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Posts posted by srchino

  1. Let's be honest with ourselves, if Thailand were actually a land where justice and morals were applied fairly and consistently, or at all for that matter, none of us would probably be here. On average, we all benefit handsomely and often from the relativistic application of law and morality here in Thailand.

    I for one am thoroughly enjoying the season finale to Thai Justice Theatre, what a twist!

    Now back to our regularly scheduled programming of Thai Democracy/Security Theatre....

  2. After watching that video, the victim (the guy getting beat up) was actually quite big compared to the three assailants. My mom told me never to strike a woman, but in that case a swift uppercut was in order. Then I would've bonked the other two dudes heads together like in the cartoon, and probably just do the hulk flexing outta my shirt at the end just for good measure.

  3. Don't confuse love with loyalty.

    In general (but with many notable exceptions) I would say western women are more capable of loving; and Thai women are more capable of being loyal (oftentimes confused by the westerner as love).

    They are both equally bad at the other. All that being said, any woman would probably slit your throat in your sleep if she was guaranteed to get away with it and has someone else better lined up; they are settling for us just like we are settling for the best we think we can get- which isn't necessarily a bad thing unless you're delusional and ignorant of these things.

  4. After seeing many cycles of this sort of thing now (outrageous crimes committed brutally against foreigners, playing out publicly in social media, causing a black eye for Thailand tourism, then nothing happens to the assailants (not counting scapegoats here)). I have to say, I don't think there's any material affect on tourism to Thailand. That's why the govt. doesn't do anything about it other than a few poorly staged half assed PR efforts.

  5. The arbitrary age of 50 makes little sense to me. Age 50 for a retiree is still very early in my home country (where the official retirement age is 65), and I'd venture to guess that it's earlier than usual in LoS as well.

    So if you're going to let people who for whatever reason reached retirement early and have the time and resources to spend in Thailand without needing to work, then why make some arbitrary cutoff at age 50?

    Add me to the list of people who meet every qualification other than the age one. I ended up leaving and the visa status issue was a major factor. Just got tired of playing the cat and mouse game.

    The difference in terms of the overall effect to the Thai economy and such between me being there and a 50+ year old retiree? Likely zero. Maybe I'm a little less likely to need medical services but that's about it.

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