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Posts posted by JB300

  1. You miss my point.......as usual .

    Blind freddy could forsee no rule about the limit to back to back tv being just blank cheque to abuse. I am over this. Thai set up these rules and guess what.....they now see that the rules that THEY made are stupid. The solution....introduce another stupid visa. METV.

    Most brainless mob you could nit invent

    'Brainless' being the key word. And it applies to everything here.

    Look at Singapore, geographically few hundred kilometers away, but light years ahead of Thailand in every economic measure. There is no comparison. Why is that?

    Other South East Asian nations have legitimate reasons for laggig behind rest of the world, Vietnam was burnt to the grownd, Cambodia a devastating civil war.

    Thailand has enjoyd peace and prosperity. But look at it. And now look at Singapore. These are neighbouring nations, yet they seem far apart as Nigeria and Denmark.

    This latest immigration disaster fits the patern of gross mismanagement and incompetence here perfectly! Apply logic and reason, and then do the opposite!

    We speculate here what may have been the rational behind this new METV, and we are trying to come up with answers, doing it is waste of time.

    There is no logic here. Things just happen here, and logic is not a word in dictionaries here. Economic growth, and countries development are not in minds of people coming up with rules here.

    Nothing drastic will happen as a result of this new rule, maybe few less Thais learning English, few less dollars being spent to benefit Thai economy. But add past decades of similarly poor decisons in every field, the staggering, unbelievable incompetence, and it becomes clear why Thailand is where it's at today, and Singapore is what it is.

    Again, other than management, and few hundred miles separate these two nations, yet in terms of Human Development Index (HDI) they can't even be compared.

    Singapore is where it is today because it had the same (Benevolent) dictator in place for 50years & a couple of generations made sacrifices (still struggling today) so their kid's kid's kids could have the latest IPhones.

    Perhaps the good general can do the same thing in Thailand, though I doubt the Thai people (never mind places like US) would give him the same leeway that LKY had.

  2. Well anyway, despite all what the haters say; we have a good news, we don't need to head back to Farangistan, we can have an METV in the region and Sri Lanka is my new favorite country.

    Visa Information : Required Document for Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV)


    Required Document for Multiple – Entry Tourist Visa

    1. Visa application form (s) and photograph (s) : Completed and signed visa application form and 2 recent photos (not more than 6 months) size

    3.5 x 4.5 cm., except certain nationals more application forms and photos may be required

    2. Passport (valid for no less than 6 months)

    3. Travel tickets in and out of Thailand

    4. 850,000 LKR per person with the last 6 months of financial statement

    5. Letter of employment of the applicant

    6. Evidence of accommodation reservation in Thailand

    7. Application fee is 23,000 LKR

    8. Other documents may be requested by Consular officer in addition to the abovementioned documents, or an interview with the applicant, as deemed necessary, without prior notice.

    *If the above requirement is not complete, the official will not proceed with your application.

    **The Royal Thai Embassy reserves the right to reject any visa application with insufficient documents or if the reasons given are not fully supported. The visa fee is not-refundable.

    ***The applicant who submits fake documents will be put on the blacklist.

    I take it you have no problem with #5 which for me is a bigger problem than having to go back to the UK (given I do so twice a year to visit family anyway).

    Not wanting to burst any bubble but employment and funds have been asked by all consulates so far.

    I doubt very much the UK would any different


    Very True [emoji17] & if they do ask for proof of employment then METV is of no use to me as I worked in Singapore for the past 6 1/2 years & before that had a LTD company in the UK which I closed down 5 years ago.

    Bright side is I turn 50 at the start of Feb (never would have thought of turning 50 as being a "Bright Side") so can get a non-O then, but not ready to settle down in one place/country yet so Tourist Visas feel more "legitimate" to me (even though I've been retired since the end of Jan).

    Guess I'll be one of those people who are forced to get the wrong kind of Visa for visiting Thailand.

    • Like 1
  3. Well anyway, despite all what the haters say; we have a good news, we don't need to head back to Farangistan, we can have an METV in the region and Sri Lanka is my new favorite country.

