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Posts posted by icecubes

  1. This is the same as banning pedestrians from crossing a certain street because some drunk driver plowed into someone there.

    Not too sure about the logic here.

    I'm guessing the mayor has a friend who is somehow involved in the jet ski business.

    Wow i wonder why Mobi and Tammi didnt jump on this post and say how silly it would be to ban pedestrians, kinda the same as i said about banning cars

    I really don't want to get into a slanging match over this but your comments can't go unanswered.

    It is patently ridiculous to compare cars to jet skis.

    Cars a a necessary evil and essential to modern day life. Jet skis are an unneccesary evil, and are just there for the fun of the users.

    Sorry about that. It's been a long day. I would like to see jet skis banned from, at least, busy beaches. They are noisy and dangerous. From what I read donuts should be banned too. I remember how it was without jet skis, donuts, and banana boats, and speed boats. Idyllic. Would take my beach chair and G&T to the beach to watch the sunset to the tune of the sea gently lapping on the clean, white sand. Then to the Sugar Hut for supper. No car park, no motorbikes, no shops. Just a handful of tourists and the soft wind whispering in the palms. Then walk home with no thought of chain snatchers, bag snachers, knifers, bashers. No ladyboys, transvestites, kamoys, katoys. Leave the windows open and sleep tight.

    All true, but the last ones stretching it a bit :o

  2. In no particular order then,

    For me Berts is #1 on the list, Parking is better, Public transport access is available and prices are a bit better

    All true.

    Baz, admit it. You just want to be closer to soi 6. :bah:

    Whats so good about Soi 6? I havent been there, is there something I am missing you seem to know so much about it :D

    Anyone for the altertative tv pissup.

    Meet up first bar right hand side top of soi 6 Wednesday afternoon.

    2 o’clock. (every week)

    Only conditions are ,

    No mobile phones,

    No wives,

    No boyfriends!!!!

    No real names.

    No none drinkers.

    Apart from the Australians, it’s a bit embarrassing when they get pissed.

    They start all that cricket and sheep worrying talk and stuff !!!

    Plus you need more than 3 grand in the pocket. (baht)

    Anyone up for it..


    Maybe I'm missing something here... :D

    Why does it have to be the first bar right hand side every Wednesday? :D

    What's wrong with the second bar right hand side, and the third... and what about the left hand side....?

    Why don't you have a rolling list of Soi 6 bars, and work your way through them on succeeding Wednesdays?

    If you like, I'll set up shop in the library and hand out maps showing the location of the current "Bar of the Week". :o

    That’s the sprite :D

  3. In no particular order then,

    For me Berts is #1 on the list, Parking is better, Public transport access is available and prices are a bit better

    All true.

    Baz, admit it. You just want to be closer to soi 6. :D

    Whats so good about Soi 6? I havent been there, is there something I am missing you seem to know so much about it :o

    Anyone for the altertative tv pissup.

    Meet up first bar right hand side top of soi 6 Wednesday afternoon.

    2 o’clock. (every week)

    Only conditions are ,

    No mobile phones,

    No wives,

    No boyfriends!!!!

    No real names.

    No none drinkers.

    Apart from the Australians, it’s a bit embarrassing when they get pissed.

    They start all that cricket and sheep worrying talk and stuff !!!

    Plus you need more than 3 grand in the pocket. (baht)

    Anyone up for it..


  4. So the moral of the story is walk away don't get involved and put a tennis ball in your mouth or make sure you have a blackbelt in karate.

    The black belt won’t help you.

    The dark side of the force is strong in Pattaya..

    You may win the fight but the battle, you will loose.

    Revenge of the lady boy, Is always round the corner.

    Take care young bar fly..


  5. There are loudspeakers attatched to lamposts around Pattaya and late afternoon they have a Thai womans voice that is talking non-stop about something, I don't know what.

