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Edward B

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Posts posted by Edward B

  1. I agree with what Chonabot said in another thread about about The British not not really giving a shit about what others think about us! Also we probably slag off our own country more than any other nation, which I think is actually a good thing.

    This is true. One time I went to watch an ashes test at the Oval and after the Aussies had England on the ropes after day 2 (thanks to Ooh Ahh), a group of English fans we met in the crowd started singing: "We're shit....and we know we are, we're shit....and we know we are...."

    Little were they to know that England came back on day 3 to knock us over and win the match.

  2. Kev, getting off topic but Australia has not technically gained independence (yet). I knew you'd get me on that one! Some would argue that we already are, but this could be debated for months. I myself haven't got the time nor energy to do this.

    The Brits travel alot coz they can afford to, they're sick of being cramped-up in their little country and coz they hate their weather.

  3. There are already free databases and statistical software programs out there. We're using them here and they are very professional. It only needs advertisements and word of mouth for them to catch on. Thailand has similar economical problems too.

  4. Some of the guys here are Anti-British..

    I guess..


    Not me. I just don't like being called a British subject - given that I was born in Australia as were my parents, their parents and their parents parents...

    Also, Britain sent convicts to America for 70 odd years before Australia was colonised. The last convicts brought from Britain arrived in Australia in 1868 (135 years ago). Free settlers started arriving in 1793 (210 years ago). Sorry for the history lesson.

  5. Yes, Francois the Frenchies were very unlucky. Sometimes I wish they would change the rules after watching those types of games. Eg penalties kicks from silly technical infringements should only be worth 2 points while obvious foul play infringements be worth 3 and drop goals reduced to 2 points if kicked within the 22 metre mark, otherwise 3 (like basketball). OK, OK stupid suggestion but you know what I mean! I've been watching rugby for more than 15 years (played for 3 as well) and I still can't figure out some of the technicalities!

    The Frenchies did miss many kicks so they can't complain.

  6. Finally Dave is making some sense here.

    Gouged, why oh why did you do the run on them? You could have made up any story, eg. "Mother sick back home, have to leave straight away, thanks for the memories".

    Moral of this story: Never sign anything you don't understand. Also, don't quit half-way through a uni degree.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  7. NZ v RSA - NZ

    OZ v SCO - OZ

    FRA v IRE - IRE

    ENG v WAL - ENG

    NZ v OZ - OZ

    IRE v ENG - ENG

    OZ v ENG - OZ (on emotion, not current ability)

    You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me.

    Well, well. Where are all the knockers now about my predictions eh? Got the Ireland game wrong but that was just to prove that I'm human. One to go now.

    And he sang as he watched and waited.....

    Do you like my new avatar. Sterling Mortlock? What a hero.

    You beat me to it Tiz.

  8. I must say I was a little shocked when I first read your post but I think it comes down to the difference in culture. Your initial reaction was shock / anger etc. which was totally understandable. However, threatening to take your child away and leave the country was, in my view, a bad and hasty decision. We all have to remember that we are in a very different country and one which has totally different customs, customs which may seem very strange and even immoral. We have to try to come to terms with these customs, otherwise our knee-jerk reactions will only invoke confusion, embarrassment and long-lasting ill-will.

  9. sidzz,

    First you will need a domain name. You need to register one using any of many internet sites (www.register.com www.networksolutions.com etc).

    This is probably the biggest decision you will make. It's like naming your baby! It should be something short and easy to remember and a name that reflects the business. Every domain name is unique. Take some time to think of a good name. Then check to see if no one else has taken it. Run it by some friends to get a feel for it.

    The next step is to organise a host. This is a server that will store all your web site files. This server can be anywhere in the world. When you (or your web site designer) are finished designing the pages you can then upload them to your server using ftp.

    During all this period you can sketch out a rough design for your home page. This is the page that appears when a user types in your domain name in their browser. It should be eye-catching and not too slow to load. You should also have some ideas about the purpose of your web site, will it take bookings or just simply be a one big page advertisement for your restaurant.

    This will all cost money of course. The domain name, the host server and the web designer. Check out prices and compare. Good luck!

    Hope that helps a bit!

  10. Most of the agencies will offer this option to you if you're in a hurry. What's the hurry though?

    Ed B. I work outside of Thailand, so when I am here we have only a limited time. The hurry is I don't want to spend that time in an Amphur or an Embassy, I want to spend it with my wife and her family relaxing , much more enjoyable. :o

    Your first post mentioned that your wife didn't want to wait in a hotel for 3 days. I said that you wouldn't have to wait in a hotel if you got the agency to post you the translation (with notorised stamp from MFA). This way you save on the 3 day wait in Bangkok, especially if you are from out of town. This is what I did. I don't live in Bangkok. I was in no hurry, I didn't want to wait in Bangkok for 3 days, so I got them to do everything and post it to me - all for 700 baht. I now see that you work outside Thailand so for you this was probably the best option.


  11. They even gamble on it, can you believe that? About 5 of them get in a circle and dump the coins on the floor in a pile and immediately start placing bets. There will be about 10 ladies standing about and each of the ladies there will put 10 baht in a kiddy and tells the one keeping track of the guesses how much they think it is. When all the guesses are in they spread it out and the five in the circle start counting. The mrs says its quite an event for them and after the count they talk over sum tham and noodles talking about the whole thing.

    Ahhhh, Thailand lifestyles. Don't ya just love it !

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