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Posts posted by Visad

  1. My Multi Entry Non-Imm O has just ran out and I've just done a land run and have 15 days here.

    Any suggestions on how I can stay in Thailand for another year?

    In the past four years I've had:

    • 2x Multi Entry Non-Imm O,
    • Then 1 Ed visa
    • Then another Multi Entry Non-Imm O

    In the past I've gotten my Multi Entry Non-Imm O from the UK (where I'm from) but I don't plan to go back there any time soon.

    Can you still get non-imm o multis from Myanmar?

    Could I pick up the paper work for an Ed Visa in 15 days?

    Or could I get a multi tourist visa from somewhere local?

    I'm too young to retire and not married.


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