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Posts posted by sting01

  1. Hi there,

    About visa, it must be include when you will get a job, you will just have to go abroad (Laos, Cambodia....) during 3 days to get at first an non immigrant B. You can search a job with a tourist visa.

    About me, I went in Bkk 20 month ago, 'cause I get a bad divorce in france. I started here with some money, and many illusions. After a while, the illusions left and a part of my money also, I decided to create a little firm with my gf(ex.gf will be more accurate).The company is legaly registred (Partnership limited company), but for some dumb reasons I don't get my work permit (income not enough to justify my salary), but in 6 month I will re apply and get it. For now I don't work officially, but just take care of my investment (mostly the income are provided by business on internet, then no need to have an office).

    We/I have 3 fields of business :

    1) I design, ask a tailorshop to sew, and sell outfits for collectible dolls in USA and worldwide. It's not ecommerce ( I don't trust economically in ecommerce) but internet is good to send pictures, to stay in touch with customers, retrieve money (paypal), the business exist because my best friend is a collector, and live in USA, she introduce me. The earnings are about 20 000 bht/month or 500 euros/month, and the benefit is about the half. I have some retailers in USA and Canada who asked me to my sellers, but they need to order quantities and ask for price ... I don't have enough in capital (who is my own money) to do it, and it's really sad. This market is called in french "niche", it's a protected market when you are recognise, you have daily orders.

    2)As my gf(ex.gf) is a singing teacher, I use my IT skills and computers (I have some lol) to record the students for contest (KPN, Nescafe or other). I also create karaoke from western songs (suppress voice and keep music only, put the lyrics on the screen and mix all together with the original video, or a nice video about France, Italy or germany). This for educational purpose only, I don't sell it on the street lol. I do some blue disk for local stars also ( Ploy, b-mix or Zig Zag), like that they get a first idea how they will be in real. Music or Video, in a computer are only data, then I know how to play with data.

    3) I teach french also, private course, to some students.

    I forget, I am preparing an audit for a local firm who prepare a soft for security. It's Mac adress related, then I told to the boss it's not good, he asked me to proove it. But it's for fun, no sure I can get some coins with that.

    All in one I have a living, but it's not easy, feel depress sometimes ( this is why I brake up my rship after 18 month, I started to bothering the girl who is a nice person).

    The key word, one of the key word, is Thai personns look at us as devils, necessary devils (english teachers for exemple) but if you (or I) know best, they loose face and they dislike that, then they prefer to not use us too much.

    hope than answer to you, if you need more , just mail me.

    Best regards


  2. about IT job in Bkk

    for my experience it's VERY difficult to find something here, mostly the ISP don't need really invest in farangs.

    I was during 5 years a security consultant, as soon I landed in Bangkok (20 month ago) I tryed to find a job. I did some "audits" for free about the security for the majors thai ISP, and went to the head office with my logs, the security holes I found .... they said thanks, asked me to give to them my documents (logs I mean) but never asked me to stay and correct it. Mostly at this day, the same holes exist. Thai culture, they prefer to kill the messager than to heara bad new.

    Sunbelt, could you be more prciseabout the people you could eventually recruit? Is the fact to be french, and not really fluent in english as a native speaker is a fact who can disqualify me for working for you?

  3. The Spelling above is another reason why Only Native English Speakers are suitable for these posts, I know there are some Non-English speakers who can spell perfectly, but on the whole Thais will NEVER be able to speak english well until they are taught by example. No offense meant  

    If it's for me, I must say yes, I don't know how to spell and my grammar is absolutely incorrect :o I am asshamed but I must confess it lol

    But I don't pretend to be an english teacher, for me teaching is an ART, I can ( I do it yet) teach but .... french :D

    I agree also with to learn a foreign language, better to use native speaker then foreign people with fake diploma

  4. About Kao san road, the perv, the english teaching business :

    1) Kao San Road exist, last week that was 3 shopps who offeredthe service you asked for the price is about 2 000 bht. It's risky, cause everyboddy can see it's fakediploma, it's risky cause you must giveyour name also, and the police is never far of this place (thea money or retrive informations about customers?) Better to take a course and get a real one (not so real, how can you be a experienced teacher after 4 weeks of TEFL course?????????????)

    2) The perv exist anywhere, in LOS as in any country, but it'strue here the proportion of perv sound to be important inside the farangs ( I am a farang, am I a perv?). Now what are you calling perv? A guy who have a sexual night with a kid? My opnion is this kind of personn must go to visit "Bongkok Hilton" and asap. and yes it's a perv. Now for people who hang with partner (same or diferent sex) who are younger than them, if the partner is adult (more than the legal age (important word)), have the mental capacity to know what is good or wrong, then it's called private life, you can only say you like or dislike this kind, but you can not judge.

