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Posts posted by RikDao

  1. OP - All 3rd world citizens are born thinking 4 dimensionally. They are born into a world without much order and with much that just happens around them. At an early age, while clinging to a family member with 2 or 3 other siblings on a small motorbike, a type of understanding either develops in their sub-conscious, or their life is nipped off at the bud, then and there.

    We so called "high-born" from industrialized nations do not develop this additional sense or understanding of the world around us. It is puzzling, but you can not understand it or develop an understanding of it, or at least a good percentage of us can not. A few can, those that can are sort of savants that were probably meant to be born in the 3rd world, but by dumb luck, their life force landed in a sperm or egg in an industrialized world.

    I expect many high thinking people in the world including the Buddha, Jesus Christ, Einstein, Jerry Garcia and Freddie Aguilar all pondered this in their quest to understand and explain why people do what they do when they do it, and give a little advice in the process to make it another day and a little better than the day before.

    Hope this helps you keep from being frustrated in traffic and understand that it is not the car that is tail gating you or the cars ahead of you, but some form of conscious conditioned by a force we have yet to fully understand and have no real control over.

    Have a cup of tea or coffee and find a quiet place to sit and enjoy it. Hope you have a nice weekend!

    Hey, thanks for your kind words, as you seem to get what I'm talking about, and you've explained it very nicely. And please don't worry, I couldn't care less about traffic and tail-gaters and all that, I just used traffic to illustrate my point. This same sense you're talking about, it can be used in many cases to tell if someone approves of you or not, and let's face it, we all seek approval to varying degrees. So it's really pretty simple: angry farangs, like so many on here, get anger and disapproval back from some (if not most) Thais, and the other kind gets a more positive experience. And If the angry ones wanted to break this cycle, they probably could.

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  2. "Just about everyone, including me, believes in psychic phenomena these days, right?" short answer: no. And just believing doesn't make it true or real. I do think that Thai people are raised to be more astute at reading non-verbal cues than farangs. In a society where context is more important than content (status of speaker more important than any statement from same determines if valid or not), seems woulld be useful skill in life's journey.

    Wow! This was posted just 4 minutes before my last one, and we both talked about whether believing makes it so. Now that's psychic!

  3. I knew this OP was going to be posted.......nearly posted a post to say as much. But then I realised, if I did post predicting this OP, the OP would have refused to post it.

    And I'm not Thai!

    See? I'm right. After viewing the syntax of the above, I must be psychic to understand it!

    You know, they put Galileo under house arrest for believing the earth revolves around the sun, which was not even his theory. Am I comparing myself to Galileo? Well, yes, in the sense that I have an open mind. So, to all the psychic doubters, just because you don't believe it, doesn't make it not true. And just because a psychic phenomenon hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean blah blah blah. Hey, you know what I'm gonna say, don't you, you lil' closet psychic, you!

  4. If the OP isn't a troll then you have a very different outlook than I do. The CIA and the KGB do not know what's going on. They are government agencies so they are generally speaking inept at what they do. The CIA did not spot the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, they did not see the collapse of the Soviet Union and the never saw 9/11 coming. Some of the biggest events of the last 35 or so years.

    As for you suggestion that Thais use their psychic abilities to avoid accidents, I think the fact that Thailand has the 3rd highest death rate on the roads would suggest otherwise.

    If believing in psychic abilities makes you happy then go for it. It's not for me.

    Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Huh? Don't want the thread to be hijacked, but of course the CIA knew about all those things beforehand.

    Anyway, for those out there who are not subtle (psychic? Lol) thinkers, my original comments about the KGB and CIA were meant as ironic humor.

  5. Strange, in US I've NEVER laid eyes on a Thai in public, outside of the numerous Thai restaurants where they work. I've often wondered where they are, Just seem to stick together and don't integrate into or even enjoy US society, which is very pleasant most places.

  6. Just wondering why the female of the species get so uptight when men are enjoying themselves.

    That's an unexplainable mystery for men, because, as I said, it's impossible for men to understand women, and visa versa.

    However, I can guess why single western women in LOS are uptight. IMO it's because they are not sought after like they were in their own country, and they see western men out with the local women. No man is calling to offer them a free dinner, movies or nightclub in order to possibly get to sleep with them. If they go to a bar or nightclub on their own, no guy is offering to buy their drinks for them. In other words, they have become irrelevant to a western man that wants sex.

