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Posts posted by build6

  1. Also have a look at the new LG L series III -- L40, L70, L90. All dual sim, android 4.4.2 and range from bt 3.5k to 8k. I have the L90 and for the price I'm very happy with it in terms of build, performance and battery life. The dual sim function works well in that you can set 3G to either (but not both) of the sims (as opposed to just one of them on some phones). Very easy to switch sims for voice using the dedicated sim button. Maybe too easy if you're worried about calling certain people from the wrong sim wink.png

    I have an earlier-gen LG dual-SIM and am pleased with it. basically it gave me a good impression of LG phones overall.

  2. be aware office 2003 is officially end-of-lifed by Microsoft, i.e. it's no longer getting new patches and fixes. So even if your source is not corrupted with malware, all it would take is a malicious document file from elsewhere that you open, to mess things up.

  3. Yes the shop needs to be equipped to issue the VAT refund form, so only the larger shops (and you need to have your passport on you). And there will be a "handling fee" charged so the refund will be less than the vat amount strictly speaking. But its still money and if you're buying the expensive phones its quite a bit.

    The expiry date will be printed on the form.

  4. Even if you're here permanently, as long as you're making a flight out from a major airport within 3 months you can claim VAT for it? Why turn down free money. There'd be enough for a couple of beers. A shop that can issue you the VAT refund is also going to be "legit" so you should be able to trust it. You mentioned iPhone so there's probably not much price variation from the big malls also so not so much hunting around necessary.

  5. Google maps has bad info. Apple maps has no info. They announced they were working off the TomTom database, which basically tells me I should not buy a TomTom GPS. I don't understand why apple can't just use some of the cash they have to buy a mapping company that actually has good data (whoever provides Garmin with their data is actually pretty good. Or at least better than what they have currently)

  6. argh autocorrect.

    www.garmin.co.th (which you said you went to). Actually more precisely:


    Do it with Google Chrome and activate translation (that's what I do). It can handle the installation of the Communicator plugin for you (you don't need to manually install). Once that happens the website can talk to your Garmin directly and you can handle the map update from there.

    If you look at the URL it will redirect you to the Taiwan website but it indicates your locale as TH. The mention of the SD card is just their default stuff, you don't need it (it basically says that you'll need an SD card if you don't have enough space, which so far the 2465 does not have that problem).

    It should not be redirecting you to garmin express unless you're trying to update off the official US website. If you have to, uninstall garmin express then try again (it's not like you can't reinstall it right?)

    All the "working" files are in .System - but I'm not sure how the Garmin authentication works now, it does not depend simply on the .unl files. If you just copy the gmapprom and associated .unl files I don't know if they'd work even if you copy it back later (the unlock setup might not work, I'm not sure which file it is).

  7. SD cards go bad *all the time*. This is in fact one of the reasons why Apple does not allow for SD card expansion - not only does it improve their bottom line, they have absolute control over the source of memory chips that go into their products and so don't have to worry about people blaming them for corrupting their data when its not their fault.

    Flash memory cells have a fixed lifetime of writes and reads. Each cell will die after "x" rewrites. This number can be surprisingly low (thousands not millions depending on the source). Thing is, often you are writing even when you don't realize it (some apps like to edit MP3 metadata without telling you for example. What's worse is if something is writing to the filesystem). The SD controller chip is supposed to "spread the rewrites around" and even out the "wear and tear" but that doesn't always work. So some cells could die while the others have an almost full service life ahead of them - but too bad the whole thing is junk now.

    (Spreading out the rewrites often just causes other problems too - IIRC there is an Intel-branded SSD where 2+ years after its introduction, the forums erupted with complaints about data loss, apparently their math was wrong and the real lifespan was nowhere near their expected lifespan)

    When buying SD cards I generally ignore marketing things like "lifetime warranty". Most people see that and think "that means they expect it to last forever!", which it does not. "Lifetime" is always defined as a fudgeable term ("product is obsolete/retired, no replacements") and you're better off getting a "fixed" lifespan product if replacements matter to you (if they say ten years, they need to mean ten years, or someone in America *will* sue. Caveat - the company needs to be around in ten years). When I need SD cards (or any other kind of memory), I get the ones that come from manufacturers who have their own chip fabs, ie they make their own chips instead of repackaging other people's. Sandisk does NOT have their own fabs. Neither does Kingston. You're better off with the "traditional" memory producers like Samsung, Toshiba if you can find it. The bet is that they'll keep their best product for themselves and Apple (who *will* sue them to oblivion), and then sell the rest to repackagers who have decided that replacing dead SD cards under "lifetime warranty" is cheaper than implementing better QA. But even then, no guarantees.

    I will say I see those "Rizz" and "Asaki" SD cards in 7-11s and am very tempted to get one to test to destruction, just to collect data on how long they last.

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