    Visa Information : Required Document for Multiple Entry Tourist Visa (METV)


    Required Document for Multiple – Entry Tourist Visa

    1. Visa application form (s) and photograph (s) : Completed and signed visa application form and 2 recent photos (not more than 6 months) size

    3.5 x 4.5 cm., except certain nationals more application forms and photos may be required

    2. Passport (valid for no less than 6 months)

    3. Travel tickets in and out of Thailand

    4. 850,000 LKR per person with the last 6 months of financial statement

    5. Letter of employment of the applicant

    6. Evidence of accommodation reservation in Thailand

    7. Application fee is 23,000 LKR

    8. Other documents may be requested by Consular officer in addition to the abovementioned documents, or an interview with the applicant, as deemed necessary, without prior notice.

    *If the above requirement is not complete, the official will not proceed with your application.

    **The Royal Thai Embassy reserves the right to reject any visa application with insufficient documents or if the reasons given are not fully supported. The visa fee is not-refundable.

    ***The applicant who submits fake documents will be put on the blacklist.

    I take it you have no problem with #5 which for me is a bigger problem than having to go back to the UK (given I do so twice a year to visit family anyway).
  4. I thought one of the criteria was a letter from ones employer, which might be a bit hard if one has just spent nine months in Thailand.

    That point is a bit of a stickler, not many companies give an employee 6 to 9 months off. If you are working online, well, you need a lawyers letter or bank managers letter (this was from Indonesian Embassy for a tourist visa).
    And if your UK self employed or Limited company ?

    If you own a limited company you should have no problem getting your accountant to produce a letter confirming you are an employee (more accurately Director) of the company as you are one (your accountant will be filing all the same returns for you as any other company does for their employees & Companies House records will also show you as a Director of the company).

    Am sure something similar will be available if you're (officially, I.e. not working "cash-in-hand") self employed via some other mechanism (e.g. An "Umbrella" company).

  5. because your home country is governed by morons you expect thailand to follow suit? Real countries dont allow just any young guy to come in and stay as long as he likes whether you understand their reasoning or not. Live with it.

    Well, I think the way most European countries are handling immigration at the moment is far from rational and I am definitely against unregulated immigration. But what is wrong with people moving in who have the means to live and contribute to the economy?

    In most "real" countries, you can move in and register as a self-employed person, which you cannot do in Thailand. In "real" countries, you can register a business as a foreigner without ridiculous limitations. I wonder where you come from yourself?

    can I do that in the USA? australia? new zealand? mexico? canada? England? no I cant

    Ayjaydee. How's this for a comment. You're right, foreigners (non EU people) who have a bit of money can't go to England, and live there for the long-term (we're talking about people who don't want to work, don't want to marry a British person, they just want to stay in Britain, they are not going to be subsidised by the government in any way). But, how many foreigners actually want to go to England, and do this ? Already, people from France and Germany are allowed to go to Britain, and stay forever (lets forget about whether they can claim social security or not). There's not that many of these people who are actually in England, (they are from France or Germany) and they simply live there, and spend their money. If Britain was to allow Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc, to live in Britain, they can't work, they're not going to be subsidised, they will spend their own money, well, I really don't think this will mean a flood of new foreigners will be entering Britain. And if they did, they will probably be working illegally (these people are goping to be given work permits).

    Now, what about Thailand ? Thailand does actually have a large number of foreigners, they don't work, they spend their money, they just want to live in Thailand. How does Thailand benefit by removing some of those foreigners ? The ones who are under 50 ? Surely, you agree, Thailand is going to lose money ?

    For myself, okay, if Thailand doesn't allow me to stay, okay, I might move to Cambodia. I'm not going to work there. I'ill just pay rent to a Cambodian landlord, and change my pounds into Cambodian money, and use it to pay for my beer and food. And other stuff too. So, Cambodia gets my money, not Thailand.