    The loudspeakers aren't everywhere just here and there. I don't speak Thai. Does anybody know what she's going on about? :o

    It could be someone giving out directions about how to get to different venues around town

    Its that way, no no no, its that way :D

  6. You let a taxi system good or bad decide where you live

    Ha Ha Ha, Give it a rest mate.



    Most anybody with a brain considers the transport situation before choosing a home. Why do you think housing near the Skytrain is so popular and sold at a premium in Bangkok? For the auto dependent, commute times to work or play is also considered by most.

    We were talking about different areas of pattaya

    But anyone with a brain would understand that in the pattaya section. Huh? Huh?

    Put the top back on the glue sticks, then your be ok.

  7. Get the violent scum bags off the street now.

    This is getting way to regular in pattaya.

    Now the tourist was a fool, but is this what he should get.!!!

    What will this TVs do next when it does not like what it hears?

    Kill someone.!!!!

    Smashing someone with a brick. For <deleted> sake.

    Amazing Thailand.


  8. Like it or not Baht Bus is here to stay, and I predict you won't see any metered taxi(s) in Pattaya apart from pre-bookings or drop offs from airport elsewhere. Acceptance is the key to happiness. :bah:

    Lor - no you won't get the ride for 10bht in a metered taxi. Just imagine the same amount of taxi(s) roaming Pattaya as BKK. :D

    As a Pattaya resident myself, I thank god for cars and MC's. I'm living on a soi of sukhumvit (eastern side). For me to get to downtown Patt. I will have to use three bath busses (not considering the hassle walking down the soi to get to sukhumvit).

    so here is the travel route:

    1 One white song teaw southbound past pattaya klang, stop at a walking bridge to get northbound (or walk in the heat and get wet and sweaty). :o

    2 One white song teaw to pattaya klang.

    3 walk a couple of 100 meters and find the empty blue song teaws. (this means negotiatimg prices and all sorts of anoying stuff, esp. if in a hurry)

    On a lucky day, that means 60 bath a day for a roundtrip. I guess I've could have a taxi meter for that, or close to it incl. taxi waiting

    So as far as I'm concerned SCRAP the song teaws and get better transportation :D

    It's a pity it won't happen, this being Thailand and all :D

    sounds like a lot of hassle,which is why i wont consider living in east pattaya.would consider it if there were metered taxis

    You let a taxi system good or bad decide where you live

    Ha Ha Ha, Give it a rest mate.


  9. I don't need adventures like that, I live here...

    Hear, hear........2 weeks ago at Lotus South Pattaya. I bought a washing machine and I had the choice: free delivery by Lotus or use a piece of transport, offered at the parking lot.

    Instead of the regulr Baht busses, there were some mini vans waiting.

    The <deleted> asked 200 Baht for a 1 km trip to my house; I offered 100 Baht but he refused and so did I. The salesguy took the machine inside and they promised to deliver it the next morning.

    On my way out I showed the <deleted> my tax ID proving that I wasn't a tourist waiting to be ripped off and he immeddiately apologized. Offered to take the piece of equipment for 100 Baht to my house...........yeah sure!!!

    The following morning the 2 people from Lotus installed the machine and on their way out I gave them 100 Baht each.

    That taught the <deleted> a real lesson :o:D:D

  10. Laurels:

    Hair cut by Kid in Soi VC. B200.

    Buffet dinner at White Knight, Soi VC. B220. It's worth it just for desserts.

    Dinner at India by Nature on Tappraya Road. Definitely will go back. B418

    Xmas greetings from so many old friends all round the world and here.

    TV Pattaya folks answering my query re garbage disposal at condos.

    Call from eldest sis-in-law that she's got Skype.

    Smile at Thais and they smile right back.

    Bread from Continental Cafe.

    Maid willing to cook when I didn't feel like it.

    Finding my warm jacket bought in the last big freeze in 2000 (?).

    So far, none of my tiles have 'popped' during this cold weather.


    Not managing to do Bangkok Post Sudoku a couple of times.

