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Posts posted by outsider

  1. More crackdowns. I am all for protecting women and children. I am also for protecting the innocent in the Southern provinces. But when will this crackdown-happy administration start to do something that would also save the innocent lives of those living in the South? When will something be done, beyond just moving the lips about and repeating the same babble over and over?

  2. Start a protest at Yaowarat. It's a really stupid predilection - shark fins have zero nutritional value and taste. You can have the broth, withouth the shark fins, and it will taste the same. I believe it's the food of chinese emperors, and when it became available to the masses, it probably is a status symbol to be seen as being able to afford eating shark fins soup. It's all to do with 'looking good'... not that different to the Thai's obsession with 'saving face'. Yup, again it's the Chinese. More specifically the Mainlanders. This stupid, prehistoric and damaging practice has to stop.

  3. To all armchair aviation experts and cyber bull-crappers who have nothing better to do, try getting your facts right first, before you start a bitch-fest/bash-fest on almost everything that comes into your attention. MH17 was flying in an established corridor, way above minimum altitude and I think various reports have confirmed that many flights were also in the area at the time of the incident, and that this was an established corridor used by many airlines and a popular one bridging Europe and Asia. Following the incident, airlines like Lufthansa, Thai and other major international carriers issued a statement to say they will re-route all their flights that would otherwise have flown over the same area. So unless you have facts to prove that MH17 was off-course or deliberately endangering the lives of its passengers, I suggest you stick to playing with your soft toys in your own little corner.

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