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Posts posted by outsider

  1. 42 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Should do the same as with the minivans put in a GPS system that beeps if the driver goes too fast and software that reports them to the police at that time. That would help as it would cost them money if they go to fast.


    I have read in other topics that it its working for minivans.

    Yup, until someone finds a way around the system, the way they found ways to rig taxi meters... LOL

  2. 17 hours ago, Orton Rd said:


    “The authorities managed to prevent damage up to a level,” 

    What does this mean? they prevented nothing the bomb went off


    Just a massive but lame and misguided face-saving attempt. Basically, they knew jack$hit and even if they did know something, have done absolutely nothing about it. Officialdom here loves to underline their ineptness, you see.

  3. "He said the international community had a good understanding of the new Constitution and the road map to a general election after the government explained the whole process."


    And then...


    "The Foreign Ministry will later distribute an English version of the Constitution to foreign diplomats to give them a better understanding of the charter content, Don added."


    Don the Con must have meant the 'Thai-speaking' international community in the first statement. In other words, the rest of the world has no bloody clue.


    Last but not least...


    "If any diplomatic groups or international organisation still had queries on the new charter , the Foreign Ministry was ready to hold an explanatory session, he said."


    What, organise a special, one-off attitude adjustment party for all diplomats and international organisations?



  4. Strictly enforced. Yes, right. Ok, holidays are here, time to get to work for the next seven days. Reducing death toll to zero... ROFLMAO... come on you nitwits. Stop smoking whatever you're smoking (or drinking), stop coming up with these lofty (and unachievable goals) and get ENFORCE the damned law. 365 days a year. That's all.


  5. Oh dear, the stupidity of the brown clowns continue unabated.


    Just yesterday, BKK Chief Clown Chaktip said and I quote: "It's not an act of terrorism or an act to stir unrest."


    Now the Deputy National Chief Clown says it's likely "an attack... aimed at creating chaos and panic in society..."


    It boggles the mind how these idiots are so really, truly and undeniably immune to feeling stupid.

  6. This is just complete BS. Hate all this so-called experts who are so far removed from reality. Who doesn't know a good work-life balance is good? It is just not possible, especially in an urban environment. Particularly funny is what the DG said about learning how to delegate work - if one was an entry-level resource, who can he/she delegate her crap to? The so-called Mental Health Department needs to have its mentality checked, especially Khun Boonreung. Come up with something really helpful for once, will you?

  7. Nope. Only the authorities can scam tourists. Starting with two-tiered pricing.


    "... this campaign will help improve Thailand’s image in the eyes of foreigners and give them assurances that they will not be tricked into paying extravagant prices for goods and services."


    I wonder how foreigners feel when they find out they have paid an entry fee that is 1000 percent more than what locals pay? How is that going to help with Thailand's image, which is somewhat of a joke, as it is.

  8. Why do these gits always focus on the peripheral stuffs? How stupid can they be, if they haven't realised by now, that the ONE and ONLY reason (most of the time) for road accidents is the idiot behind the wheel? It's always the fault of the vehicle, its parts, the weather - even the amulet for not yielding enough protective power. But never the driver.

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