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Posts posted by koeko

  1. nonsense....lots of cheap(ish) houses available.

    No need to migrate to Nong Palai

    Two weeks ago, a friend of mine, who lived in a little apartment, asked me to look around for a small house, together with him.

    Only requirement: Kao Talo / Kao Noi area.

    After a half day of riding around on the bike, we had ~10 houses to choose from.

    He rented a nice house for 9000 Baht at "Golden Hill Village"

    2 bedroom/toilets, 1living room, 3 AC and a decent kitchen...

    BUT: you have to move your ass and driving around....Internet classifieds are mostly crap and (usually) no option!

    9000...there`s still hope then xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp .I agree that your own legwork is more important than anything else.Have plenty of experiences with classifieds and agencies,but their info is most often outdatet or you get quoted an higher price if you show some interest.

    "9000...there`s still hope then"

    Are we talking about a furnished house here? a detached house? with a garden/outside seating area?

    3 AC for less than 10k baht/month is indeed pretty good for 2013.

    Here is one that was available in 2012 for 9500bahts in the same "Golden Hill Village" you're talking about: http://www.bahtsold.com/view/for-rent-raviporn-golden-hill-village-93784

    it had only 2 AC (so obviously one room that can't be used), it's not a detached house (so it's pretty much like a condo: potential noisy/smoking neighbors, etc.) and this one was totally unfurnished: no fridge, no bed, nothing.

    I guess that today, almost two years after, it wouldn't be available for this same 9500 bahts/month anyway.

    "Are we talking about a furnished house here?"

    The term "furnished" means different things to different people. One interpretation would include beds, tables, chairs, etc. I think in Thailand it's often more basic and can refer to more or less immovable things like a/c and plumbing fixtures.

    For me "furnished" means "furnished": beds, linens sheets, tables, chairs, coach, thick curtains, privacy white curtains, fridge, washing machine, TV, internet, glasses, cups, spoons, forks, knives, cleaning brushes etc.

    Whoever sold you a "furnished" house with anything less than that, then you got screwed!

    This is what you get when you rent a "furnished condo", so why should it be different for a house?

  2. What town in Thailand are you talking about...hundreds (thousands?) of houses of all types, prices, and descriptions for rent in Pattaya.

    "hundreds (thousands?) of houses of all types, prices, and descriptions for rent in Pattaya."

    Yes of course there are thousands of houses, but on the other side there are millions of condos, so how many of the houses are actually available for rent, today? Not much.

    Well common sense would suggest that a house takes up certain space, this space could hold 16 floors of condo's. so naturally condo ratio to house would be more, HOWEVER one would have to be either blind or totally oblivious NOT to see hundreds of houses for rent.

    New, old, crappy, excellent, townhouses, detached houses and so on.

    Have you been to the east side? Plenty of land available there...I mean.. PLENTY of flat, unused land. This land could host more houses than there are condos in Pattaya. This is to say that, land is not a problem here, it is however in big cities, but not here where you can just go 3-6Km away and have lots of free land.

    "HOWEVER one would have to be either blind or totally oblivious NOT to see hundreds of houses for rent. New, old, crappy, excellent, townhouses, detached houses and so on."

    I think there are much more old/crappy/townhouses than there are new/excellent/detached-houses available, and that was my point. Also in many areas of Europe for example there much more houses than condos (only in big cities it'd be the opposite). In Thailand, one would have to be totally blind to NOT see that most condos are designed, built, bought, for and by foreigners, making it easy to rent one, while houses are designed, built and bought by Thais, and you would have to be totally bind to NOT see that it's because of the law forbidding foreigners to own land.

  3. Homeworks and Thai Watsadu (sp?) have some. And, shop on the left just in front of Homeworks (opposite Jim Thompson outlet).

    Also, Lukdod shop (sp?) Soi Paniadchang (AKA - Soi Yume or Soi Diana Driving Range) about 200m from Pattaya Nua. They have some quite nice hand made stuff in amongst all the tourist souvenir crap.