    I find it rather humerous to the extent that western women in Thailand despise western men that are going out with much younger and very attractive Thai women. I took my Thai GF to Kanchanaburi on a tour, and when we got back to Bkk, a couple of middle aged western women made a big show of saying goodbye to a young western guy on his own, while obviously ignoring me rolleyes.gif .

    LOL, there's even a blog or two about the issue of western women having trouble getting laid here. Some of them try the lesbian route, but the majority of those abandon that and admit they much prefer having sex with men. Apparently they don't last too long in Thailand, the really horny ones anyway. Sometimes they'll have a fling with an adventurous Thai guy, but he never calls back. Bleak state of affairs for them, indeed, because as we all know, there are some very horny women back Stateside, and I'm sure it's the same for them here.

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  7. I see that around my neighborhood, too. It doesn't bother me anymore, though; I think they're mainly just sad and miserable and maybe even afraid. If I'm nice to them, regardless, that's how I want to be. On the other hand, I've heard bits of their conversations now and then, and...

    No, no need to go into it.

  8. I'm baaaack!

    Off topic this, but I really wanna share what I've observed. I was taken aback by some of the negative, downright nasty responses I got to this post, so I checked out some of the previous ThaiVisa activity of a few of the more negative posters. Just as I suspected, they rarely start Original Posts; the overwhelming majority of the time they just reply to others. Of course, I didn't read any of their other posts, I was afraid to! So, for all I know, they were all sweeter than pie in their responses, but I tend to doubt it. Kind of like energy vampires, they are. Good for me to know this, as I'll take it into consideration next time I start a thread... And I WILL start more threads when I have something to say or ask.

  9. The truth is, most majority are unfriendly and selfish. Warm hearted friendliness will exist mostly on country sides, where locals will go as far as to offer you to eat with them in their house even if you are a tourist.

    However, I am not too impressed with the new generation society. Harsh for me to say this, but the truth. They all follow similar principles and will not dare to be different. They criticize people who are different. They don't think through knowledge or concept, but through remembering and SOPs. Try meeting a few of them, you will realize, they think alike, and say the same things.

    As far as the girls go, they are trained by the media to act childish and cute. Most will say looks is okay, but no, they go even further, even their mind will purposely act like a 15 year old and the way they say things. Thai women on the other hand, learn to grow up and be mature. From the way they dress and attraction. Whether you go do business or go to the local banks, even 30-40 year old girls will talk to you in a cute curly tone as if they are little girls, gross. And the men? Dark rim glasses, sit in any bus or train, you'll see clones everywhere.

    Taiwan is the only country whose international airport you'll see 90% locals. They just don't adapt internationally, they are very self centered. Banks will not accommodate you and make the forms in English for the customer's point of view. "YOU, the customer, has to adapt to us." That's their mentality. When you ask for help, they will frown at you and say it's your fault. Whereas in Thailand, they will smile and help you out.

    Lastly, check out the roads in Taiwan, holes everywhere. I've travelled around the world, this is the only country who is not capable of making flat roads without holes.

    OK, whatever. I'm getting carpal tunnel replying to all these negative posts, for crying out loud! I know, now someone will tell me I don't have to reply.

    Taiwan/Taipei weren't perfect, nowhere is, except maybe L.A. (RELAX, I'M KIDDING!!!), but I don't remember the bad stuff, and I could write a mid-length essay about all the good stuff I saw, heard, smelled, ate and felt there. So, kids, I've said enough, bye-bye, I'm out!

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  10. Ha ha ha... Is this a joke post?

    I lived and worked in Taiwan for 6 years before I moved to Thailand 18 years ago.

    I know it has gotten more modern since then... But really...

    The cost of living there is insanely higher than in Thailand.

    The pollution is ubiquitous and insidious.

    There are more factories per capita than anywhere else in the world and the highest per capita numbers of cancers and tumors. All of the newest composite materials are developed and used there to make tennis rackets, golf clubs, etc.

    In the six years I lived there, I had 3 cysts removed that grew on my body.

    There were regular newspaper stories of farmers selling diseased pigs to be eaten rather than destroying them or businesses that took money to remove radioactive rebar from eastern European nuclear sites and sold it cheaply as construction material in Taiwan. Then people living in the new buildings would wonder why their gums were bleeding and their hair was falling out.

