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Posts posted by sting01

  1. you right sunbelt, but the key word in htis hypothetical conversation was "small" if too small, no BOI, nothig of what you describe.

    Whatever , I take good note of what you said, maybe for the future it will be great for me to settle something like that in the Kingdom.

    Best regards


    Mesage in a bottle

  2. rulling a small business in LOS ? I always thought only Thai citisens or US citisens can do that. The other nationalities ( must be about 150 other nationalities in the world) can only invest till 49 % of the shareholders.

    As I am not Thai, not US, I can NOT rulle a business ... maybe IF I invested some bucks in some business it would be POSSIBLE for me to check how my investment go ...

    There is only supposition, the key aords are IF and possible ... it's like the personn who mailed me and told me they COULD given to me some FRIENDLY places to get a visa ... It could be interresteing IF I was moron enough (as some corporate I know) to use visa shop . Do legally only legal stuffs is a rule in my country

  3. Hi there,

    since some few days, we hear this and that about Visa, people under arrest, borders closed ..... bla blabla

    For what I know, and for what I experienced :

    here , as in our respective countries there is laws, and if you don't follow them you will have troubles.

    The fact to cross the border every 30 days, stay at least one night out the kingdom and coming and ask to have another 30 days is till today ABSOLUTELY legal. I am sorry for those who said it's not.

    Mostly the personns who were involved in the fake stamps are : or innocent an stupid tourists who were just stay a little bit more ..... or corporate people who were too lazy, or too busy to make money here to follow the rules. There is funny to know mostly there is the same personns who are and the target for the 1 M bht card, and the visa crackdown. Maybe the scam is not only in Kao San Road, but also were neck tie adn white shirt?

    For wht I know, and following my visa run to Pol pet this sunday, where all was quiet, noboddy have check deeply my passport, and I met the same immigration officer than the past 18 month, I think there is no need to be too much scare, but it's need just to do the things how they must be done.

    It will be better for most of us, who own small business, to htink about the new regulations .... There is a topic why is hidding, but it's sure this topic not interest the corporate..




  4. IT,

    are you looking about general technical ressources about VOIP in asia, or just feedback from customers here, or technical infos about "who, how, and why" especially for thailand?

    For feedback I can not help, but for general ressources, and for technical infos about CS and IPStar I can have some infos by tomorrow evening, just let me know exactly what you are looking for



    dee doo dada ..... dee doo dada

    Message in a bottle

  5. hi,

    I have an answer to your question, but not sure you will like it, but consider it's technicaly the best.

    1) Install Linux on your computer, a recent distribution will be better.

    2) let Lilo recognise your dual boot, Linux and Windaube.

    3) Boot on Linux

    4) go to internet, downloa a programm named VMWare (must be in VMWare .com). it's a  free demo, after30 days or you pay the bills or you mail me and ask me politely to give you a code :o

    5) Install VMWare, and enjoy the fact to use your Windows under Linux (your poor Personnal Computer is now a mainframe)

    6) As VmWare is a virtual PC, you just have to crete 2 or 3 or 4 virual PC. Your Window session will be accessible only by your Linux session, the other people will never use your Linux but another user, they will have then another Window absolutely different of your.

    512 Ram and 1 ghz for the processor are enough for this program. And it'sgreat trust me.

    Soundcrazy and complicate, but it's very simple in fact, in 3 hours you will have something absolutely secure and very professional. and in more it's free of charge.

    If you need more infos contact me




  6. Editing by myself, I misunderstood what Pat Pong said.

    I don't have a business visa, my Business don't have the size to provide me one yet, I am just looking to improve it if possible, and maybe apply for one in the future.

    Opportunities mean only business opportunities for me, as I always did my visa run by myslef (no agency involved) I see no reason to continue it.

    Whatever I am interresting by this brain storming.


    Ghost in the machine

    P.S about other other post, if I was complaining (or be a troll) against you, it was not about the legal ponts (we must follow the rules, I agree absolutely with you) it was only about "compassion" for people who are in apin or are desesperate. We are human and compassion is a part of what I have learn from my religion (catholic here)

  7. 2 000 years ago, someone said : those who are innocent can throw the first rock ...

    50/50 is a nice though Pat Pong, but if you read (have you?) there is nothing involved with 50/50, but only individual story. It's a human personn who see suddently his life became shitt ... there is nothing to deal with statistic ... and it can happend easily to everyboddy you include (I don't wish you that, don't misunderstand me).

    More than all the criteria set by the different laws , there is something who is very important to get a visa (or don'tget). It's up to the immigration officer to give it or refuse it. It's not new, it's writing on the law and that is.