    You mentioned about how our home country might be run by morons ? Does this mean that Thailand is doing something that is moronic ?

    Basically, Britain stands to gain little by allowing a load of foreigners who have got money to stay long-term in Britain, and they're not going to work. This is because not that many foreigners are going to turn up anyway. And the ones who do, some (most) will work illegally. Thailand isn't in the same situation. Thailand already rakes in good money from such foreigners, it might lose a fair bit of money if it boots out such foreigners.


    UK does allow Foreigners to remain indefinitely (or at least fast tracks their ILR) if they invest a certain amount of money (IIRC It's £1Million-£1.5Million)

    As does Singapore (s$20Million)

    And as does Thailand (10Million THB ), it's called an Investment Visa.

  6. Ok, if that is what you believe. Let's talk again when you drop your USD1000+ phone and nobody wants to replace it for you. Good Luck with that.

    Dropped my (Singapore bought) 5s & completely smashed the screen, took it into the Apple Service Centre in KL who told me they don't repair screens but would get me they an as new replacement for 1250MYR (at the time was around £200).

    Had to wait 2 weeks for it so bought a 6 (this was back in Feb) & to be honest, I still prefer the 5S as I think the phone is nicer to hold/use so no interest in "upgrading" to a 6s.

  7. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Once the rules come into effect, you will only be able to deduct mortgage interest from your taxable earnings if you hold your properties in a company. Individual tax allowances will be withdrawn, so from what you are saying, you will be affected. Whether you are interest only or repayment is irrelevant. Whether you make any profit at all will depend on how much profit you make after both tax and mortgage payments, as you will be taxed on your income less only repairs and maintenance, which tends to be fractional compared to most people's mortgage payments.

    If you register as a non-resident, you lose your personal allowances for that tax year. This already is in place.

    This is a little bit of good news for me

    Interest rates rise ruled out for foreseeable future - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34739307

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Just get married and get a Non O visa, live in a small rural village in Isaan, watch the buffalo go by and wake up everyday at 5am to the sound of tractors and cockerels! After 7 days you will hate it, leave for BKK and you have a Non O visa, of course you must leave the wife behind, but remember to keep your copy of the marriage certificate for future Non O visas. Does sound a good plan or what?

    That might work for the 1st year, but what happens when immigration wants your wife to accompany you for the extension, wants to see pictures of you together in the "Matrimonial Home" or even want to come visit for a cup of tea.

  8. Investment Visa, stick 10MillionTHB in the bank & when you're ready to leave take it with you [emoji106]

    That would be one of the stupidest things to do imo. Who in their right mind would keep a sh*t load of cash or any assets in Thailand? An absolutely pathetic return on your cash & the potential of them one day deciding to take foreigners cash for themselves.

    Keep everything in your home country & take pockete money here when you need it.

    I'm sure that a few people would say getting married is even more stupid (& more expensive in the long run),!

    Joking aside I find the idea of people almost being forced to get married so they can stay with their partner outrageous, but I guess it's no different than people doing it so they can take their Thai wife back to their own country.

    But I put the Investment Visa out there as its a legitimate option if you have the cash available & I haven't seen anybody else mention it, whether it's a sensible risk for an individual depends on their personal circumstances.... I'd be in if the Thai Bhat ever got back to over 70 to £1 or 38 to s$1 (SGD not USD).

    Oh & I'm happy with my assets being split across UK & Singapore as helps smooth out some of the currency fluctuations (plus I don't want to take the hit on shipping money back to the UK when I've no intentions of living there again) but again, it's down to individual circumstances.

  9. Sell one of your rental properties and buy an Elite card with the equity. If your properties are mortaged you are soon going to be getting a lot less income when the tax relieve on mortgage payments ends so probably wont be in a position to stay here or anywhere else. Just a bit of forward thinking.

