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Cake Monster

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  • Birthday 06/30/1955

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  1. So Lurch is off on another jolly to whore the Country to Investors Its not as if the Country was doing so great now and he had the free time for these jaunts
  2. Instead of trousering all the Money that Tourism generates, if just some was invested back into the system in the form of Public Toilets and possibly pay to use Showers, probably non of these incidents would occur. there are so many Karens in Thailand The people of perfect in every way
  3. This is what Pattaya is in dire need of. Ditch the baht Bus Mafia, and have a park and ride for all the entrants to the city that wish to partake of the " attractions " that are all piled along Beach road
  4. According to another source of news out of BKK a couple of days ago, a very large sum of Money has been loaned out by these Banks to Italian Thai already. A considerable percentage of it being in the form of unsecured Loans These Creditors have absolutely no choice at all in their action of trying to keep IT afloat. They have to try and secure their money back after lending against poor quality Any defaults by IT would hit the Banks very hard indeed, down grading their credit worthiness at the very least Stormy seas ahead me thinks
  5. There is every possibility that some of these " Senior Military " people will be wanted by the ICC for War Crimes. Does Thailand wish to be seen aiding these monsters ? It has also been reported that the flights were to also carry out " Important Documentation "
  6. Why would they have paid 7 Billion Baht for the Sub ? as a down payment. Any procurement of this kind should have had a due diligence taken out upon it, which would have flagged up the fact that under EU Law, no parts or equipment manufactured in the EU are allowed to be used in anything manufactured in China for any kind of Military use Gross incompetence
  7. Its not just shelf stocking that seems to be a daytime only activity Are there any workers on the " important " constant roadworks that work during the night as not to disrupt traffic during the Day, or at least to minimize the disruption. I think the introduction of night workers on these road works would speed the entire operation up no end
  8. I think there is a fair chance of the latter coming to fruition Of course Thailand will say " we only supplied it and were not involved in its distribution "
  9. The mind duth boggle at the thought of a Thai and Nuclear mix
  10. +1 on the accounts It is your legal right to be able to view the Accounts on a Monthly basis, These Accounts are legally to be posted in a prominent position where they are able to be viewed without any kind of restrictions. 200K in debt ? I dont know how you became aware of this , but the residents to start asking some serious questions of the Management Committee, and the Accounts would be a good place to start
  11. You sure about that ?
  12. It really does not matter what Srettha says The Tourists themselves will declare Chiang Mai and much of the North a Disaster Zone. And along with that conclusion from them will be a massive decline in Tourism People, no matter where they are from , hate being fed a load of Tosh
  13. Thailand's Household Debt issues did indeed start way before Covid. The occurrence of Covid did not cause a massive spike in borrowing However, the Junta in charge did They openly allowed the Financial Institutions to lend money that had a very high risk of default, This was a policy that enabled the Economy to function without tanking. Covid has long since finished, but the excuse is being used to cover the sheer incompetence of the previous Government. The most scary part of all the Money borrowed is the fact that 80 % of it has been lent with little or no security upon it, unlike many other Countries that have high Household Debt that is secured against the likes of Property
  14. The magical " Navy Lark " from the sixties comes back to real life in the Twenties
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