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Posts posted by flyingdoc

  1. Presumably you can now add British to the 'hit list', since Parliament has approved air strikes against ISIS. The irony is that Russians are not actually targetting ISIS in Syria, but neglected to tell them that they were really bombing fighters opposed to Assad. They are paranoid about losing a stronghold in Syria and will never back down from giving support to Assad, whatever the cost and loss of yet countless more Syrian nationals..

  2. One of the main reasons for rating as the world's no 1 place for motorbike accidents, is that for some utterly inconceivable reason, motorbikes and scooters are hired on only passport details. and not driving licences. None are asked for. The rider might be a total novice, having never ridden one before, but believes that he or she must be able to ride O.K. !! Add some alcohol to the mix, and other faster riders overtaking and rushing past, and there are the ingredients for a accident, fatal or otherwise. At least start addressing the problem by insisting that renters MUST have a valid licence for what they are hiring!

  3. Not only would a European not park £5,000 in a current account, but until the requirements were published on November 13th, they would even know that was going to be required. Are Brits now meant to be telepathic as well as being penalized under the new rules? There is no way I can think of, as to how someone can park £5,000 in an account retrospectively for the previous 6 months, of you never dreamt that was going to be asked for !

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