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Posts posted by RikDao

  1. I don't have any Apple stuff. Fine with Acer Nexus 7, esp when reading books on the Kindle app. Can easily read lying down in bed, and make the type what size I wish.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Ahhh, enigmatic Thailand, love it so much! All sorts of things bubbling away just beneath the surface, in the food, the women, the economy, the traffic, the politics, you name it! Thais seem to know, but we can only guess, and hope they're not lying to us.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. America has the world's 3rd largest population - perhaps 4 - 5 times as large as the UK, but I seem to find more Brits in Los than Americans. Maybe that's a wrong impression I have? America has 15 times the population of Australia, but I seem to meet more Aussies than Americans in LOS. For Aussies, LOS is close and cheap.

    Quite a lot of Americans claim to be Canadian when abroad.

    I may be an experiment of one, but as an American I have never, ever considered identifying myself as anything but what I am, and have never seen it done by any other American as well.

    Perhaps your statement is one of opinion rather than fact?

    I'm an American and frequently identify myself as Canadian. Because you haven't been around don't mean the other guy is wrong. If one travels in places where Americans are killed it's a good idea. I was in Asia in the 1970's and a lot of places did not like Americans. Today if you frequent British Pubs in Thailand it is not a bad idea to practice your Canadian eh? Does the phrase drunk football hooligan ring a bell? Do you go into a British pub and announce you're an Irish Catholic? Did hippies drive through Georgia and tell people they were from NYC and there to protest in the 1960's. When I stopped to get gas in Stone Mountain GA. I'd say I'm from Canada which way is Florida?

  4. Of all the safe Countries,this article has not scratched the surface of safe Countries of Europe,many of them have a warm climate,and are cheaper to live in than Thailand.And are beauitiful countries in their own right.

    Do your research,you may be pleasantly surprised.The Mediteranean countries can be amazing too!

    Serious question here: Just which "safe Countries of Europe,many of them have a warm climate,and are cheaper to live in than Thailand.And are beauitiful countries in their own right" are you referring to.

    ***** ***** ***** ****** ***** ***** ***** ****** ******

    And on a different subject entirely, to the person who earlier said something to the effect that many Americans say they're actually Canadian, or whatever. Hahahahahah! Those are actually Canadians acting like they're Americans saying they're Canadians. Please, get your facts straight!

    what does''acting like an american mean''.....do you really think i want to present myself as an american...mabey you are the reason americans are disliked so much...dude...

    LOL. Yeah, mabey.

    • Like 1
  5. America has the world's 3rd largest population - perhaps 4 - 5 times as large as the UK, but I seem to find more Brits in Los than Americans. Maybe that's a wrong impression I have? America has 15 times the population of Australia, but I seem to meet more Aussies than Americans in LOS. For Aussies, LOS is close and cheap.

    Quite a lot of Americans claim to be Canadian when abroad.

    That's a load of BS, a myth left over from the early days of the Iraq War.

    No it is not a myth at all. Americans have been doing that for many decades for various reasons. When I backpacked around Europe in the 1970's half the people with maple leaf flags on their backpacks were Americans ... Anti-Americanism is a fashion trend that keeps on giving. It ebbs and flows of course. I'd say its rare now because so many people are wise to it ... so it doesn't fool people.

    Never done the maple flag thing myself but have done the Canuck thing a few times around openly anti-American people or when I think they might be ... especially if they're serving me food.

    Oh brother (counting slowly from ten to one). I need to start unsubscribing to these threads right after my first post, right? But I'm a slow learner, probably because I'm American.

    Anyway, I too backpacked in Europe and East Africa for 2 1/2 years in the glorious early '70s, what a great time. Made loads of British, Australian, American, Canadian friends, male and female, we all got along famously. In fact, my mom pointed out that I had a slight English accent when I finally got back to the States, and Cockney is still my favorite accent in the world.