    Good ideal but I have no plans to sell yet maybe never

    Also when I hered about that new tax law I looked into it and I don't think it will effect me,i can't remember why it might be because I am on interest only morgatge's, or that I don't make much money any way, I am more worried about intrest rates going up, or i herd that if you become a non resident you will loose your tax free allowance which i herd old Gorge Osborne is talking about in the future

    Maybe I will be going home anyway because of the above, if that happens I will just get a bed sit work for six months and come back on a METV

    then maybe keep doing that for a few years

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Once the rules come into effect, you will only be able to deduct mortgage interest from your taxable earnings if you hold your properties in a company. Individual tax allowances will be withdrawn, so from what you are saying, you will be affected. Whether you are interest only or repayment is irrelevant. Whether you make any profit at all will depend on how much profit you make after both tax and mortgage payments, as you will be taxed on your income less only repairs and maintenance, which tends to be fractional compared to most people's mortgage payments.

    If you register as a non-resident, you lose your personal allowances for that tax year. This already is in place.

    Tosh... They muted the idea of removing PTA from non-UK Tax Residents in April/May 2014 but after reviewing it dismissed the idea in December 2014 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/expat-money/11272572/Expats-will-keep-their-tax-break.html.

    That doesn't mean they won't bring it back but at the moment you still get the full allowance.

    To the OP, I don't know how old you are or what profession you're in but to be living of rental income from properties that are mortgaged interest only sounds like a very precarious position to be in when the inevitable happens & interest rates go up.

  10. The Thai Embassy in Washington, USA already has a similar worded announcment.

    I would say that this is world-wide.

    the Thai Embassys in Britain allow for Postal Applications (if sent to a british address) friend or parents.

    maybe a possibility to send passport to the UK,,, get your family or friends to re-post the passport application to the consulate and get visa.

    then send passport (DHL) back to you in Thailand with the appropriate visa.

    then you do a visa run to Poipet and ACTIVATE this visa..

    will my idea work ? can you see any flaw in my idea ?

    apart from not having your passport on you for a few weeks, not really a big deal.

    and DHL or UPS will make sure passport is safe in transit.

    seriously, will my idea work? (if you are british).

    maybe USA and other countries also have local visa applications by post.

    • Do you think the fact that it has to be sent to a British address might be a clue why you are not supposed to do what you suggest.
    • And what happens when the person issuing the METV notices that you're stamped in to Thailand?
    • And what happens when you enter Thailand and the IO notices that the visa was issued in the UK when you were in Thailand?
    • And what happens if you're stopped and asked to produce your passport during it's trip to and from the UK?
    You must be resident and present in the country to qualify.

    Anyone doing this would be bonkers!

    - what happens when the person issuing the METV notices that you're stamped in to Thailand?

    Ok, so i (or anyone) can EXIT Thailand and take a 2 week trip in Lao or another country, thus having an EXIT STAMP and apply from Lao (or other country) by Post.

    - what happens when you enter Thailand and the IO notices that the visa was issued in the UK when you were in Thailand?

    see above answer.

    - what happens if you're stopped and asked to produce your passport during it's trip to and from the UK?

    What happens when youre stopped and need to produce a passport when you are in the midst of applying for a new passport, or have a lost passport? besides, almost all police accept photo ID, (Driving license) this has Never been an issue for me in thailand for more than 10 years.

    anyway. because of the EXIT STAMP issue, it is all SOLVED by applying from a near-by country, Thus exiting thailand and all your points are now answered due to the fact that i can do this from ABROAD. (without having to go to England).

    - the fact that it has to be sent to a British address might be a clue why you are not supposed to do what you suggest.

    Nonsense. applying by post does not ask that you are in the country. they just assume you are, but not request it.

    a british address is because it is a DOMESTIC consulate. it does not have legal right to issue any visas to another country where there is already another consulate.

    UK consulates are for UK applications.

    and a UK application is satisfied with a UK address.

    You've moved the goalposts by applying in another country and not Thailand, but regardless you're still breaking the one rule that trumps the lot.

    "they just assume you are, but do not request it."

    So on the application form it asks for your permanent address and your present address.