    3) english teaching business, well it's a business here like selling noodle, you have legal business, illegal business, and "business who don't exist". Here we are guess, we are lucky to have the right to stay in LOS, sometimes is hard life but mostly I thanksGod to be here. We must accept the rules, the thai citisens NEED to learn english, by the ways who are posible, this is why the teachers like you (or me) can work here, the police don't bother us too much, but it's "business who don't exist", mean you say nothing, be happy with what you have, if you are not happy then you must leave and then some governemental offices will be happy to show you the way.

    Get the point? If you need to stay here, and work here, be clevert, save your money, return to school during 4 weeks and get  the TEFL or beter a CELTA. You wil be proud of you, you will get easy and better jobs, and all will be legal and Mr Immigetion Officer will smile. Or go to Kao San, buy your diploma, and be in troubles soon, because you will be you too another pervert (you corrupt the thai citisen, and abuse of them they nice and not mided people, they did it only to help you and to be good host for you)

    Begood guy and go to school.

    P.S. : the fact to showyour sexual life (you said you are gay) is mostly in Europ a very bad point. In my country ( Iam french) if you are gay it will hard for you to teach, if you say you are gay , YOU WILL NEVER TEACH, may I suppose you are not european?

  5. The demand exist, I get some private students, and I know also French is teached in LOS, but if I have contacts upcountry, I don't know where in BKK?

    Does anyone know where I can have a list of the schools who teach french in BKK? better if I ask that in the board I think lol.

    Anyway thanks for the reply


    P.S I check also ajarn.com, great site, and if phil teach by the same way he did this site he must be a great teacher (why I don't get one like him when I was teenie????).

  6. hi all,

    Well I know you are mostly anglo-saxon ( noboddy is perfect) but the most parts of you is in the education field. I must confess I am a  frogg (french), and I beg for my broken english. Whatever I would have some help.

    I am looking to teach french, I have yet some private students but I would like to improve it a little bit, alas I don't know where I can advertise with a good feedback, or where I must go to meet the right personns (the schools who teach french in Bkk)

    Please don't answer Alliance Francaise, I went to meet them, the communication was uneasy and if I was not polite and well educated : I would say these morons suck. but maybe it's only one personn?

    The topic, or the idea is : more than teaching french  I would like to teach how to speak french, mostly the students I get are great in grammar, but they pronounce like #### ( the letter R, the vovel U .... ) well you know all these differences btw our 2 languages who will let me speak english like a spanish cow till my death . Many school hire english native just to speak with the students, so why not do the same with french?

    Any suggestion will be warmly welcomed

    Best regards


  7. thanks for the help :o

    I know Pnong Penh, that was the place I went for my non immigrant  visa  B, honestly the place is very nice, absolutely where I would like to stay, but my gf is thai, she have to work in Bkk, and she like this busy city lol. But I will think and maybe can I found a solution.

    About ajarn.com, thanks I wil take a look in 5 mn, just take time to answer this post. I knew this place, but silly me I don't go in often. Thanks to remenber me. And yes I am french, and it's certainly why I positively dislike my situation, we consider a man can be called a man only if he act as a man, aka working, on the other ways we call him "a maquereau" aka a pimp. Honestly I would like to thank you both for your advices, and I will try to follow it.


  8. hi all,

    I am in Bkk since january last year, left france after a divorce and tryed to have a "new life " here.

    As many, I started to be here as tourist, and after a while my gf and myself we have open a lit' business on internet, about outfits for dolls. Irak's war is coming, and as the customers were mostly US and me a french with a big mouth, we have loose our customers. My gf is teacher, then for the living is no trouble, just I feel like a pimp yet, and I am looking for a job.

    I am searching, but in fact I have no real idea where I can find something, I have a broad range of qualifications, Mostly IT, also electricity, and yet I do the sound ingenior (for free alas) in a music school (including karaoke creation, and recording of students or future stars aka Zig Zag or Bmix or Ploy for those who listen thai pop songs :o

    My main trouble is I am french aka, I can not, as opposite of many back packer, teach english ... I have not find a school where they teach french.

    the good news is I am a non immigrant visa, but I must convert it in work visa before the 12 th  of june or it will be necessary to ask for another.

    Any kind of help or advice will be welcomed.


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