    However, I never noticed any Americans saying they were Canadian, sorry. I remember some people had that big red leaf logo thing on their packs, and at first my American buds and I were like "What's that?" Someone explained it had something to do with the Canadian flag and we said "Oh, OK?" Then we'd laugh. Again, sorry.

    • Like 1
  6. Of all the safe Countries,this article has not scratched the surface of safe Countries of Europe,many of them have a warm climate,and are cheaper to live in than Thailand.And are beauitiful countries in their own right.

    Do your research,you may be pleasantly surprised.The Mediteranean countries can be amazing too!

    Serious question here: Just which "safe Countries of Europe,many of them have a warm climate,and are cheaper to live in than Thailand.And are beauitiful countries in their own right" are you referring to.

    ***** ***** ***** ****** ***** ***** ***** ****** ******

    And on a different subject entirely, to the person who earlier said something to the effect that many Americans say they're actually Canadian, or whatever. Hahahahahah! Those are actually Canadians acting like they're Americans saying they're Canadians. Please, get your facts straight!

    • Like 2
  7. I haven't retired in Thailand but am definitely considering it, and probably will. I am very attracted to Thailand and the Thai people, and plan to use it as a base to visit all sorts of interesting places, like India, Vietnam, Korea, Australia, Bali, and others.

    I'm from Texas and I love Mexican people and Mexican food, but I'd NEVER, EVER consider living there, I know it too well. Never have been attracted to Latin America, probably because of Mexico.

  8. I'm wondering if some of the educated middle class Thais might remember better than others how their currency (and country) got royally forked over by Western banksters back in the dark days of '97.

    Sent from my SM-T211 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I also wonder if they remember thinking that pegging the Baht to the Dollar encouraged the kind of speculative behaviour that caused the crash in the first place. People like Soros just picked some nice bits of meat off that were left on the bone.

    Puh-leeze! Soros and his bankster cohorts made billions shorting the baht, somewhat more than "some nice bits of meat." They were willing and able to invest as much as necessary in order to be successful, and of course they knew the Thai government, in trying to support the baht, would run out of money sooner or later. He did something similar with the pound, I believe, and will do it to the dollar when the time is right.

    Soros sure took Thailand to the cleaners to the tune of Billions,and did the same to the UK,Currency speculaters of this magnitude,should all end up like Jessie Livermore in the 30s early 40s!


    Making a little on currency conversion is acceptable, manipulating the market as these scum do, and all but Bankrupt,a Country,carries no sympathy from me,when their greedy scheming goes down the tubes,a fitting end! IMO.

    Hey thanks MAJIC!

    Soros? reminds me of that scene in one of Hemingway's Spanish Civil War novels, don't remember which one, where the townspeople made the fascists run the gauntlet so they could give them one last smash in the side of the head before throwing them over the cliff into the river. Good medicine for George, although of course I'm not advocating violence. :-)

    One hilarious thing about him is he's managed to convince countless clueless liberals that he's one of them, while being a sociopathic fascist through and through.

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  9. Fair enough, but billions of dollars in short sales is not the "tiniest thing." The Thais were inexperienced and therefore gullible to believe the banksters wouldn't fork them over in the end, after encouraging/financing the bubble in the first place. The fascist banksters used to buy journalists to get them to disseminate lies such as those which you seem to have swallowed, that imply that the whole thing was Thailand's fault. Nowadays they have so much blood money they don't even bother.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. I'm wondering if some of the educated middle class Thais might remember better than others how their currency (and country) got royally forked over by Western banksters back in the dark days of '97.

    Sent from my SM-T211 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I also wonder if they remember thinking that pegging the Baht to the Dollar encouraged the kind of speculative behaviour that caused the crash in the first place. People like Soros just picked some nice bits of meat off that were left on the bone.