    • Are you going to put your address in Cambodia/Laos/wherever, or are you going to lie?
    • And assuming you haven't set foot in the UK for months/years what are you going to use as your permanent address. Your rented condo in Thailand or will you lie about that too.
    "a british address is because it is a DOMESTIC consulate"

    You simple haven't got a clue about what you are talking about. It's a British address because you have to be resident in Britain to qualify for the visa.

    London website. Postal applications.

    Visa Application by post (Applicants must reside permanently in the UK)

    Your scheming may well work, but you and your fellow schemers need to man up to the fact that you would be obtaining a visa under false pretences, and stop trying to justify your deception.


    I did wonder if it would be possible to leverage the SRRV in the Philippines to be able to apply for an METV from there.

    Requirements are that you need to be over 35 & deposit $US20,000 in an approved bank, for this you get permanent residency status (for as long as the money is in the bank) & WP/able to own a Business etc...

    Not sure whether PI requires proof of employment or whether the $US20,000 would cover the 200,000THB proof of funds but might be worth looking into if you're aged 35 - 50.

  11. Hi all

    sorry to be the stupid one that keeps 'banging on' in this topic

    yes i understand the 500,000 is a 'one off' 'up front' non refundable payment

    so is that all you pay OR like the 'reteriment visa' or permission to stay' do you have to prove either

    money in the bank or monthly income (or combination of both)

    this is a web site/page i found for the elite visa


    does however say it is a multiple entry visa

    can not find anything that says you must leave thailand every year

    or that prove of funds (for want of a better term) is required

    maybe they asume that because you can shell out 500,00 that you have 'enough money' may immigration

    asks you before your electric cart ride to the waiting limo!!

    as i have read many places this is after all thailand

    yes the money in the bank is yours to keep and not 'THEIRS' but if you do not

    have the 65,000 (780,000 per year) monthly income then you will surely need at some point to 'dip in' to that 800,000

    and then 2 months before next visa renewal you will need to 'top it up'

    and at current exchange rates (5/11/15 at £1=52thb) who can afford to have around £17k sitting in the bank!

    every visa (except the tourist visa on arrival 30day, but then reading forums here that is really not a visa just permission 'to stay' in thailand) cost money but i guess someone will correct me if i am wrong.

    name calling and 'slagging off' excpted if i have got this wrong

    thanks for read

    You can use the "Combination" method & use any income you have to offset against the 800kTHB.

    E.g. If you had income from (say a pension) of 50kTHB pm (600kTHB pa) you would only need to show 200kTHB in the bank.

    No offense but if you don't have an income & can't afford to leave £17k in the bank I would respectably suggest you might want to rethink retiring as things are not going to get cheaper.

  12. China is starting to look good. They are a grown up country that welcomes westerners and does not have a problem with visa running. Ten year tv for americans is possible. All you wannabe immigration agents who say that a genuine tourist does not stay for a long time please explain why two grown up countries China and India both offer ten year tourist visa for US citizens?

    Huh? Are you sure about India giving US citizens a Tourist Visa for 10 years as my understanding (granted I've only ever had 3 Business Visas, each for 1 year) is they only issue 3 or 6 month TVs & you need to spend 2 or 3 months out of the country in between visas.

    Bit like the US will issue 10 year Visas to Malaysians but they can only spend 6 months in any one year there.

  13. How much is the DN trade worth to Thailand ?

    Living in cheap accommodation and eating from the local noodle stall will not add much to the Thai economy .

    Digital nomads vary tremendously. Some live a precarious life on very limited sporadic incomes. I know one who makes US$3,000 a day and is busy.

    Those at the bottom of the income scale certainly are not big spenders, but their presence is still, on balance, positive for the economy. The noodle store owner gaining a little extra income can allow her to support her kids through university. It is not only those eating at the Normadie Grill that promote economic growth.

    Yep it was positive for economy, just review the income from popular visa run services that ran 7 days a week, room rental & supporting local vendors was a good thing.

    Current situation of 1 not full mini van run 3 days a week, empty apartments & struggling vendors gives an idea of some of the difference .

