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  1. Well uncle Willie, there was gonna be 4 games...I have to say I was sweating after the Swans died like 5 min after the game started, think the Eagles missed a bullet there uncle with Cox, the guy had ants in his pants the whole game, with you know how good everyone thinks the Pies are I was thinking I was looking down the barrel at a big fat Zero and 2, was not confident with my man Hogan out, well didnt they just touch up the Pies nicely?
  2. My experience once out of BKK its a crap shoot on ordering food, and im with you with the undercooked chicken, look they just toss any meat and just and I mean just brown it, food in Pattaya just about everywhere is ordinary, when you do find a decent place go back 2 months later its crap, honestly this place is the worst on the planet for restaurant food.
  3. Well men, Suns saved another embarrassment no? Lions dont get to hoist the pennant as well, and NRL has no issues with there big burly stars bashing up the mrs, Taylan May, a Sydney club has been asked about his fitness due to being stood down over that hiccup alleged altercation wth the mrs or gf, like in politics football fans have short memories as well.. https://www.nine.com.au/sport/nrl/news-2025-taylan-may-sydney-club-expresses-interest-court-case-reports-20250304-p5lgod.html Haven't read on it just the headlines but has Hardwick's hottie and former mistress now shacked up together and maybe even married, see even in AU younger women and older men work too, got a "job for the boys" @ the Suns? Well I dont know what the hooo harr is about like he met her at the Tigers office so she knows a few things about working at an AFL club, is it the press with NO news so again there making it up as they go along? Ya ive boycotted a number of so called AFL news outlets after the miss treatment my club had to endure for a lot of last year reaching fever pitch by the end of the season right up to the draft, then they still (reading headlines only) wanted to keep it rolling in the off season start of this year, then recently started on Picket and Freo, AGAIN, honestly any frigging dill can see there stacked and packed for small forwards @ Freo so where ya gonna play him? And do they really need another million dollar man on there books? And mates cant like posts by their mates? does it mean its set in concrete the guy wants to leave, by the way he grew up in SA at least the football part, there now digging up dirt on Ugle-Hagan, like the coach hates him the Captain hates him and Lobb where he stayed for a while now hates him.....who else hates him? No clubs are circling him, hey wait, a trade with the Blues, Adrian would love that, Makay to the Dogs for Ugle to the Blues, sound familiar? give em a week and them fellas will be spitting it out, remember the Dogs English? was going to the Eagles allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll season long, almost mentioned in passing weekly, according to the same news pests, right up until a month out then he casually resigned with the Dogs. In case those news hounds read our humble thread, NO Demons will be traded, there all on long contracts, and Picket is worth three big ones in the big smoke, we have a history of getting good capital for leaving players ie Jet Jackson, but hey, im of the opinion that that turning players over a la Kev Sheedy is good for the club, only once I seen a club hang on to there dads army and win a flag, that was the Hawks in the maybe 90s, under Jeans, like that team looked dead and buried the 2 previous seasons with Mathews and co kicking around with nothing to do on the forward line.
  4. If you like to chat AFL go to the thread I posted above.
  5. AHHH well I haven't lived in the area since 2013, but its still The Council Club to me.
  6. It certainly is, dont know what they call the pub now but use to be The Council Club use to host bands Friday and Saturday night we the brothers use to rock down most weekends there in the 70's until The Excelsior over in Settlement rd Thomastown opened they had this great southern country rock band playing fri and sat for a long time, doing Allman Bros, Doobie Bros and the like stuff long before it hit the radio in Oz, (Ive always had an ear for fresh new music its why I rally listen to the golden oldies) Over the road from the pub is the Preson market and car park wonder what its looking like today they wanted to stick million a apartments over the top of it. The demise of pub rock for the Council Club, Excelsior and the hot Northcote one I forget name of now which was the Cold Chisel stomping ground for many a long year all came to an end with poker machines, they could make the same money or more plus lower costs with 1/10th of people, you know I hate gambling and pretty peed off with the AFL making it look like its normal to throw money on teams, I became even more anti gambling when I had a job for about a month in a den refurbishment over in Ivanhoe, if you can imaging a Chinese smoking heroin den at 7 am I would walk in and there would be about 4 or 5 deadbeats cig in hand pulling a leaver with the other a god dam beer in front of them smoke in the air feeding these ratchet machines...and always at least one token woman.....who I can guarantee I would never sleep with, and this was every morning I worked there, around 10 am they the customers who have no life would begin to trickle in... As a side not men, in breaking news the famous number 10 handed over to forward "Disco" Daniel Turner, now this number is not handed out lightly, looked like he could go places last year...worn previously by Andy Brayshaw, keep your eye on number 30, Harry Sharp, thank you Brisbane Lions, knows where the big sticks are recon this guy will play round one, and im getting a little excited about number 42, Aidan Johnson, mature age recruit from the VFL, got the body x2 of Clayton can move can mark can ruck and can be a forward, takes marks in packs like he's playing against the little league.