    Puh-leeze! Soros and his bankster cohorts made billions shorting the baht, somewhat more than "some nice bits of meat." They were willing and able to invest as much as necessary in order to be successful, and of course they knew the Thai government, in trying to support the baht, would run out of money sooner or later. He did something similar with the pound, I believe, and will do it to the dollar when the time is right.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm wondering if some of the educated middle class Thais might remember better than others how their currency (and country) got royally forked over by Western banksters back in the dark days of '97.

    Sent from my SM-T211 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Obviously the prejudice is there in some of the people, this is the down side to living as a foreigner in a foreign land. It makes us realise how foreigners, especially those of other races and cultures, must feel in our own countries, to be part of the communities, but to never be really excepted into them.

    Whoa!!! SWEEEEEEET little freudian slip there, spelling that word "excepted."

    No offense, I just couldn't resist. I think this thread is about tapped out anyway...

    (...and I'm not a Grammar/Spelling Nazi. If I were, I'd never be finished on this site).

  13. Well, the career of a "university lecturer" would be over back in the States is she displayed this much candor, due to our Orwellian conception of "free speech" in the modern age. Of course, Thailand has its own long list of things that many people believe but aren't allowed to say without catching heck. I suppose most countries do.

    Sent from my SM-T211 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  14. Please note: I'm not English, OK, so that's why I put that little apostrophe next to "round" in the title, OK?

    Being English, this has really annoyed me. So much so, that I've forgotten what the thread was about.

    Dear, we Americans, as you know, take great pride in our (OK, your) language and make every attempt to speak and write it correctly, thank you very much.

    Thankfully it's a simple enough language that even Americans can make a fist of it and, given a good run up, can almost be understood wink.png

    Hahahahah! FINALLY a humo(u)rous bloody response! "Humourous?" Honestly, it just doesn't look right.

    As far as your comment, you're right, even Americans can almost speak it.

    This beautiful little road, assuming it actually shows up on my post, is near where I live in beautiful Thailand.

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  15. Please note: I'm not English, OK, so that's why I put that little apostrophe next to "round" in the title, OK?

    Being English, this has really annoyed me. So much so, that I've forgotten what the thread was about.

    Why he says he's not English, having stated he comes from Texas I've no idea. However, he should be a lot more at home with Thai driving as the deaths/100,000 in the States are over 3 times greater than in the UK.


    Actually, the real reason I started the thread has nothing to do with Brother's driving. In fact, I just enjoy being analyzed by people like you! But hey, at least you read the thing!

    However, I think I've come up with a solution to theThai driving situation: have them switch over to the correct side of the road! Just because the English drive on the wrong side doesn't mean Thailand has to. I mean, they could do it gradually, like half the country makes the change one day, then after a couple of weeks, the other side switches.That way, after a month or so, driving in Thailand would be just like driving in England, uhmm, I mean, Germany!

  16. Without any intended offence (spelt the correct English way, with a 'c'), Most Americans and Thais have some common areas when it comes to driving. Lack of comprehension of manual gearboxes, rubberknecking and tailgating.

    Are there any other glaring similarities that I have missed?


    LOL, and touche'. I like that one: "Without any intended offence." I'm gonna start using that.

    I do OK with a stick shift, as my grandma taught me how to drive on the farm when I was 12, in an old Dodge truck. I don't tailgate, and rubber(k)neck only now and then. But I'm only one American, obviously. In general, you're probably right.

    And I don't want to get offensive about spelling, but there are more Americans in the world than English, so I think we'll just have to do it the American way from now on, OK? I'm sure you understand.

    • Like 1
  17. Please note: I'm not English, OK, so that's why I put that little apostrophe next to "round" in the title, OK?

    Being English, this has really annoyed me. So much so, that I've forgotten what the thread was about.

    Dear, we Americans, as you know, take great pride in our (OK, your) language and make every attempt to speak and write it correctly, thank you very much.

    • Like 2
  18. Yep, pretty funny. Being a relative noob in Thailand, I'm still trying to understand this political feast going on presently, and this video helped. Something tells me the part about Suthep is one of the funnier jokes in here, am I right? If not the funniest?

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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