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I knew this would happen

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Posts posted by I knew this would happen

  1. I give tips, but only if someone did more than just his job, that´s what he gets paid for anyway. If someone is a little more friendly and helpful than the average i will reward that, makes him happy and me too!

    Because next time when we meet again i hope for the same service. And if after a while they get used to beeing tipped, i will leave that out a few times and usually they get it.....

    If there´s a service charge included i won´t tip of course, only when something really outstanding happend.

    When i still had a boss and did more than a good job i expected some form of "thank you" too. And in some places giving a tip really helps a lot, there are some parking lots that always have a free place for me since i tip these guys. Ok, thats almost briberby.....biggrin.png

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  2. Perhaps a B50-Baht per disconnect refund might focus the telecom-companies' minds ? whistling.gif

    50 Baht per disconnect and my wife would get a payment of 1000B instead a bill every month, would be nicer to give it to the customers as a compensation. It´s unbelieveable how miserable her DTAC is in some areas. My True 3G is a little better, but only two of my 3 true internet connections are stable.......

    There is some room for improvement.

  3. Hard to say what happend to you, usually i go there by taxi as i don´t want to leave my car parked there for ages, so i´m also not very familiar with the sourroundings.

    But i parked there twice with my own car and i could find the parking area while following the signs and with a little guessing. I recall that it wasn´t perfect but "manageable". How is it possible that the staff couldn´t direct you?!

    You might have been too tired?

  4. Live here for several years and then tell me you "dont" enjoy the break to colder climates, the ability to walk for an hour with the wind in your face and a slight chill in the air. Live Hot escape to cooler and the majoity do vice - versa.

    Its all about finding a change and escaping from the norm.


    I went back to the UK several years back, flew out from Bangkok on 15 May, as the plane landed at Heathrow the pilot informed us that

    ground temp was 7 degrees C. I then had to travel to Cornwall, bloody perishing. So it went on throughout my 7 month stay,I actually developed chil blaines (sp) never had them in my life. My old body does not cope well with cold weather any more. This was in an English summer, Winter! no thanks.

    Actually my wife and me wanted to spent christmas this year back home, we´re both truly missing it. We look forward for cold air, wearing coats and scarfs, drink Glühwein.....walk through christmas markets. Really hope we can manage it this year.

    What you have experienced with your trip to the UK is quite "strange"? I would have expected that you might freeze more or something like that, but that the body could show such serious reactions puzzles me a bit. I only noticed that i´m getting cold faster for the first few days, that was all. Maybe not everyone misses the cold, but many wink.png

  5. I have seen some open E classes, Z4, MR2, MX5 in BKK during the evening. Mostly younger Thai/Chinese. Back home i used to live in the countryside and you could see me any day in nearly any weather with the roof down. Missed that feeling so much that i got myself an additional roadster here. It´s doens´t come close to the fun i had back there but at least i have some nice moments others cannot have with their cars. But i guess that decission was merely based on good old memories. Crusing down a lonely B-road in a lovely summer night with the smell of grass in the air is just awesome, or driving some curvey mountain road in the alps......omg.

    Well, the downsides have been mentioned already (BKK). For a Thai it really doesn´t make much sense and in his mind having sun and dust in the face is not very appealing, very understandable.

    Look at all the SLKs for example, some richt daughter or mia noi with the shopping bag full of whitening cream, does she even know she can open the roof?


    -far tooo hot in daytime

    -so much pollution in the city that you´ll get instant lung cancer, the <deleted>*n* lorries and city buses can cover the whole road in black dust at a redlight.

    -constant traffic jams, so no matter what car it is, driving is a pain

    -so much dust and dirt in the air i have a black film on the interior after just a short drive in BKK.


    +After watching a movie and getting home late there is no reason not to drive with the roof down, good conditions (mostly)

    +Naam already mentioned early sunday morings, does work too.

    +Take your ride to Hua Hin, Chiang Mai or any other place outside that trashbin called Bangkok and you can really enjoy some moments on the road with crisp air in the evening.

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  6. I just looked up if there is an English counterpart to my favourite German saying, and yes there is:

    It's better to make a painful break than draw out the agony.....

    What are the reasons for staying in Thailand when there is no secure income or job, no more family or friends to rely on, no healthcare, visa problems, possible arguments with ex wife/family.....there are only some good memories left and that´s maybe all, nothing worth to fight for in this case IMHO. Starting over back home might seem hard too, but at least there is no need to worry for basic things and after a while life might go back to normal. That´s less likely to happen in Thailand.

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  7. I get called Farang all the time, and I used to absolutely hate it.

