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  1. I brougth my exwife and our 2 kids to my country 18 years ago. I never regret that.Im often in thailand but just as a legal tourist. I only rent when im there..easy just to checkout and no headache after i went back home.I choose to not have a gf or wife again. I love my freedom without no problems. I build a house in surin long time ago..paid only 360.000 baht that time.Not a big loss. Now my exwife and our kids work here and make good money and everybody is happy. I will never ever invest anything in thailand again. Not because i cant..its because i dont want.
  2. allways on the top of something..im amazed
  3. rigth..l paid 287 baht from sukumvit soi 8 to the airport last week
  4. im old enough to decide myself what i do..nobody elses business..
  5. i build it 17 year ago..cost me 350.000 bath..not a big loss..but i learned my lesson
  6. After i lost my house in surin to my exwife i only rent apartment. I dont build or buy anything that i have to worry about. Security in apartment building make sure nowone can enter the building without a legal reason.
  7. i agree 100%..who else then AE steel the money..her bf i guess
  8. not been in pattaya for 12 years..i prefer other places in thailand
  9. i transfer 2 million to my gf..she not run away..yet..i guess she think its more to come
  10. i arrived 25th march.Took only 15 minutes at airport.Went to qarantine hotel for a nigth.Took the pcr-test there.Negative.Went to another hotel in bkk.Next day to korat.Took a ATK test on day 5.Negative.Shoved the ATK to the hotel.They didnt care at all.I never send anything via mor chana app.No problems at all when i left bkk.
  11. ur rigth.They sell boose until early morning on soi sukumvit.Full of tables everywhere.
  12. i arrive 25th march.Test and go.Process in immigration took 20 minutes. They asked where i go after qarantine hotel. I said sukumvit 31..he asked name of hotel .i said i dont remember. Said after 1 day there i will go to korat. Asked name of hotel etc.I said u sabai park resort..he google that and said ok After 5 days i took a ATK test by myself Negative. I went down to the reception and showed them and asked if they would report this. They said no as lomg as i was Negative. Now in my condo..Just showed my passport. Thats it.
  13. i arriveed 25tj march wery quiet

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