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Posts posted by srchino

  1. Great news that this seems to be going forward despite the questions about immigration raised by the bombing.

    Question: will visitors be able to apply for the multi entry visa upon arrival as well? The original release about the changes to immigration policy mentioned that I believe, but this letter seems to communicate that these visas need to be applied for prior to embarking to Thailand.

  2. Wow, I nearly invested in some property in Thailand, and at the last minute had a gut instinct not to. After reading this nightmare of a story I'm glad I didn't, and absolutely never, ever will invest a dime in LoS. I'll happily keep spending a few bucks here and there for fun, temporary experiences though.

    Love how the authorities leave this guy high and dry while they focus their efforts and collaborate with Thai Immigration on solving a 2 year old 1500bht restaurant bill. What a joke of a criminal justice system!

  3. Long term expats are a drop in the ocean, both in numbers and economically, so I would not expect anything this government to do would benefit us. This is all about increasing tourist dollars, regardless of who benefits from those dollars.


    I spent 15 million baht in this country over the last 15 years, how many tourists does it take to spend that amount of money?

    That's about $28,500 per year, or $78 per day, otherwise known to some of us as "chump change". I can't even find a nice hotel to stay in in BKK that after taxes is less than that. So yea, tourists do bring in significant amounts of money compared to what you spend to live in LoS
  4. As someone under 50 who could have retired in Thailand, and had no desire to work there, only spending $ brought in from my country- I eventually left due in large part to the hassles with visas.

    Retirement is a state of life, not solely determined by reaching a certain age. Though the two are often correlated they are not always proportionally related.

    I miss some things about Thailand, and the proposed changes to the visa program (if they carry through) do make me more likely to come back for a visit.

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