    By recent experience, my last 22 runs (start to be enough to speak about experience), I remenber spend some hours with some immigration officers, and only about 5mn with some others. It depend of many factors, how you look, how polite you are, depend if you go the good day (many tourist or quiet time) ... it coul be many reasons for that.

    I always use the same border for my visa run, and I am well know by the immigration oficers from both countries (not many with my nationalities pass there I guess), the only advice/warning I get recently was : next time , it could be be better to realy leave during 24 h/48 hours mean spend one evening + a night + a morning outside the kingdom. He remenber the law say : the foreigner must leave the kingdom and are able to re enter after one day. (have you forget that Dr IKNOWALL_ILOOKDOWN?).

    About loose passport, I amfar to be sure it can be a solution, if too many people loose it on the same time ....

    Now, just to make things funny, those who have "fake" or supposed fake stamps, why don't go directly to your embassy/consulate and ask them to help you to fill a complain against the agencies who did it? SI VIS PACEM PARABELLUM .... You were cheated by Thai national, thai firmm and thai officials (immigration oficers) you are not guilty, but victims ...whatever if caught it will be like #### for yoou, then why not a little bit of fun, and maybe you can find a middle way , I am far to be sure Thai goverment need this kind of advertising.



    Message in the bottle

  8. very useful informations Dr PAt pong ... but I am far to be sure they are accurate ( about kids or wife, you seems forget the bank account who is requestin these case).

    About gf/bf .... what if we have a PACS (used in france if you can not (gay couple) or refuse for some reasons to be married) is it recognize here? This for of "marriage" exist in many europeans countries, not only in france. Then it could be interresting to know it.

    There is another thing who can be interrested to know, what is the main topic of the new regulations? I went by morning in Pantip yesterday, the shopps where usually I buy some cd were closed, aka they have a bed sheet all aroubd the shop. Then that was no place to find and buy fake CD (whatever nobody sell that in Thailand, there is no place to find it, and there is less fake products in thailand than in europe Dixit Khun T**** Shin**** 3 month ago) Well, after 5 mn, and reading carrefully the list given to me by nobody (it's only nobody who sell fake CD) I bough a real and genuine sofware (just burning from the shop who is in the 4th floor) for the genuine price of 150 bht.

    Then what about the regulation? Is it posture for APEC, or is really something who will exist? Whatever, a society only for purpose of work permit? Just for that you will have to pay , taxes on the society and also taxes on your salary. It's a fair deal for thailand. To pay, you must earn money, then the society is not really fake.

    I am glad to know there is some people who are sucessful, and in their professional life (at least 400 000 in a saving account, and a salary at least of 40 000/month), and in their personnal life (marriedwith a suay nay thai lady with many kids) ... it's not the fact for everyboddy. Each we have a story (who is different), and place like this forum are very important, they can help those who are worry to do mistake.


    roxane, message in a bottle, Ghost in the machine

  9. hi,

    not sure I understood your question, if you mean send SMS message, and recieve it also, then there is some few solutions who exist , but like you sound not like a GEEK (computer addict), I would like to advise you to use ICQ.


    download the full version, it's free.

    this programm is a chat programm, but he have the nice possibility to send SMS all around the world, you can also get SMS from other people. you can also stock the number of your "correspondent". It's a basic but interresting programm


  10. hello,

    @Pavina, the reasons for a "farang" to overstay can be numerous, and sometimes it really necessary to do it. If, like me, you like thailand, and mostly all we are proud to have the chance to stay here, we absolutely don't need to offense any thai law.

    But life sometimes can be complicated, all are not really wealthy, and a run to the border have a cost. I could imagine the guy who loose the job, prefer keep the visarun's money to pay the couple rent ... thinking he will find a new job quickly and do the visa next month ... If he get a new job opportunity after some month, then he will have overstay  ... I hope you get my point, my english is not so good. But the situation I described it's a real one.

    It's sure for the guy it could be easiest to forget the gf (maybe a kid also) and use the money for the visa run ... what is the best solution?

    Sometimes, better to think why .... then to sing the old songs about white monkey

  11. mail to Linda?? OMG, this girl NEVER answer, I agree with Girlfrombar about banning.

    Some administrators, and LINDA includes, don't act nicely.

    I was banned last thursday, I cameback 2 mn after with another ISP, and asked the admin why I was expelled, the answer was : I do what I would like t odo, and was banned again .... so nice.

    For informations my nick is ERIC, and I spend many times in the chat room, and I am sure nobody can complain I am rude.

