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Posts posted by ev1lchris

  1. Yesterday I started a job to finish out the semester with a school.

    I taught a few classes but when I met the manager I knew something was wrong.

    In the middle of the day the agency spokesperson told me that the school didn't want me. I asked and they basically said it's because I look Asian. I am Asian.

    What the hell is wrong with Thailand? Why are do many people so dumb and racist? I love this place but too many people are brought up to be imbeciles.


    ah, the quality teachers

    getting a job and then do a runner


    the negative cycle proper rewards for quality teachers would provide incentive for more quality teachers to stay and more to arrive. I'm not a teacher, nor would I wish to be one. but it is obvious, and even worse thai racism towards the Philipinos that tend to be the highest quality teachers in these schools are discriminated against for being non thai

    I was let go because I look Asian.

    Thai people need to get their heads out of their ass when it comes to discrimination.

  3. Buy a kindle from central Chidlom 7th floor and just down load them

    I prefer hard copies. I'm learning programming from them.

    How does that make a difference?

    and real books will stay for centuries. I can read my grandfathers books, I doubt my grandchildren when they are old can read my Ebooks

    Plus tablets time out.

  4. Buy a kindle from central Chidlom 7th floor and just down load them

    I prefer hard copies. I'm learning programming from them.

    How does that make a difference?

    For some reason it's easier for me to learn code from a normal book than tablet.

  5. This behavior is indicative on how they handle money issues. Okay, so they want me to spend 5 baht or so on material. Then I get hired. Okay, what if somewhere down the line there is a dispute about payment? How are they going to handle this?

    I'm looking out for myself, I would be a fool not to do so. Any normal person should do this. It's not arrogant it's making wiser decisions.

    I demoed at a public school and they let me make copies. A private company can't? Get off your high horse.

  6. I had replied to some ad (on Craigslist?) from a company called <snip>.

    They called me up this morning and said they would like to interview today. I told them no. I had planned to sit at True Coffee and send out job applications, edit my website, and work on a Python script.

    They said tomorrow would be fine and if I could do a ten minute demo. Sure, that's fine but I asked if I could print out a worksheet to maybe teach off of.

    They said that would be good except I would have to pay for each page to print. I only wanted to print one page. I think this type of thing is indicative of the type of organization I would be working for. They are a private institution and not public either.

    Not going to let me print out a page? Then what else? Sounds very shady if you ask me. I'm sure if I worked for them money would come up as an issue.

    I sent back an email and told them that I am passing on the interview.

    I figure if they don't let you print out at least some materials at their expense then that's a major red flag.

  7. Alright, I have revised the front page.

    I still need to go through the other pages and replace the tables with divs.

    It still loads slow and that is bugging me.

    Better but there's still a Flash video there under "call me" However when I allow the plugin to run it says "Movie not loaded" Same scenario on other sites (BBC for example) works as expected.

    That's my blog. I'll see if I can do something about it.

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