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Posts posted by icecubes

  1. Yorkie's large pork pies are Bt 200 each ... whata rippoff !


    correct, pies in Thailand should not cost the same as pies in UK, the is a 1-4 ratio for most things produced locally, only greedy falangs rip people off, these pies should retail for about 30baht, but they ask a price and people are willing to pay, if only they knew

    Want to talk about a ripoff , try Simon's Fish & Chips in Jomtien - they even have a sign by the cashier explaning why they are ripping you off on the prices. :o

    I think I just saw a Yorkies Pork Pie for sale at Friendship Market for 60 baht, not 200 baht.

    As far as Simon's, yes their Icelandic cod is expensive (230 I think for a small portion, chips, and peas), but I must say this was absolutely the best fried cod I have ever tasted (but I am a Yank so don't listen to me). And also enough food unless you're famished.

    The portions are to small at Simons.

    Cant see people rushing back to eat there, brits like a load on the plate if its fish and chips.

    Not again for me.

  2. Your dead right.

    It’s great, one more very well conceived idea.

    That will teach those naughty falangs a lesson.

    You get out and spend some money in a different country.

    What are they thinking with this silly rule.

    It will be of zero benefit to Thailand and like someone

    Pointed out,, it will just be joke at immigration when they start

    the rolling count of days.

    All the naughty boys will still be here.

  3. Not to sure what you are saying. This is not a dig at you.

    They have very little information about you, when you fill out most visa application forms for Thailand,

    Does any thing get checked.

    Is there a box to tick if you’re an undesirable. You could be any body.

    The only thing they have is an address to check your passport against.

    Dosh in the bank. For a different kind of Visa.

    Not that hard to sort out if you’re an undesirable.

    Its not rocket science you know.

    All the undesirables will still get visas and will still be here.

    A complete waste of time, in my opinion.

    Silly sods.

  4. Yorkie's large pork pies are Bt 200 each ... whata rippoff !


    I agree yorkies costs have been going up over the last few years a little

    to much.

    I find it hard to pay for there large breakfast anymore, its just to dear.

    The quality of food and there marketing is great. but cost not so good.

  5. In the future don’t hand over wads of cash to people renting out condo’s and houses.

    Remember the ball is firmly in your court,, you have the cash and they want it

    Its always negotiable., There are far more empty places than there are people willing to rent them out, looks like that will increase in the next few years as well.

    Remember that one next time.

    Have a nice day.

  6. Central Festival Department Store ( the Big C)

    Got charged for the car park today.

    thought that was a bit knob of them.

    Never checked if you buy something and get a stamp then its free parking,

    any one know?


    Damned ripp offs; since when is that? Pay for parking at this horrible caroussel!!!! The last time I went up there.......it tok about 1,5 hours to find out that the place was absolutely stuffed (twice) and luckiy there was some kind of exit. What a crap!! And now they are charging? Amazing!!!

    That’s about what I thought,

    And a one more thing the motor cycle parking area at the Big C

    Is just taking the piss now,

    how many time do you have to burn your leg on someone elses hot exhaust pipe to get your bike out of the parking slot. (it way to small)

    Amazing Thailand.

  7. the cost of a one year multi entry visa will work out cheaper in the long run and if you re enter just befor you year is up you get an exit date 90 days from your last entry so in effect nearly 15months on a one year multi

    With all due respect I don’t see how travelling to your home country to obtain

    A one year multi entry visa would be cheap.

    I would put the cost at over a thousand pounds.

    Including the Air line ticket.

    Accommodation for 2 days minimum, this could easily become three days.

    (trying to do it all in a day, would be a bit mad)

    Taxis, bus or train train tickets to and from the consulate and back to the airport.

    Or even a hire car.

    Food for two days.

    Cost of the visa.

    I would put that at over a grand, not so cheap form my point of view.

    I bet I have missed some other expenses out.

    BTW, this could end up 5 days with the flight times, so Thailand has lost

    5 days of money I would have spent in the country.

    but I do feel if people are travelling back to there home countries for a visa

    More money will go down the plug hole, for Thailand. as they will stay even longer one or two weeks to say hello to friends and family. (More money lost) (smart move that one)

    It’s a similar thing with people travelling out to get double and single entry visas in

    Countries close to Thailand. The money is still going out of Thailand.

    Amazing Thailand.

    i do feel this 30 stamp thing will get reviewed at some point in time.

    Have a nice day.


  8. Their food is not good. Why be wishy washy about it? Are restaurants charities?

    I wish people offering Mexican food in Thailand would either do it correctly, or not do it at all. It is a food type that has a terrible rep in Thailand. There is no reason why Thailand can't have good Mexican food in all its big cities, just like it has decent British food and decent Italian food. Mexican food is truly one of the great food cultures in the world and it is very distinctive and unique. Thailand deserves a taste, not a distortion.

