related would include extensions of permission to stay). This agreement was made before most of the people posting on ThaiVisa arrived in Chiang Mai.

    Further, I don't know about now, but in the past, the affidavit from the US Consulate would not suffice for converting to a Non-Immigrant O visa. of whichever type it takes to stay for "retirement", which in the past was called, "to spend the rest of life in Thailand". So it was almost imperative at that time for a US citizen to have 800,000 THB in a Thai bank account to make the conversion. At that time, if a US citizen wanted to use income to support the requirements for the long stay extension, they would almost have to go to a Thai Consulate in the US to get the original visa.

    This practice of getting visas in the home countries, including the US, caused many problems because people were mailing their passports with the paperwork to Thai Consulates, and more specifically, to Honorable Thai Consulates, which were more lax and in time were admonished and sometimes prevented from issuing those types visas.

    Still further, there was no seasoning of bank accounts required at that time, so people would borrow the money for the bank account requirement for one day (or less) to get a bank letter, get the visa, then give the money back to whomever they got it from.

    Good point.

    I went into the Thai consulate in Vancouver and got my original retirement visa or for the puritans what ever you want to call it. I left my passport with them for three days and returned and picked it up with the Visa in it, No problem. I had downloaded all the paper work needed and had a doctor's report. I believe there is a pinned site up on the top of the Chiang Mai forum that tells you all the paper work you need along with any other question.

    Here in Chiang Mai you do not need an appointment to get an extension. If you can get one you are indeed fortunate as there is only 10 a day and they service 50 clients a day. Best to get there at 6:00 in the morning to get a number. Do not be surprised if they tell you to come back in the afternoon.

    I was late once and I was fined 1,000 baht a day. They did how ever start my new year on the date I went in.

    You can also post on the Chiang Mai forum asking for companies that will do the paper work for you set a time for you to go in and go with you. Not cheap I have heard 5,000 baht.

  14. Makro has a very good deal on Salmon, 160 Bht a Kg., tail cuts,its in the frozen

    food section,same Salmon, middle cuts are 450 bht a Kg.

    regards worgeordie


    and people are worried about genetically modified corn?

    It may not be farm-raised salmon The cheapest salmon is pink salmon which isn't farmed. Low in fat, not a lot of flavor. I go to Makro frequently and will give it a check.

    That would certainly be interesting. Norway is one of the worlds biggest exporters of salmon, and a lot of the salmon I've seen in Thailand originates from Norway. This is all farmed salmon of course.

    Last year I was working in Norway for several months, and I at that time read in the local papers that after a lot of pressure from various people and organizations, the official, government-sanctioned recommendation, was changed to "max two servings a week" for young women and children. This was based on the large amount of very unhealthy crap the farmed norwegian salmon is fed, including special things to make the meat change colour to red (a marine biologist who did her Ph.d thesis on something salmon-related told me that without this special food additive, the meat of the farmed salmon would look sickly grey).

    Considering the enormous amount of time and money Norway has invested into its salmon farming business, exporting around the world, one can only imagine how much pressure and how serious the health consequences must be for its government to come out with such a recommendation. Having until then been enjoying tasteful and relatively cheap norwegian salmon several times a week, and big portions at that (can not buy small farmed salmon), I stopped eating norwegian salmon there and then. Non-farmed salmon was available, but only in special shops, very expensive, and not at the time I was there.

    I'd be very surprised if non-farmed salmon was available here, but it is not impossible I guess. Please do follow-up after checking.

    I have no idea on the standing of farmed salmon compared to farmed salmon today. I have not paid any attention because I very rarely have it.

    That being said I was interested about 15 years ago due to a friend being in the industry. I heard about the down and up side then. I just can't help but think that the industry has changed in 15 years due to pressure. Would be interested in a report less than a year old. I know not many good ones from years ago and those were biased. but then again the internet can prove both sides of any thing what do you want to believe. Tough nut to crack to get at the truth.

  15. Well ignoring the usual "if it's PTP, let's hate it" naysayers on here just what would have been the reaction and reflection on the confidence in the Thai economy if the Thai FM had not turned up?

    Yes, that was the sage advice by several "astute political analysts" on here who were demanding that he testify to the NACC instead. Even now they are decrying this meeting as a junket.

    He could still perform his party trick of saying that expected growth is 15% this year

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    He would probably believe it him self.clap2.gif

    Thailand is in pretty bad shape for leadership when they send him to the conference. They have a PM who communicates with the population in Thailand by Facebook and a dictator living in self appointed exile out side the country to avoid a jail sentence imposed on him for his crime. Not to mention the other 15 awaiting him to come home to.

    Let us not forget are minister of labor who was going to do him and Thailand a favor by cutting his head off.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    They are better than Saturday Night Live in the States.wai.gif

  16. Whatever it takes there must be no election before reforms are put in place. The powers that be must ensure that the criminal giving his orders from his desert palace is told he is not wanted. If there is an election prior to the reforms then the past months of sacrifice of Kuhn Suthep and his people will have been for nothing and the curruption of the PTP will continue unabated.