    The real scum will still get in so not a huge amount will be gained.

    Won't the Visa Run companies make more money by people not eligible for the METV being forced to subsist on SETVs???

  14. That's exactly my plan, get an SETV then convert to Extension of Stay for Retirement Purposes.

    I'll be 50 in 3 months from yesterday, never thought I'd ever find myself "wishing" to be 50!!!

    You cannot "convert" from a tourist visa to an extension of stay.

    An "O" visa must be obtained first either by "conversion" in Bangkok or by applying for the visa in a nearby country.

    Once the "O" visa has been obtained an application for an extension of stay can be made.

    Sorry, I meant conversion to a Non-Imm O for 90 days & then the 1 year retirement extension [emoji106]

  15. Yes that is a good question shadowmaster i will call them again in the morning and ask that as well...... residency versus citizenship.

    Will be interesting what they say! There would be a couple of million residents/permanent residents in Australia being foreign passports holders, imagine that all having to go back to their country of citizenship to get a visa for thailand, - what a nightmare.

    From the Embassy notifications I've seen its worded as Citizen or (Legal) Resident.

    E.G Singapore (renowned for being one of the least "Friendly" Embassies) has said that it will issue METVs to Citizens, Residents & Long Term Pass Holders (their definition for LTPH for sponsoring Family Members is earning a minimum of s$10,000pm so I'm assuming they mean P1 holders).

    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't somebody already reported back from one of the Laos embassies (Vientiane?) saying that the posted regs say the METV will only be issued to Residents.

  16. Hmm, wow Thailand is really screwing over the younger people who are expats herr aren't they. Do they not understand that they can bring money into their economy from home, why all the red tape and bs.No other country in SE Asia makes things this problematic I swear

    Some SEA countries do, some don't. Laos is 30+30 days (the 2nd double-price), and need a "fixer" for a business visa to go beyond this. Not sure about back-to-back re-entries there. Malaysia gives me 90 days on entry (USA passport), and can extend and/or do a border-run for another 90, but after that, questioning starts, and entries may be denied.

    By contrast, Cambodia is easy - pay up to a year at a time for ME and never have to leave. What I know of Vietnam is 3-mo (showing $3000 in funds for acceptance) + 3-mo extensions in-country - not sure if there is a limit on the extensions, or further proof of funds on those. Myanmar - no idea.

    Philippines is easy, 30 days on arrival that can be extended for 59 days then extend for 3 months at a time (6 months in Manila, Cebu, Davao) up to 14 months (3 years in Manila, Cebu, Davao), exit the country, come back, rinse & repeat.

    Or deposit US$20,000(age 35-50, if over 50 there are other options) in an approved bank & get an SRRV, gives you the right to live, work, own a business there for as long as you leave the cash in the account.

    That's great and thanks for the info but it's the Philippines.. so yeah not for me


    I would normally say the same thing but I'm currently re-visiting Cebu (more accurately Bohol) after nearly 5 years away (my gf of 5.5 years is from Davao so I do visit PI approx 4-6 times a year) & the place is still awesome [emoji106]

    Unless you (not you personally, I mean in general) are visiting PI to sh4g as many chicks as possible in which case AC would be a much better call (great place for a lads weekend, but I'm always ready to leave by Sunday).

    I've always said that "Heaven" is living into Thailand with a Filippina but (to move back towards topic) the constant changes to Visas there is making me look to the Philippines again... Though Vietnam is getting much more "Foreigner Friendly"[emoji106]

  17. I don' know if it is the best but THE RIVER is a good location, they also have service apartments.

    I've stayed for a couple months at the River. And also lived at Urbano Absolute for months which is also good. In both cases I have stayed for less than 30K for one bedroom for one month.

    The River is very good. It has it's own boat to take you across the river.

    Urbano is very close to BTS.

    OP, one idea is to look at AirBnB. This will give you an idea of costs for rentals. And in fact you might want to "try before you buy" and rent somewhere via AirBnB before you move there.

