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Posts posted by sawadee1947

  1. Hi,

    a few days ago one of our members were writing about Thai Government Health Insurance. If I'm right it was about a first check up at the doctor's for 600 Baht and registration at your hospital and a yearly fee of 2200 Baht.

    Does anybody try this already and got experience in the procedure?

    Better to have this Health Insurance than nothing!

  2. 8 years looks about right for that type of crime, 33 was OTT.

    Good to see a high profile Thai serve some time for a change, however it won't make much difference in the drug war. There's too much money at stake, and it's too tempting.

    it's too tempting. Not to me.I would rather stay poor and free than gamble on getting big money with the risk of losing my freedom.

    Not to mention thhe morality of selling drugs. I would rather remain poor and free rather than sell poison that destroys the lives of other.

    So the owners of pubs are all bad as well... don't forget alcohol if classed right is a hard drug. Only difference is its legal. I know of plenty of people who took xtc or weed and led a perfectly normal life had a job and so on. Its only a small portion that goes down and becomes a real addict. Kinda like alcohol not everyone becomes an alcoholic.

    are you crazy? Taking drugs is a normal life for you??? Join Pornpan!

    • Like 1
  3. ..of course you have to invest in infrastructure in order to develop this country. With doing nothing but complaining the pot holes or rotten trains or broken old cars which make driving an adventure, complaining about a PM who is busy to do her work, complaining about misery of life as many of those members are doing here....there will be NO change at all.

    I agree with this decision of senators who give a good oulook for Thailand. The economy will grow, definetely. So it will be no doubt in paying back the loan.

    • Like 1
  4. ...why only for BKK area? Why not everywhere in Thailand? Including buses and Trains!! An inspection every 2 years would be a good idea as we got it in western countries, but probably you'll get the "passed" by paying some lump of money to the officers. It's a nightmare. You are not safe on the roads here, at night in particular. Trucks without lights? No problem at all. The next accident will happen.

    Bring Thainess to the world.

  5. i'm 66 y.o now and very happy to have a very good pension because of working in EU. So there is not any option to work in Thailand with no future of any pension later. Don't fool yourself.

    Your wife/GF can come whenever it's possible.

  6. This can be due to the reflective/dark films on the windscreens that are so popular here, or putting the RFID box in the wrong location.

    What some people don't realise is that it's not the 'card' that toll booths read, but the little black box that is meant to be stuck on the windscreen. The card is just for topping up at 7/11s etc.

    even it's confusing, but where can I get the equipment (transponder, card aso)?

  7. Times ago even scientists were promoting cereals as breakfast. In the meantime the wind has changed. And so science.

    Today a good breakfast e.g. would be a balanced combination eg proteins and carbos, veggies and fruits. Of course I'm not talking of 6 fried eggs but only one. No bread. Bread is only calories made from processed flour. No benefits at all, makes you only growing old as all processed food. So we will have our fried egg, eat it first because proteins will stay longer in your stomach and will not cause a high increase of insulin. Then eat your veggies, as avocado and some fresh fruits. In general avoid all kind of sugar and flavour enhencer as glutamate or maltodextrine. Between the meals should be 5 hours, only drinking water, no smoothies...Three meals a day is necessary. Last meal not later than 6 pm.

    Dr. G.

  8. East Pattaya has plenty of very nice houses in gated communities. Mine is a very large 3 bedroom with private pool and great security. Fully air conditioned and though we do see the occaisonal cockroach, mostly vermin free. Place is as clean as you keep it and I have a maid twice a week and the wife tidy's up as well. Nicest house I have lived in in Asia.

    ..and how much is the rent or are you the owner? What area? Who is the landlord/agency? I would like to join you..!

    • Like 1
  9. It's really a crap shoot when it comes to English Language Skills. I stopped to get gas in the middle of nowhere in a place two provinces away from Bangkok. The young man, with shaggy hair, filthy clothes and yellow teeth said, "May I help you?" I told him to fill it up with 95. When he was done he told me the amount owed in English and I asked for a receipt in English and got it.

    In the same province, I stopped at a local shopping mall to ask for directions and no one would speak English and were running away like the place was on fire! I did manage to get someone 'cornered' and asked for the directions of where I wanted to go. The person did grunt out a few words in English and did some pointing. Obviously they understood, but were very shy to actually try and speak English.

    ...would be a good idea to buy a navi for your car......

  10. I'm married to a Thai national. She has no ties/children/parents. In the case she will die before me I would have to sell properties within one year. But how to keep these assets as heritage for my family/children/grand children? Bu lease for 99 years? And can my children/grand children continue with the lease when I died? And how to secure these properties to my children if I will die first?? Any good ideas?

  11. Facts: I (german) am married to a Thai national. She has no ties/children/parents. In the case she will die before me I would have to sell everything within one year. But how to secure e.g. the house as heritage for my children/grand children? By lease 99 years? And can my children continue with the lease after I died? Can they inherite the lease contract? Or is there any other way?


  12. Hi, I'm new on this website. maybe you discussed my problem already many times: I got married to a Thai without any ties, no relatives, all died years before. How can I secure our land to my children? By heritage they have to sell within one year. What about a 99 year lease? Can they sell it after 98 years? (of course my grand children then)? Any ideas? And just in case she will die before me....shall I lease everything for 99 years? And if my children will inherite...can they proceed with the rest of lease time???


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