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  1. After the launch of new TM30 website/webbased access in Sep 2023, is there a new S38/TM30 app that can be downloaded? I have the old S38 app and apparently it is not functioning.
  2. I only regisrered and created the new account today. I didn't input any new entry/record of TM30 reporting. I think another user here @Mutt Daeng did a trial of TM30 reporting. As for checking the old entries, NO! this new site is apparently standalone and independent from the old site. This doesn't mean all the previous reproting have been lost. The onus of proof is from us to demonstrate that we did the reporting and we need to secure evidence to show to the IO that we did our job, regardless they did theirs or not.
  3. I suspect at this moment, the IO is parallel running 2 portal systems, i.e. the new website access and the S.38 App. I logged in the app and apparently everything is as it is, including the ability to create new reporting and search for the past records. The IO seems to have this fallback plan to users/stakeholders.
  4. I believe the IO/Government has done systems development analysis to come up with 2 standalone systems instead of system enhancement. Perhaps $/budget is the key factor.
  5. 1. A new registration is required as the user ID is now an email address instead of an ID assigned by IO. 2. Once registration, I could receive the temp password and start working/creating the profile, unlike the old version when we needed to wait for several days. I think in the past, the IO had to check on the supporting documents before they approved the account creation, whereas this time, they want to roll out the system immediately such that they had no choice but to approve first, check later. 3. All owner and condo information have to input as if brand new application. 4. Unlike in other western countries, it seems to me the old and new systems are standalone. I think the IO doesn't want to risk losing or corrupt data in both systems. Well, this is Thailand. 5. My experience is that the registration is easy. From the excel template and the notification details, the new system requires lesser data. For example, entry point, visa type...have been phased out. Perhaps the IO may run some training sessions/videos/guides in Thai to the local guesthouses/hotels as they are the major stakeholders of this change to ease their routine reporting. Never know.
  6. 1. You need to create the address of your condo in the profile page. Then this address will auto display on the left side ADDRESS BOX of the "Inform Accommodation" page. 2. Date of inform - google translate as date of notification. That means input date. I think both dates are the same. 3. Date of stay is check in check out date. 4. This page is for the foreign visitors/guests. All information relates to the guests. 5. Inform (notification) I suggest you download the excel sheet, of which it shows the examples, including the nationality code. If you use the excel sheet to upload, it is much easier and clearer. Apparently some of the dates in the blank fields in this form are not required to be filled in the excel sheet.
  7. Without further instruction from the IO, we should take no other action.
  8. you need to fill in the blanks by yourself.
  9. I only uploaded the title deed and my passport in PDF. I put phone number with a "+" sign and it also went through. The registration was very smooth at that point of time. I later tried to click on the registration link again but the system went down. I am not surprised the Thai systems do not always work and occassionally they take coffee break as they wish.
  10. I clicked on the old link and it was directed to the new link, so I get some comfort the new registration should be real. I just created the new account. Got new user ID and temp password immediately. Then I updated my profile and uploaded the documents. I also downloaded the excel template. So far so good. I think I need to wait till I create a new TM30 record and walk through to be familiar with the procedures. I don't know if it has function to enquiry the past entries. I believe the enquiry is limited to data to be inputted into this new portal. Any what about the enquiry of the past entries as the old portal is gone, except for the S.38 app which is still running.
  11. I wonder if this new registration email dispatching to many TM30 accounts holders is a kind of phishing mail to capture private data, as it is getting common tactics in these days. Are there any independent credible sources from Thailand IO or announcement to show it is official program to revamp their TM30 website?
  12. 1. Is this re-registration required for a brand new registration of a new account? meaning uploading title deeds, passport, etc..? 2. Do we get the new user ID and new temporary passport instantly? instead of waiting for few days?
  13. Looks like the TM30 account user has to find out what needs to register or re-register first in the new website before one can ascertain what they are cooking and whether their dish has implications to the S.38 app access. Not too long to find it out.
  14. Looks like the TM30 account user has to find out what needs to register or re-register first in the new website before one can ascertain if the registration has implications to the S.38 app access. Not too long to find it out.
  15. It is good to know. I completed TM30 filing a few times but always filled all the blanks. Thanks.

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