    Now, I realy would like why people as 7 bht can stay there, and not people who come only for chatting and get informations. Also what about the thai ladies who offer fun againts money and that in the main room?

    It could be great if all the admins do what for they get money ( as Baby babe do, she is a great personn), it would be great also if the personn called LINDA answer sometimes to the mails she get, at least some few words.



  12. Ability to teach can not be given by a ploma, real one or fake. I am not thinking a "backpacker" can not be a good teacher, many exemples of that exist in various forms.

    I just point on the RISK to buy a fake diploma, and also on another fact : all we are here as guest, and we MUST respect our hosts/hostess,. In more thai personns sometimes look at us like "evils", then no need to show them how bad we are.

    For my part, I am scare if I do something like that (buy a diploma) I will be arrested, deported and blacklisted, I don't need to go back in france between 2 policemen.

    Best regards


  13. I agree absolutely with adr1313.

    I am a farang (farangsee), I am not really intelligent (IQ about 215 only), and I dislike western women in general french women particulary, they are to much sexy, and that cost a lot if you need to f*** one.

    I went in this country (by respect for the people I know here who are nice people I will not say the nameof the place where I am) because it's full of uneducated, ugly, dark skinned, low class, and very cheap personn. LOL

    More seriously, what I said is just a silly joke, I think adr1313 is ready to be arrested. I never heard someone spoken like that about thai women :

    you have to come here to pay for cheap sex with ignorant, ugly country girls.

    Pay : my gf pay the half of the rent, half off the food .....

    Sex : she is my gf and am her bf, then yes we make love, asall the couple s everywhere in the world, Lord Boudha have said sex is a fact of life.

    ignorant : she is graduate (master) from Tamassat university. I am far to be sure someonecan call her ignorant.

    ugly : well at least I feel it's personnal opinion, I dislike mango and prefer papaya, it's also personnal.

    upcountry : she is isarn, does that mean she is not thai? does that mean she is not human (untermenshen??????????????)

    In my country, France, adr1313 will go directly in jail if he/she/it say/write something like that. he/she emphasis the hate between people who are different, whatever I honestly think Thailand is a old country with law, if someone ( foreigner or thai) do something wrong, the police will act promptly, thne there not too much perv here.

    I like thailand, and I feel not good when I hear these kinds of comments about this country and about the thai citisens ( who are not all half chinese from bangkok, some are full thai, dark skinned, living up country, but whaetever both are friendly people, and have jai dee).

  14. one web site per week, I can do that without problems ( or major problems, depend of what you need exactly)

    The visa non  immigrant B ( and work permit) is not a problem for me ( I can have it by another way than to ask your firm to provide me this document)

    If realy you are loking for a designer, let me know, I am interresting

    With just a little promotion, I could probably pull in six jobs per month.  If I had a developer who could knock out a website every five days or so, I could probbably pay that individual 60,000 baht per month - not good earnings by western standards, but liveable here in Thailand.

    really interresting

  15. hi Zen,

    I am french, my english suck, maybe it's why it's hard to understand me.

    If I stay here (LOs) since 18 month, that mean it's not HARD to survive, but as you said it's necessary to be strong, and have some ideas.

    A point is, they have (thai personn) a culture who dislike the changement. They are not innovative.

    Someone who is innovative and entrepreneurial, and who have some money in more (key word also) wcan have a very good life in LOS. I know some exemples of farangs who success here, and it's not complicate.

    In IT field, our filed, there is many opportunities who exist. After to make this opportunities reallity. Yet, the security level about ISP don't exist really, in more the governement try to build a firewall, agains porn site or other "tendencious" site, last 6 month the government have selling some 100 000 computers at low price for the non wealthy people, the OS is Linux ....

    Many opportunities, and trust me that make me sick to don't have the money enough to take these opportunities. My daily life is spending to do work for peanuts, because I must pay my bills, buy food ...

    But if you have money enough, some millions of bath, and can wait the time to contact the different organisation/firms, then you can succes without doubt.

    In more, I am sorry if I am not more precise, but I try to keep some ideas for myself, as with the cellphone network (big boom here about cellphone), about the security of the governemental ofices (IT secu),about Linux also (a strong community exist here, but I never get the time to meet, alas).

    If you need more infos, mail me, maybe can I given to you some precise view about what it's possible to do here.

    Best regards


  16. are you finnish?

    the guy who take care of the chess club is finnish also, we play every friday evening in O'reilly pub in Sala daeng. Mostly farang. Maybe that could be a solution for you

    Best regards


    If you don't play chess, you can come also, at least you will find someone who will enjoy a chat with you :o

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