    The Dems must state categorically that they will take part in a new election subject to the reforms being put in place and it might be time to replace Kuhn Abhsit as the leader because he is tainted - rightly or wrongly - (wrongly in my opinion) by the events of 2010 and no matter what the court decides when they hear the charges against him the people of Issarn will never accept him, as in their eyes his is guilty because of the propaganda put out by the 'reds'.

    I read the article in the Bangkok post.

    Thaksin was talking like it was his decision to put no preconditions on the PTP participating in the talks. No one else was involved in the decision. He turned it into a plea for people to forget and forgive him. violin.gif I wonder at times if drunk.gif doesn't cloud his proclamations.shock1.gif

  17. Well, we know that Thaksin's personal lawyer is no legal source for what the Constitutional Court can or cannot do, any more than his outspoken client is. The Constitutional Court knows very well how Article 7 is worded, as well as Articles 172 and 173, and indeed all the articles in the constitution. It needs not take any cues from Thaksin's prime spokesman. On the subject of Article 7, how could it - in Noppadon's words - be " outside the scope of the constitution ? " It's in the constitution ! How can something that's in the constitution suddenly find itself outside of it ? ( Answer - when Thaksin doesn't like it. ) But Thaksin doesn't like most things that are decided in a court of law. Why should his attitude be any different now ?

    This disingenuous acceptance of going to the meeting without conditions is terribly funny as Thaksin knows full well that Abhisit has already publicly accepted without conditions. That having been said, it surprises no one that Yingluck won't attend. She seems to be shielded from everything. It will be interesting to see who the " top executive " is that goes to the meeting, all the same. Surapong ? Chalerm ? Sadly, they are likely among the " top executives " that are being considered.

    Yingluck will attend if she is allowed to use Skype. Which actually would be the only way to find out what Thaksin will have to say to the various proposals. We can be sure that there will be a constant running report to Thaksin and a lot of messages from Thaksin to the PTP spokesperson.

    On the move by a group of people to propose the invocation of Article 7 of the Constitution to appoint a interim prime minister, Mr Noppadon said the proposal was beyond the scope of the Constitution and there was no justification for its invocation.

    Well I am not a lawyer but it seems to me if he says it is beyond the scope of the Constitution. There would be no need to say that there was no justification to invoke it. If it isn't there how do you invoke it?facepalm.gif

  18. Why?

    60 million dead 5 of my family and bombing my mother good enough for you,then the STASI abuses I don't think the Thais need any help from germans thank you.

    Germans invading Afghanistan robbing the Greeks their border brothels their meddling in Ukraine.

    Arbeit macht frei nie wieder

    They should be thankful the Americans didn't nuke their heimat instead chose the defenceless Catholics of Nagasaki.

    I think when Thais or anybody else needs advice from Germans they will ask,thank you.

    Sonst noch?

    Have you ever been in school?

    Well said skinner.

    As to RubbaJohnny: If any people have learned from their history (and the hard way!) it surely must be the Germans. Oh, and yes, your nickname speaks volumes about your mindset Seven years "Baumschule" at best, if you excuse my sarcasm.

    Who is skinner? what did he say.

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Earlier the Premier gave her blessing ????????? <deleted> !! Firstly she is only the part time caretaker and I thought the Pope or religious leaders give blessings, not some over rated woman.

    Oh the pettiness of the bitter brigade - a blessing is the approval of something that helps or brings happiness to other people. Religion doesn't have to have anything to do with it.

    Are you desperate to keep your post count up?

    Given the current political complications one should expect a prime minister / care taker prime minister / fake care taker prime minister to be reported as being involved in serious discussions and reports in regard to the current political situation.

    But we see nothing / zero from her and to cap off the current joke of a situation, which she, her brother and the pt / udd leeches have generated, we see the convicted puppet master making specific reports and asking for specific actions to gain resolution to the political impasse, and his comments lack truth.

    And within a few days he'll probably repeat his statements that he's no longer involved in Thai politics.

    I see in the Bangkok Post where he is once again trying to get every one to forgive and forget. His plea of course does not refer to him he is above such things. It is his rite to forget the atrocities he has done to Thailand and remember every thing people who did not obey him did to him.wai.gif

    • Like 1
  20. Earlier the Premier gave her blessing ????????? <deleted> !! Firstly she is only the part time caretaker and I thought the Pope or religious leaders give blessings, not some over rated woman.

    Oh the pettiness of the bitter brigade - a blessing is the approval of something that helps or brings happiness to other people. Religion doesn't have to have anything to do with it.

    Give credit where credit is due. You finally got one right.

    Interesting idea of earning merit by going to a temple. Her Brother went to 99 of them in three days seeking merit before he was convicted of crime and sentenced to two years in Jail. May she be as successful as her brother.

    • Like 1
  21. You call that a crowd!

    If you can't handle a sedentary splish splash from the under 12s then I should stop at home , fill the sink and wash your face....providing that's not over your water tolerance level.

    Some people for one reason or another have a fear of crowds. There was one guy who among other reasons about not liking condo's was that you might meet some one in the hall. The picture looked like a nice place to be if you are going to go out and celebrate songkran. I am not going to go out in the day this year. The little bit I got last night will suffice.

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