    I knew the top oncologist in the country who taught at Tai-Da University. He saw so much horror that he took his family and moved to Canada.

    If you are an English teacher and want to make way more money than in Thailand, then, by all means go for it. But don't stay too long.

    Nope, not a joke post, I genuinely liked the place, and will go back someday, after I've checked out a few other Asian spots, like Korea, Japan, and China. But I never expected this innocent little post of mine to stir up so much "stuff" for some people, my word! I'm sorry you had cysts and tumors there, but the people in the streets looked healthy enough, and the roads were fine. Life expectancy there is 75 for men, 82 for women. All companies are compelled to pay for health insurance for their employees. Per capita income is high...

    Also, I did some research regarding food before I went, and Taipei is currently one of the most popular foodie destinations in Asia, competing well with Singapore and Hong Kong, which are supposed to be the best. Yep, I heard about the stinky tofu before I got there and I avoided it, but everything I ate there was delicious and I never had the same thing twice. Didn't eat much pork there, it's so common in Thailand, but I ate a lot of yummy beef, in soups and stir-fries. But pork in those sizzling dumplings? OH MY! Food in restaurants is more expensive than in Thailand, but the servings are about twice as big.

    servings are about twice as big.

    Taipei reminded me of New York, people seem confident and busy and they were ALL nice to me. But gee, I was only there for a week, right?

  11. Have not been to Taiwan,but am interested to know is it very crowded,and you mentioned the weather,so cooler than Thailand?

    Busy city, Taipei, 7 million people, but not particularly congested. They have a great subway system, super clean and organized, passengers were polite, standers get on the right side of the escalators so the people in a hurry can get by on the left. People seemed to cross the street at lights, and when the blinking sign said it was OK to walk. A red line on each side of the narrow old city lanes (which are like the sois in Chiang Mai), ALL the motorbikes were parked behind the line on each side, out of the right-of-way areas.

    It was cool last week, maybe 80 for high, 65 low, but it's supposed to be unpleasant when it's hot and humid. The island is definitely not as warm as Thailand.

  12. Are you for real?

    Have you really been to Taipei Taiwan?

    Almost no farangs therecheesy.gif

    Food fresh and delicious cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Try shit smelling Cho dofu the local delicacy

    their pleasant, tidy little island cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Taiwan used to be Portuguese and called Formosa which means beautiful island in less than 40 years Chinese invasion destroyed ALL the fresh water sources, water is now polluted, most of the ecosystems of the coasts have been eradicated, and coastal landscapes defaced, local indigenous people deprived of their land, culture, rights and language. The idea of Chinese architecture is to put metal bars on each and every windows so their house which are cheap looking concrete craps, look like prisons or glorified bunkers. The old indigenous architecture has been destroyed, but the ancient Chinese areas are also torn down. Everything old and cute is replaced by ugly concrete building with bars at windows. There is not one footpath which is occupied by a line of scooters, it's quite difficult to walk in the streets. The pollution generated by scooters is a huge issue. After a fortnight you develop scooter cough

    I posted an impolite and negative reply to this comment, which was pulled as inappropriate by the site moderator, which is a good thing, because I regretted the tone and substance of my reply almost immediately after posting. Lol. However, I stand by my comments. Thanks for enlightening me as to the history of the island, I'm eager to learn more about it.

  13. I'm married to a Thai woman and want to stay in Thailand for about 9 or more months per year. I have a multiple-entry, non-immigrant O visa presently. Money is not an issue for me, and I'd just like to get some opinions about which extension to get. I'll say right off that I'm tending towards the marriage route, because I might want to do some volunteer work in Chiang Mai, and maybe some other places.

    Any thoughts?


  14. My vote is the Chinese invasion has happened, is happening, and will happen. I guess I like to cover my options.

    I once heard that Henry Kissinger, visiting China with Nixon back in '71 or whenever, asked Chou En-Lai (I think we spell it differently now) if he thought the French Revolution was a good idea. Chou's answer: It's too early to tell.

    So I agree with all the posters who say China is subtle, does things differently, etc, and doesn't just invade militarily like some Western nations seem to do.

    And to the guy who talked about the Dalai Lama: heck yes he works with the CIA, anyone in his position would, and nobody can blame him, regardless of what they think about the US.

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