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Posts posted by RareDingo

  1. 1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

    Note to Yoram.

    Avoid riding a bicycle or motorcycle if you are in a busy urban area. Avoid Thai buses if you are worried about dozy drivers. Take the train where available but be aware they derail when attacked by trucks at crossings. Taxis can be safe providing the driver is unarmed and sober and willing to go to your destination.. Flying from Bangkok to Pattaya would seem to be expensive, best to drive or hire a car. Otherwise remain safely at home.:rolleyes:


    you can fly to Pattaya now??

  2. Can the driver be charged with murder as they deliberately drove through the red light?

    Manslaughter perhaps, as murder shows premeditated intent, but yet, I agree, this driver should spend a long time behind bars and never to drive again. RIP the poor rider, probably on his/her way home...

  3. Good job Thai Visa for getting this video exposed to the world.

    I would bet those Thais were on the drug "ice" rather than drunk on alcohol.

    A highly addictive drug the ruins the lives of its users and their families.

    Ice has become a huge problem in Australia and around the world.

    It's the reason for the high increase in road rage with many incidents of extreme violence against other road users.

    Apparently the users become super violent and have abnormally high strength while they are high on the drug.

    It can take more than 4 policeman to subdue some of these addicts.

    My Thai wife said exactly the same thing. Must be more than just alcohol, ICE is probably the culprit here, but I could be very wrong. But it seems not something one would do just being pissed!!!

  4. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?

    Did she, Not From what I could see?

    Would that justify the beating they got?

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

    So when is it EVER justified for a male OF ANY AGE, to hit a woman, and when is it justified for a 32 year old male of ANY RACE to hit a 70 year old woman. An absolute disgrace in any country in any culture anywhere in the world....

  5. No flashing lights at the crossing. No drop down gates. Okayyyy, but you telling me the bus drive can't see that big <deleted> train coming at him???? Sorry, but I seriously hope the bus driver was one of those who were killed.

    I'm just wondering, at that time in the morning and from the CCTV it looked like he was possibly looking into the sun. I know of a few crossings exactly like that in the early morning late afternoon. Sad RIP

  6. Wow so much negativity from people about another country and their culture. Why so? I wonder how many negative comments are from people who have decided to leave their home and live/retire in Thailand. If you don't like it, why go there? Crazy. Songkran is a religious festival is it not? The only people I really see doing crazy things during Songkran, and I've only been to one, in Chiang Mai, were farang. I took a family of young Thai kids around with me, we got water pistols and had a fantastic day. We did lunch together. I never knew these kids (three aged from about 7 - 14, a mother of a friend of mine who had to work that day let me take care of them) and we had a most wonderful family day. I'll never forget it, and I doubt the kids will either. There is probably more water lost through rotting pipes, bad toilet systems and leaking taps in Thailand every day of every year. I know in Chiang Mai most use buckets of iced water from the moat.

    I'll be there in Pataya this year for my three weeks with my wife and hope to have a wonderful time. Most people in Thailand are friendly and lovely from my experience, but like all countries you will get a bad element.

    Happy Songkran all

  7. Aaahhhh a MAN is guilty. Never stated it is a Thai man. Now if it was a farang then that would be the headline!

    I think you will find that if it were in Australia and an Australian man was being reported about the news would simply say, "a man", but if he were a foreigner the news would report, "a (insert nationality) man" was found etc. I think what ever the country we would assume the man would be from that country. I could be wrong however...

    • Like 1
  8. I wonder if he was left or right handed??

    according to the police reporting,

    "Pieces of broken glass were also found there. There were no traces of a struggle, police said.

    The man had sustained a severe wound to the right side of his throat which was about 10cm long, There were also wounds to the fingers of both hands, forensic officers said. "

    So, cuts on both hands are never signs of struggling with somebody who holds a knife ready to slash your throat?

    Where did the forensics learn their job, in a kindergarden building LEGO castles?

    No report on a knife found, so how do you slash your throat left handed with a piece of broken glas, if the glas was the weapon?

    These are not forensics the police employs, these guys should do a different job as they are obviously not fit for doing forensic research.

    The report also shows a picture of the room, it is on ground level, and there's a large slide door leading to the outside, and guess what, i bet it was just pushed close after the murderer left, but our forensics didn't mind because the chain indicated a better motif which would be a quicker end to all the work they are supposed to do. Give the press an easy explanation and close the case, everything else would be too much work.

  9. Spoke to my Thai wife about this, her view is simple and lovely.

    Two points of view from her

    1st, Thai people put that money there to get rid of bad luck. Thai people say, if the wrong person takes the money, then that bad luck will transfer unto them, so its about Karma.

    2nd Thai people don't care what has happened to that money once it has left them because as far as they are concerned and if the money helps the person in need, then they are happy that their money has gone to someone who needs it.