    Clean forgetting my neighbour's name! Still can't remember.

    Bad housekeeping at condo common areas.

    Washing dangling from balconies!!

    Only Lemons.

    Tammi, for the Washing dangling from balconies comment. :o

  11. No.Iam at work overseas.I called my wife to get regular updates on his condition.She told me the price the Hospital where quoting her.I informed her that first priority was to ensure the Boy was well and getting treated, money does NOT come into it when you hear your child has been taken into hospital.The following day I spoke to her as she and the Boy where leaving the ward and getting ready to settle the bill.I told her to ask abt the high charge and make a bit of a "fuss" over it.She duly did this and called me back to inform me that the bil was reduced from 20,000 to 13,000 at the payment desk.

    Hope that clears it up for you icecubes ?

    As you never answered my question about insurance.

    No worries its as clear as mud.

    Still waiting. Op

    Is it a difficult question about insurance for your family?

    You caring about money no problem and all that.


    O come on don't you want to play anymore? :D

  12. is there any place that has close to authentic mexican food in pattaya? ive been to tequila reef,but, but, but it just isnt what im looking for, i use to live in texas , so ive been spoiled with lots of great mexican food...any other places?

    any good enchiladas that melt in your mouth, with proper chili sauce laddled over the top?

    man im hungry

    The Great American Rib, on Tepprasit Road, on the way going from Tepprarya Road heading to Sukumvit, on the right side, they have a fantastic Tex-Mex type BBQ :o...

    I highly recommend trying this place. :D

    Got two agree with that.

    but more to the point the Margaritas at happy hour 5-7 o’clock are 106 baht

    are great, they could beat the Tequila Reef, had to have four last night just to make sure.

    it gets my vote. :D

  13. I bet it would have been 1000 instead of the usual 500.


    Hah Loi???..Dunno where your hunting area is. But pan baht is a current rate somehow. Either pan baht or free, that's totally up to you :D

    PS: before getting any complaints, that's for sure the amount of THB you spent for the drinks of your loved one :D

    Can you just de encrypt your comments

    for us all to read what you have to say please.

    Strange stuff do you take drugs :D

  14. Went to Frendship this morning to replace my jar but there was NONE LEFT.

    Was in there 5pm last night they had 7 jars left.............obviously an influx of T.V members. :o

    Try again in a week they will get it in again.

    Come on Thai flyer what you doing counting

    Jars of branston pickle on a shelf in a supper market. :D

    If you need a few pointers of what to do in pattya

    let me know, I can point you in the right direction :D

    But 10 out of ten for effort

  15. No.Iam at work overseas.I called my wife to get regular updates on his condition.She told me the price the Hospital where quoting her.I informed her that first priority was to ensure the Boy was well and getting treated, money does NOT come into it when you hear your child has been taken into hospital.The following day I spoke to her as she and the Boy where leaving the ward and getting ready to settle the bill.I told her to ask abt the high charge and make a bit of a "fuss" over it.She duly did this and called me back to inform me that the bil was reduced from 20,000 to 13,000 at the payment desk.

    Hope that clears it up for you icecubes ?

    As you never answered my question about insurance.

    No worries its as clear as mud.

    Still waiting. Op

    Is it a difficult question about insurance for your family?

    You caring about money no problem and all that.


  16. There was a lot of talk amongst local Thais yesterday about a bomb that had been found in or near one of the cinemas in Pattaya yesterday?

    They were warning to stay away from Big C and Royal Garden?

    Anyone heard anytthing about this?

    Well somebody is taking this seriously. I noticed security guards have set up a desk at one of the entrances to Big C on Second Road and they were doing randam shopping trolley checks. I didn't check the other entrances.

    Did they have a mirror on a stick to check the main

    Chassis of the shopping trolley for suspect devices.


    BTW Its not such a good idea to give people a deck to sit at, as this

    also doubles as a sleeping aid in Thailand.

    Boom Boom.


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