    As far as your other objectives. I don't think there is much of an expat community over here in Thon Buri (The River/Urbano). I think other neighborhoods would have to be better.

    Finally, both the River and Urbano are getting very nervous about daily/weekly rentals. They do not want short termers. You do NOT sound like a short termer. Just saying if you are, you might be limited.


    I have an condo at Urbano, and yes they not like to have daily/weekly rentals. It's already less than a few months before. But this is good. As I told in another thread this condo management takes care about condo owners who tries to rent out on less than 1 month.

    I love Urbano, because of the beautifull swimming pool on the 40th floor. And the view is great from there.

    I thought it was the "Law" in Bangkok that you couldn't rent your condo out for less than 30 days (certainly there are signs around the Trendy Condos on Soi 13 that imply it is so I had to book one for 30 days even though I only wanted to stay 28, though as it turned out I had to leave after 10).

    But agree with the "Try before you Buy" approach of booking somewhere on AirBnB before committing long term.

  18. The biggest problem for me (& I suspect a lot of other people as well) would be the requirement for proof of employment/business ownership (I mean, who has a job where they can take 6 months off)!!!

    Do any of the guys who've asked the UK consulates know if the UK will be asking for this?

    • Like 1
  19. Hmm, wow Thailand is really screwing over the younger people who are expats herr aren't they. Do they not understand that they can bring money into their economy from home, why all the red tape and bs.No other country in SE Asia makes things this problematic I swear

    Some SEA countries do, some don't. Laos is 30+30 days (the 2nd double-price), and need a "fixer" for a business visa to go beyond this. Not sure about back-to-back re-entries there. Malaysia gives me 90 days on entry (USA passport), and can extend and/or do a border-run for another 90, but after that, questioning starts, and entries may be denied.

    By contrast, Cambodia is easy - pay up to a year at a time for ME and never have to leave. What I know of Vietnam is 3-mo (showing $3000 in funds for acceptance) + 3-mo extensions in-country - not sure if there is a limit on the extensions, or further proof of funds on those. Myanmar - no idea.

    Philippines is easy, 30 days on arrival that can be extended for 59 days then extend for 3 months at a time (6 months in Manila, Cebu, Davao) up to 14 months (3 years in Manila, Cebu, Davao), exit the country, come back, rinse & repeat.

    Or deposit US$20,000(age 35-50, if over 50 there are other options) in an approved bank & get an SRRV, gives you the right to live, work, own a business there for as long as you leave the cash in the account.

    • Like 1
  20. yep as said b4 , man from uncle' was fun and its gonna have a follow up and no doubts it'll carry on until ???? well,,,,,, its boring,, which generally 4 me is after the 1 st one whistling.gif

    thought sicario was good enuf and on the same vein ish just about to watch/buffering 'Cartel land' which the bbcs film show gave a great review.rt loves


    and i must admit looks the 'real deal'wai2.gif

    Thought Sicario was ok enough, same with The Professional...

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  21. The key to any new replacement of double and triple tv with the METV. No one really knows if they will only be issued in your passport country. It's all guess work until the details are finally released. My opinion like most is guess work. I think METV will be available at many consulates. Would be difficult to imagine any sensible alternative.

    Consider this.

    Millions of people enjoy a holiday in Thailand. The majority only require a single entry Tourist Visa.

    For those who plan and can afford to spend more time a METV obtainable in their own country would be appropriate.

    What "difficulties" do you envisage if the METV is only issued in a persons own country ?

    The biggest issue to me is that some embassies are asking for "Proof of Employment".

    How many people with jobs can take more than 30 days of work (I.e need more than the Visa Exempt) or 60 days (VE with an extension or Single Entry Tourist Visa) or 90 days (SETV with extension)?

    If there is a"Proof of Employment" requirement for the METV in the Uk then the only good use I can see for it is for the guys who work on rotation that are (unfairly) coming under some pressure using VEs regularly for their downtime, so what if they have 12 or so holidays to Thailand per year.

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