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Posts posted by bikerlou47

  1. A few obvious facts that have totally been ignored by these government officials:

    1. The helmets that are sold in this country are plastic ans will not protest a skull from getting bashed in!

    2. Not wearing a helmet will not cause an accident.

    3. Not wearing eye protection will cause an accident. A cheap pair of glasses is all one needs to protect your eyes from all the material and physical pollution that is present on the roadway.

    4. Many Thai people refuse to put on their lights day or night!

    5. Many Thai people like to change the color of their lights, I have seen red for a head light ans white for a tail light.

    6. many Thai people do not wear hats so they will shade their eyes with a hand while driving.

    The list is endless......

    This country is run by children and the children are not too bright.

  2. I have been home schooling my 15 yr old daughter for 3 years she is fluent in English. She is taking the SAT in May. I wanted to enroll her in a high school English program but they will not accept her because she does not have a certificate! The education program in this country is a joke! And BTW there is no such thing as a placement test!

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