    It's a lovely way of thinking, and it would seem that no Thai people get upset about it, but farang observing see it as a terrible act. I guess we just need to accept the Thai view on this, relax and know its just normal for Thai's..

  10. This is a common occurrence in Australia, this will not bother them at all.

    You must come from a different part of Australia than I do. I've never heard of a patron being assaulted over a small bar tab!!!

    You obviously do not read the news, people are getting king hit by strangers just because they feel like it, no reason at all

    Ah, King hits have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with not paying a bar tab. Most King hits have been made by OTHER tourists, OR crack heads OUTSIDE in the street. I stand by my statement. I've not heard of bar staff assaulting patrons for not paying a bar tab. Last King hit in Australia was done by two Irish brothers here on holidays, Drugs and alcohol was the cause....

  11. You could bash an aussie outside a bar in Pattaya every night of the week and it wont create a ripple in Australia.

    Most Australians have never heard of Pattaya. They know Phuket,Samui and Bangkok.

    Pattaya is a sex tourist destination the same as the Philippines. All you will see in OZ travel agents is glossy pictures of Krabi Phi Phi and Bangkok temples.Most aussies come here on cheap package deals and stay in the south.

    To get to Pattaya you have to get into a mini van with a sliding door driven by a smiling Thai man.

    You are 100% correct. The only time I have visited Pattaya was with my Thai Wife. Prior to that it was Islands, BKK and Chiang Mai. She works in Rayong now, so when I visit, Pattaya is a cheap place to go for and entertaining weekend, but we don't do Walking Street. Been there done that, you only have to see it once. It's like any tourist attraction. There are far better places to see in Pattaya than Walking street. As for the 160 baht fine, that equates to $6.40 ~ . You would struggle to by a middie here in Oz for that. I can't see someone not paying such a small bar tab, in fact, most Aussie's I think would leave a bigger tip that the bar tab.. Go figure, something doesn't smell right about the report, happy to be proven wrong...

  12. I enjoy reading this forum, because people generally have a somewhat "ok" sense of humour, but clearly, people don't understand or have ever lost anyone to suicide if they can make jokes about this topic.

    Suicide is an absolutely preventable problem. Temporal displacement, if you can guide someone through the short time that ideation thoughts are present, they will survive.

    Family relationship problems in Thailand are incredible, I know many young girls who are put under family pressure to provide money to the family and when they can't provide it, they think the easiest thing to do is to take their own life

    I have been into a hospital in Thailand a couple of times and I find the medical treatment excellent. Mental health is under funded and misunderstood in my country, I'm not sure how well it is handled in Thailand. I hope we as a global community find a solution to this terrible problem soon.

    RIP to all those people who have been taken from us by this tragic problem

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  13. Don't try to find your "unemployed" girlfriend's "brother" a job. The fact that you even innocently asked this question means you don't have the first idea.

    Don't take it personally. I am not criticising you. Just follow the advice and don't try to "help". It will only cost you money on which you will see no return and no good whatsoever will come of it.

    I take nothing personally, the only dumb question in life is "the one you don't ask" I have been lurking here for a while, whilst there are trolls here "don't take it personally" there are plenty of informative posts as well, one just has to sift through the crap. I am reasonably informed about the mafia and other intricacies with the "taxi employment situation" I'm hoping someone may have done this before and come back with some "more than useful" info

    Thanks to every one for taking the time to reply and I am sincere, thank you. I want to try to find this poor guy a job, there's a reason he is struggling, (bad decison when he was younger, like all young kids got mixed up with the wrong people) and I'd like to help him out. I could give him a small amount of money every month, but its about independence, I'm no religious nutter but you know, give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, yadda yadda yadda....

    • Like 2
  14. Hi all,

    was looking for some information regarding the purchase of a motorcycle taxi jacket. My GF has a brother who is finding a good job hard to come by. I would like to ask a few questions please:

    1: How much does it cost to purchase a "legal" jacket?

    2. Where do I purchase it from?

    3 Does a Jacket in Bangkok cost more than buying a Jacket in Kohn Kaen?

    4. New motorcycle cost

    5. Second hand motorcycle cost

    His family lives in Kohn Kaen so I'm thinking he could stay with his parents until he gets enough money together for his own place to rent.

    TIA for the advice smile.png

  15. Unfortunately, Rupert Murdoch employs sensationalistic fools who cater and banter to the lame public who unconditionally believe everything they say. Fox couldn't get a news story straight if it fell out of the sky and hit it on the head. The worst thing is, they don't care about getting it right, they just like to stir up gossip so the mindless masses will flock to read the BS and their advertisers just love it. Happy to get sued for reporting a falsehood because the law suit is usually less than they make with the advertising....

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