    What does "sp?" stands for?

  4. nonsense....lots of cheap(ish) houses available.

    No need to migrate to Nong Palai

    Two weeks ago, a friend of mine, who lived in a little apartment, asked me to look around for a small house, together with him.

    Only requirement: Kao Talo / Kao Noi area.

    After a half day of riding around on the bike, we had ~10 houses to choose from.

    He rented a nice house for 9000 Baht at "Golden Hill Village"

    2 bedroom/toilets, 1living room, 3 AC and a decent kitchen...

    BUT: you have to move your ass and driving around....Internet classifieds are mostly crap and (usually) no option!

    9000...there`s still hope then smile.png .I agree that your own legwork is more important than anything else.Have plenty of experiences with classifieds and agencies,but their info is most often outdatet or you get quoted an higher price if you show some interest.

    "9000...there`s still hope then"

    Are we talking about a furnished house here? a detached house? with a garden/outside seating area?

    3 AC for less than 10k baht/month is indeed pretty good for 2013.

    Here is one that was available in 2012 for 9500bahts in the same "Golden Hill Village" you're talking about: http://www.bahtsold.com/view/for-rent-raviporn-golden-hill-village-93784

    it had only 2 AC (so obviously one room that can't be used), it's not a detached house (so it's pretty much like a condo: potential noisy/smoking neighbors, etc.) and this one was totally unfurnished: no fridge, no bed, nothing.

    I guess that today, almost two years after, it wouldn't be available for this same 9500 bahts/month anyway.

  5. nonsense....lots of cheap(ish) houses available.

    No need to migrate to Nong Palai

    Two weeks ago, a friend of mine, who lived in a little apartment, asked me to look around for a small house, together with him.

    Only requirement: Kao Talo / Kao Noi area.

    After a half day of riding around on the bike, we had ~10 houses to choose from.

    He rented a nice house for 9000 Baht at "Golden Hill Village"

    2 bedroom/toilets, 1living room, 3 AC and a decent kitchen...

    BUT: you have to move your ass and driving around....Internet classifieds are mostly crap and (usually) no option!

    "Only requirement: Kao Talo / Kao Noi area."

    It's not really a requirement, as most of the houses are located there anyway! It's like saying "only requirement: to have a kitchen"... most houses have a kitchen, if not all.

  6. What town in Thailand are you talking about...hundreds (thousands?) of houses of all types, prices, and descriptions for rent in Pattaya.

    "hundreds (thousands?) of houses of all types, prices, and descriptions for rent in Pattaya."

    Yes of course there are thousands of houses, but on the other side there are millions of condos, so how many of the houses are actually available for rent, today? Not much.

  7. Just complaining...

    We all know why is that, but when you're getting crazy in your tiny little condo with noisy neighbors next to you, plus smoking neighbors above you who stay all day long on their balcony having smokes after smokes YOU CAN'T EVEN OPEN YOUR OWN WINDOWS it's a real nightmare!

    So at some point you decide that enough is enough and you start looking for an independent house to rent. Unfortunately there are so few of them... and the very few that are actually available for rent, are in a horrible Thai Style with outrageously hideous mix of colors, no AC in the main living room (even for the expensive ones at 25k+/month) and some with cockroaches cohabiting.

    The ratio of 1:10 can be observed on any agency listing... and confirmed by driving around yourself.

    If only foreigners could buy land, this would completely reverse the situation.

  8. Ohh here is a really great one about TONES!

    Just found a good video about learning a tonal language.

    The Thai tones start at 8:58 but I deeply recommend to watch it all wink.png

    He's not pronouncing the falling tone correctly,it has been said in other threads.I suggest learning tones from thai natives..

    This two videos made me understand thai tones and i suggest everyone who's learning tones to check them out.

    Thanks for those ones! Really helpful, especially the second one.