    Especially since I'm Thai myself, and being called an 'Outsider' by my own people isn't pleasant..

    because I grew up in Oz I'm considered to be different.

    Thai's who call me 'Farang' I just see them as narrow minded.

    A few years ago when we were living in Australia, my wife was telling me about a "Ferang" behaving badly in a local shopping centre. I half-jokingly, told her that in Australia, "you are the Ferang." That was when the "Ugly Racist Thai Truth" was revealed and she fessed-up, saying that the word "Ferang" relatesONLY to Non-Asians.

    So what now? Thais claim Farang is foreigner from the west and no insult, just a generalisation like "Asians". But then how to merge these two examples? ermm.gif

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  8. What about the rest of the Thai family, can they provide any backup or is he out there alone? If there is any well working family network in the backround a further stay "may" be at least a little reasonable. But when he´s basically alone, what´s left to keep him here? He has no rights, what about the visa, who owns the house, everything will fall apart and any return home will be very difficult without any funds left. Is there any family back home which is ready to help him outta this mess if necessary? They even might be able to convince him to do the right thing now!

    For a seven year old it might be really hard to accept such a change of life. My wife moved from China to Thailand when she was eight, she still tells me what kind of horror it was for her, but the wellbeing of the whole family might depend on that drastic move.

    It sounds like a disaster is waiting to happen if nothing changes, after one year of looking for a job it might not happen the next month very likely sad.png

    Edit: In the case of my wife moving from China to Thailand she stated that at that time noone was prepared or ready to give any assistance in her attempt to integrate into the Thai system. In Australia that should be not the case i guess, less hardship at least.

  9. I tried to watch some of it to improve my listening comprehension, but then what i understood gave me headache.

    The storylines, the constant yelling, the everyone is richer than god and those plastic face actors make we want to throw something at my TV after 10 minutes.

    It´s not worth to watch any of these series IMHO. Some of them actually started with a good idea but then got ruined by the same things everyone complained about. I thought "kuuh gum" had potential, it was about the japanese in Thailand during the war.

    If you really want to watch then you can try youtube. There are some series with fan made subtitles, they get removed after a while due to copyright violations.



  10. And some are born with "both" of it. After birth it cannot be said with absolute certainty what "it" is. In such cases some parents decided to raise the child as a boy or girl and forced it to behave like that. These children got depressive. This third option leaves the door open for the future, it´s a good idea.

    Edit: Yeah like h90 said already, too late for me.

  11. I can't see how Honda Thailand could implement an over all blanket policy that stops prospective customers from taking a vehicle for a test drive , Oh I forgot TIT biggrin.png

    Why not? Honda and Toyota could do whatever they want! As long as the Thai car market is controlled by the Japanese car mafia nothing will change.

    If there would be any competition the behaviour of sales personal "undercover" stated in his post would be impossible/suicide.

    But would be really interesting to know if this is becoming reality. Or maybe they just thought that you´re no serious buyer and wanted to wave you goodbye...

  12. Anyone else noticed how SHORT FUSED, and SHORT TEMPERED the Thais have become in the last few years? 10 years ago you still had a "solly" or "khothoat krap" but now its just "f*&K you", "Khee Nok", and "go back your country"

    Farang have everything they desire and will never have.

    And they utterly hate you for it.

    I am speaking for the majority of those with less than you, that have no chance of attaining such.

    Well, then they should ask theirself why they´ll never achieve that and who´s at fault?

    But´s more easy to attack someone of who they think is at fault/enemy (unfortunately that happens anywhere in the world)

    One thing is for sure though, too many drunk white s*it*. Sometimes i feel embarassed for fellow countrymen/westerners, as a Thai i wouldn´t welcome such individuals either.

  13. 500 baht fine for a violent, armed attack on a 70 year old for an accidental street bump?.

    Utter idiocy!

    Welcome to Thailand where the crime is against one of you farang.

    Wonder if the German would have been fined 500b if he stabbed a Thai. rolleyes.gif

    Never forget what this society thinks of you.

    I hope that Karma will do it´s job on Thailand one day. Whenever i read such a topic i want to bite my in desk. Yes, there are crime against foreigners in our home countries, yes there is some white trash wandering around in Thailand. But to beat, stab, rob and murder them as a daily basis while singing "khon thai ben khon dee" seems unique to this rotten place......

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  14. if there bis nothing else I will get it and mix it 50/50 with soda water, or just drink the soda waterbah.gif

    Same here, i noticed that many softdrinks taste almost like their European brothers after mixing them with soda. You can try to mix Krating Daeng with Soda, et voilà you´ve got almost the import taste (i despise that company now though).

    I really miss the wiede variety of good tasting light drinks back home, not exactly healthy but better than loads of sugar.

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