  7. Several west Aussies in here will be somewhat perplexed to discover a Bullants reject flies to Perth to resurrect his career with Swan Districts, not only the mighty Toners (Preston---ton--toners, in house nick name the boys on the hill at Cramer street would call) passed on recruiting him apparently no interest at all in the VFL which use to be the VFA before the AFL did a Trump and took them over. https://www.nine.com.au/sport/afl/news-2025-tarryn-thomas-perth-wafl-return-swan-districts-20250226-p5lf8d.html Its rather nice that a far flung club has decided to check out and possibly take Tarryn on to help rehabilitate him back into the community, poor guy led astray as a lad looking down the barrel of having to work as a bricks labourer for $25 an hour as against the cool million he would have got playing AFL a season, Swans District a stepping stone is how you see it, to the Eagles well Dockers are packed right now...Cheap pick up and far enough away from the big city lights over there in Perth for im guessing the Eagles in 2026 and only be 25 yet to hit his prime. Im pretty sure each time Tarryn pulls out his wallet to pay for a coffee and he and sees how light it is is pretty cut up about abusing women and the already 1.5m down the drain it cost him...Give the boy a chance in the west, if Ben Cousins could do it anyone can. Tip for you Tarryn, if the Swans dont pick you up look up Jordan De Geoy and ask to be put in touch with his Salvation Army mate, always good to have a man of the cloth by your side. As a side note, the word out of Deeland is Clayton is tearing it up, grown another 3 inches around the chest and bulldozing....
  8. Well you know I really think in most case eventually people can and do change, but I agree not at my club thank you... https://www.nine.com.au/sport/afl/vfl-news-2025-tarryn-thomas-charges-guilty-north-melbourne-northern-bullants-contract-20250221-p5le84.html The former great Preston Bullants club a recent vessel of the Carlton Blues now importantly independent and again The Northern Bullants at the Cramer st oval just over the railway tracks and a hop step and jump form the contentious remodelling of the Preston market my old stomping ground as young lads entertain our selves on the dirt moulds watching the Ants on a Sunday say no thank you to Tarrant...here here...well sometimes we sat in the grand stand.. And when will a club shoot themselves in the foot in the AFL? Honestly someone has rocks in there heads offering someone a life contract on 17m over 10 ys or what ever, you only have to look at one of my teams in the US offering Deshawn Watson a 5 year deal fully guaranteed at around 45m a season so far has played about one seasons worth of games in 3 and basically has been s.h.i.t. only to find out he's now out for next season as well..Deshawn is smiling all the way to the bank as he pockets another cool mouth watering 45m for 2026.. And was it so bad that the president of the Spanish football federation kissed his captain of the women's team on the lips after winning the women's World Cup? like she dont look gay and is quite attractive so what's the big deal? Am I missing something? Like its not like they didnt know each other....
  9. AfL, Australian football league sponsored tipping contest, one of the guys registered and each year renews then throws it open for guys in particular from thaivisa now asean who been chatting Aussie rules since 2011, once you register within the AFL tipping then you search the code given and add yourself, each week you log in to the AFL site and pick your teams, there is a ladder generated from the registered tipsters, one of the guys puts up that screenshot of the ladder you and I are on in the AFL thread, if you go look at the link I sent and scroll back to last season you will quickly understand, dont be shy we dont have any Collingwood supporters yet...2 Demons a Blue An Eagle A Kangaroo a Saint and a Swan...we have lost a few members over time but there use to be around a dozen guys once. No money or CC is required, the AFL do have a prize for the top tipster so its a fairdinkum competition but like I certainly dont aspire to try and beat nation at it..
  10. no money involved no credit cards required.
  11. We are waiting for you to come join us links above.
  12. Advanced Member 4.9k Popular Post Posted Thursday at 01:04 PM For those that didn't get the automatic email when I rejuvenated the tipping comp here are the details. https://tipping.afl.com.au/tipping/index.html#/comp/74331/about?code=DTLR7VDH I've noticed a few newbies lurking around this forum in last few months making contributions. Hey guys jump in as all are welcome, join the tipping. Lot's of good friendly banter and Alex is the main target. WE HAVE HAVE HAD A AFL THREAD GOING IN HERE SINCE 2011, IF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE LIKE TO GET INVOLVED COME OVER, WE HAVE A TIPPING COMP GOING AS WELL, LINKS TO BOTH ARE ABOVE. GOOOOOOOO DEMONS..
  13. We where once loud and proud, now like rats in a corn field scurrying around...Mr Adrian has taken the baton these days..
  14. yep and up to page 588 thats why I thought we needed refresh but no takers..
  15. North is my second team this year, think you can expect a decent season, liked they added some classy veterans especially that Swan. Just got out of a local AU online news outlet, honestly the sports press hasn't got anything to do so more speculations on my club, will someone tell Kane Cornes the last time the Demons culture was questioned we wont the flag 10 months later..
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