    Only just spotted that.

    It did give me a good giggle as I flipped the top of one more beer chang.

    I’m a brit my self, but think we need to keep a bit of a low profile when it comes down to food and cooking.


  9. Don't bank on the money coming back in small white envelopes into your hands.

    You could be in for a major disappointment.

    Just right the cash off.

    it's a special day for you both. :o

  10. Ok guess were i am. it could be a bit to cryptic for some. :bah::bah:


    It's not cryptic at all. This is were you head after your daily visit/s to Boyztown. :o:D:D

    Of perhaps after you've relieved Robski of some afternoon tension.

    Keep it up, The top man you are. :D

    you been pumpping iron again with one hand. :D

  11. Way to go, 9 posts and you call people queers.

    i will let you off that, hope the rest do.

    but Tropo is not the best mate to have here. to much wxxxing.

    live long and prosper.

    He had you figured right from the start. It's quite obvious you're queer. Some people prefer to hang out at boyztown, others prefer the gym.

    You hijack threads you claim are "boar"ing and troll the forum to increase your post counts, yet you claim that other members who have an interest in health and fitness need to get a life.

    You really should take your hand off your d*** before you post...but maybe it's your only daily exercise.


    You have got to the point where you have encouraged a new member to make unfounded homosexual insults to people..

    You are a true top banana of monumental proportion on Tv. :o

  12. Thats a 1000 baht to much, you can get the same ride in a toyota camey and

    a receipt.

    Thai limousine lost my cutom two years ago when they jacked the prices up.

    they are not a 1000 baht better.

    Have a nice day.

    I'm sure they weren't too bothered about losing your "cutom". They would have had quite a mess to clean up in the back.

    Tropo, you need to pack that in,

    Who’s trolling and hi jacking a thread now

    You just showed everyone what your like.

    Unbelievable. :D

    To much self abuse can make you blind.

    And you do seam to be a big self abuser lately. :D

    O master of rudeness .

    Do you abuse substances a lot or is it only when you get behind a keyboard

    you get hi .and talk crap.

    Keep up the good work, o wise one. :o

    And don’t forget to look in the mirror again today, try not to get a stork on. :D


  13. I will be arriving in pattaya on the 31st of jan. I will be staying at a place called diamond beach hotel....does anyone know of any decent gyms around I love the health and fitness scene

    There was a lot of gym information covered in this thread I started last week...including a very detailed description of a gym very close to your hotel i.e. Tonys Life Fitness gym, next to the Europa disco on Soi 16, just off Walking Street.

    Gym info etc

    thank you tropo you have been very helpful, as for the other jerks they sound like a couple of queers looking for a good time :o

    Way to go, 9 posts and you call people queers.

    i will let you off that, hope the rest do.

    but Tropo is not the best mate to have here. to much wxxxing.

    live long and prosper.

  14. Now your description of gym equipment, That tells me you’re a full on major boar.

    If I ask advice on a restaurant, I don’t expect people to post the <deleted> menu.

    First of all, you're not in here asking for gym advice. You're here purely to troll and up your post count. I don't think they would have dumbbells in Tony's Gym small enough for you.

    In a restaurant you don't eat the whole menu. You'd be lucky if your order made up 1% of the menu selections.

    In a gym, the average weight and fitness trainer would use at least 30 - 50% of its equipment over the course of a week's workouts. I probably use more like 75% of the available equipment.

    It doesn't take a genius to realise that a thorough description of a gym's equipment would be appreciated by most gym users. I would very much appreciate the same if I was new in any town.

    You know what to do if any threads "boar" you. Just don't click. On such a huge forum I'd be luckly to read 1% of the threads as I only click on what is interesting to me...you'd be well advised to do the same.

    You need to get a life, big style.:D

    do you wxxx a lot

    you can get off in this town, you just need to go out. no more waxxxxg, its not good for you.

    it makes you all negative. :o

  15. Yorkies products are also stocked by Rimping Supermarkets in Chiang Mai. Look in the frozen food section.

    That’s a long way from the home shop

    But, way to go for the sales and marketing.

    What can I say.


  16. Try to stop the personal insults chaps otherwise a few warnings will be 'benchpressed' into your profiles.


    hey can't help it.

    It’s just a hormone thing.

    hard on's and that.

    Two people make a wise crack , so what,s the big deal!!!

    It made no difference to the thread, but he decided to be a train spotter.

    Give in the big I am.!!!!

    You let them/him try and do your job on the forum.

    I ask you to see it for what it is.



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