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beau thai

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Everything posted by beau thai

  1. ppp opticians in small soi next to rajavej. he doesnt speak much english but enough to get by. great job at reasonable price. great after sales service if needed
  2. online but it will surely be the same at drive in, if the principle is recording where they can find you via tm30 data . about 6 months ago.
  3. so wont the submarines be so detectable at that level as to be useless??
  4. good luck with that. My 90 day was refused by CM Imm and I was sent away to get new tm30 after staying at a hotel in Thailand.
  5. I am uninsured, I get a medical bill, I pay it. No illusions-I think of myself as uninsured. When some of us sometimes refer to that as self insurance I think you know exactly what that means, 555. Nothing 'with' it. just an expression. Like pigs flying.
  6. mazda 2 auto so easy to drive. we picked up a finance repo (from a dealer), nearly new at a great price. Been very happy with it.
  7. I insured with Cigna. never had any claims. But when i reached a round number birthday they said I had reached a higher risk pool. They tripled the premium. I cancelled, I self insure now but that can need deep pockets too
  8. an incapacitated friend using assistthaivisa was driven to the immigration office,the officer came to the car with a camera and completed the visa extension.
  9. i had a good deal with cigna for several years. no claims at all but then when i reached my birthday they said I had reached a higher risk pool. The premium was raised by a factor of 3. Now I self insure. (But that can be costly too.) A neighbour here died recently as his money ran out to pay for meds and treatment so self insurance can need deep pockets.
  10. my electricity for 3 people in a 2br condo is about 1500 a month. we use the 3 aircons but not a lot as we find fans more comfortable. 6k may be places not using govt electric rates who make up for lower rent by overcharging per unit electricity.
  11. well, IBS is certainly a pain in the ass-and other associated regions. the bloating and gurgling is very unpleasant. When I was really struggling with it, my onco/haemo consultant here (not a deitician) suggested cutting out lactose and gluten. Very successful. But not immediate as gluten lingers in the system for several weeks. But I was much better fairly quickly and pretrty much cured after a year. If I regress because I get fed up with being faddy, and eat some pizza, then IBS comes back with a vengeance. Lactose free is easy, as most shops stock lactose free milk-and CM bread in Nong Hoi has tasty lactose free cheese, but a little normal cheese is not a problem for me. There is a gf facebook group -gluten free chiang mai that makes the transition to gf easier. Normal beer is a gluten problem, but Beer lao and Cheers Riceberry (both rice based) are fine for me. I would suggest cutting gluten and lactose for a few months and see if that helps you. I also used to take a spoonful of psyllium husk in a glass of water daily. the extra fibre helped Best of luck. The changes above were life changing for me. Everyone's microbiome is different though -not sure if you have read The Gut Doctor-useful website.
  12. very good advice. some keep a uk address (friend/relative) for mail/bank etc and register with GP local to that address -in case you need NHS later. after all, you are just going to be on a long holiday in thailand!.
  13. i was unable to complete via laptop but after downloading app Section 38 on my android phone, it completed.
  14. Just had our canon done on Panthip plaza. turn right off 1st escalator. Bon DD. Ours had also dried up and we bought a used but look new Canon copier scanner printer from Bon for 1500 baht. Less than the repair cost of the old one as the heads had gone -750 each to replace. Very pleased with the new achine. And I must remember to do an all colour print once a week to stop it drying out!
  15. Good to see you and Pranee for brunch today Jon, and to shoot the breeze-or was that a hurricane?! Look forward to visiting you both at your new venture near Ruamchok, next month. Best of luck.
  16. so sorry to read about your daily tribulations Jon. i hope the medics can improve your health, and meantime,very best wishes for the road ahead for you both. You have had way more than your share of troubles yet keep cheerful. Time you caught a lucky break.
  17. yes it seems you found a solution! if you have hit save and no error message came up then you are in the system and can screenshot or print. if you log back in and go through the same steps, on the left you will see 3 options before you get to the form to complete. one is a search option and should show your names as registered if you want additional assurance!
  18. Many thanks for your reply. I couldnt make any of that work on my Huawei P30 despite many workaround attempts. I finally fixed this by avoiding google entirely. downloaded Opera as an alternate browser and through that, downloaded Section 38 app.
  19. as I said I didnt have an address on google but have now added location here as the address. Makes no difference..
  20. so I have just set my google address to my location here, turned phone off/on, still get same message Not available in your country. maybe driven by using English not thai?
  21. i dont have a 'home' or other street address on google
  22. Finally solved and I will detail, in case it helps others. 1. Registering on mobile with Imm gets you an email link that doesnt work. 2.I learned from a thai, there is another app called Section 38, specifically for TM30 3.That app doesnt appear on playstore on my phone (dtac sim, used here for years!) 4.I found it on google but when I try to install I get a message Not available in your country! (I am in Chiang Mai, and this phone has never been used outsideThailand.) Some location based sites think Chiang Mai City is in Myanmar. Really! so i turned on my vpn and set it to Bangkok. Same message Not available in your country 5 Tried on a Thai phone in thai language. Success. Used my online password and user name (no need to re-register for this mobile Section38 app.) 6 Section 38 also asks for TM6 number but unlike online site it is not a mandatory field Job done. eventually
  23. internet is fine. the link they emailed still just gets error Url not found. hopeless
  24. Oh, step 2 ok email arrived now . But the link contained just results in 'URL NOT FOUND' I so wish it was the so easy 5 minute job you described! Maybe the people employed in Immigration are not keen for the online stuff to work......gotta preserve their jobs.
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