    • Like 1
  9. 50% >the chicken and the egg which came first?.

    first i have ever hear of foreigner being able to get a thai bank loan for a condo.

    which bank? or even better which branch of which bank.coffee1.gif

    Every one of them. As long as you have the work permit and evidence of income. As has been mentioned, you need a bigger deposit than usual, typically 30-50% depending on the bank.

    As I said earlier you don't necessarily need a work permit, a local history is enough. I don't know the exact requirements but I know for sure that withdrawing money to your Thai bank account from aboard monthly for at least 2 years is a GO.

  10. This one is for a little bit more advanced level:

    Don't watch it if you're only at the beginning like me, or you'll end up depressed like me!

    " if you're only at the beginning like me "

    Please don't think me unkind but ​possibly not the best background for recommending videos to watch ?

    Any Thai speakers that have watched some of this stuff will know the dross far outweighs the gold.

    I'm prejudiced anyway as I happen to believe that audio visual methods using phonetic transcription for sounds that can't be transcribed is more of a hindrance than a help.

    You're hearing one thing and reading another. What does your brain recall, the aural or the visual ?

    Not long ago I was at a conference and found myself speaking with a Thai tutor at SOAS (School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London) who had been teaching part time students for many years.She told me that years ago students would often enrol with perfectly understandable, if limited, Thai language skills. That changed. In later years students would still present with limited vocabulary but now the pronunciation would set her teeth on edge and she thought much of it would be unintelligible to most Thai speakers.

    She attributes that solely to the use of audio visual methods, prior to the internet most students would have learnt using a purely aural method such as Pimsleur or books with accompanying audio tapes.

    There will always be different opinions on language learning and I know many universities use audio visual methods. However of those that teach Thai or any other non romance languages I don't know of any that employ the use of a phonetic transcription system.

    "Please don't think me unkind but ​possibly not the best background for recommending videos to watch ?"

    Hey I'm just trying to get started with the basics and just looking to get help from other people. Having said that, I sincerely value your advice! Would you recommend learning the alphabet first? Any good video or link to get started with the alphabet?

    I opened this topic so people like you would help people like me by sharing any helpful material available online and for free.

  11. You don't work for them, right? Two if my friends tried it and in one month they still didn't have much at all.

    It is better than some schools that tell you to just sit there and listen! No note taking at all. How are they to learn?

    Ha ha...no, I don't work for them. In fact, anyone can download their program for free on any torrent site (shhh...don't tell everyone)!

    download from where ?

    from here.. but sshhhh

  12. Sawadeekrap,

    Anyone interested to learn the basics of the Thai language with me?

    I have found quit a few quality videos on YouTube that can definitely help getting started.

    How about we keep this topic to post anything related to learning Thai? Technical language questions/answers, links to helpful (free) videos, etc.

    Let me start:

    Those are just examples, but there are literally hundreds - if not thousands - of similar videos on the web. It would be great to post the ones you've watched here, and eventually list them by category. Ideally I would love to maintain this post with an effective list of free videos, in correct order and even by category, as the topic grows...

    Please share anything that can help learning Thai, including links, video or even personal tips about pronunciation or any other recommendation, let it flow! Why pay for school when we can help each other on ThaiVisa? biggrin.png

  13. hi my daughter is half thai and half irish

    From my understanding there is no such thing as half-thai nor half-irish, your daughter is fully thai, and also fully irish, she has both nationalities and has all the rights of a native thai person (and is considered as such by the thai authorities), exactly like she has all the rights of a native irish person (and is also considered as such by the irish authorities).

    she doesn't get half a passport does she? she gets two!

  14. And guzzi850m2, free entry to the military beach in Bang Saray? Only in your dreams

    ?? I've been there a couple of weeks ago, I just had to hand over an ID card completely free. Was that an exception? There's only one security guard at the entrance, how would he collect any money? doesn't look like a cashier.

    This beach is awesome by the way, so quiet and so far from the crazyness.

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