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Posts posted by sting01

  1. Internal server error, please try again in 30 seconds

    Does not mean google server, but the "border server" that is used to connect LOS to the farang Internet.

    gmail have the bad habit to not fit really the filters that check what is exchanged (censure?), so as it was necessary to change them, the access was provisory turned out (supposition ?????????)

  2. Swedden is the european country (with Norway) that fight to stay in the top 3 for the amount of acoholic citizen.

    Also, frozen to death is not medicaly accurate, better to say dead by "hypotension", the sugar that is in alcohol is short term (short life?) sugar, mean it's burning quickly, and use more ernergy than he give to the body. If too much alcohol, then you body will be in lack of energy.

    Whatever, I am sure his prefered "Tea house will miss him".

  3. What a bullshit .... here it's thailand, that can not happend.

    Or you friend bullshit (eg spend the money with money boy) or he was not in thailand but somewhere else (farang land certainly), and in ALL CASE , it can not be tahi citizen who act like that. It's well know thai are angel lol

    All my sympathies to yourfriend, and glad he is still alive, remenber the Kwai river.

  4. According to G W Bush, DNS and WHOIS (and in general all object related to the internet topology) is PUBLIC, and since some time it's not only Marina del rey who take care of that, but an organisation where the non profit top level organisation are in parity with governemental agencies.

    What does that mean :

    the DNS are only the replication (mirror) of the 7 top level directories, you just have (and it's legal) to setup your own DNS at home, and you will never have this problem again ... consider it iwll take about 7 days to download the informations.

    The best sep by step on how to do it is located in MAN pages .

    In general, there is a lot of technical problem here, DNS lazy, the cisco routeurs that use a cheap round robin ......... love it or leave it.


  5. hi,

    I use jamine internet, last month I had this problem :

    I had a work to do for a customer located in USA it's a well know musical shop, and one of the biggest buyer of script in RAC ....access denied ... impossible to go to the FTP and to have the HTTP


    You were denied access because of, at least, one of the following reasons:

    * this page is in blacklist. (For more information, please refer to http://www.cattelecom.net/watch-dog/)

    * this page is hosting outside domestic region. Your account is permitted to access only in demestic region. (Type: Domestic-ONLY)

    What a shame to explain that to thebuyer, and also to avoid to be considered as a lazy coder. The funny thing is I had explain I live in thailand, this is a royal thai law (notice the word royal), and I have to explain that maybe 15 times a day .... the result was a temporary ban of RAC with the same window (I suppose the use of the soft that count /scan for some words).

    RAC = www.rentacoder.com

    now to make you smile, it's still possible to thnk the 3 websites are related to thai firms, and maybe they do some "unfair competition" to some people who are in the gvt or close to gvt, so .... but it's a joke.

    I could also add to your list, as intellectual websites that show (at least a part) the real thailand :

    www.ladyboy-ladyboy.com (was banned today , 1 day after I have renew my subscrition damnit lol)

    www.asianshemale.com (still banned since many month)



    sound like an 11th of november when we call for those who died during the WWI.

    Yes it's porn site, but how the katoeys (about 25 % of the thai population) can survive without that?????????uhu

    Well the first part of the post is serious, the second less.


  6. please define "normal thread"

    mean politicaly correct it is not?

    exemple, meet a gay guy, tell him he is a fagg ... how he will react? huh? But is it polically correct to say that? huh is it simply polite, not sure?

    Ajarn... POST EDITED BY MODERATOR TO REMOVE OFFENSIVE COMMENTS... I precise I am still a proud member of ajarn and I found daily (mmmmm weekly ....... ooooops monthly ....) accurate information on the best way to teach the wonderfull shakespear language to the marvellous thai kids (who absolutely don't care about shakespear and RicharIII but who don't stop to ask for your cell number .... wonder why because I look like more like a dwarf in the "Lord of the rings" than to Eminem or Clash ' singer).

    Normal thread should something as the opposite of this post, that I comitted by humor and to use a comparative description : totally opposite.


    The troll

  7. open the mail, right click , on the contexual menu choose ENCODING, then select thai.

    If the mail is correctly encoded following the ISO norm (RFC 1278) the text will appear correctly:

    if stll not work, then you will have to "hack"it (according to oxford dictionnary, you will have to use an axe lol)

    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=windows-1256>

    search the correct chatset number (this is for some work I have just done for the youngest brother of Bin Laden, who is still in Arabia and still making money, the charset is for arab language) and you will add this line on the very start of every mail you get.

    hope that help

    Roxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane ... eventually under the red light

  8. open the mail, right click , on the contexual menu choose ENCODING, then select thai.

    If the mail is correctly encoded following the ISO norm (RFC 1278) the text will appear correctly:

    if stll not work, then you will have to "hack"it (according to oxford dictionnary, you will have to use an axe lol)

    <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=windows-1256>

    search the correct chatset number (this is for some work I have just done for the youngest brother of Bin Laden, who is still in Arabia and still making money, the charset is for arab language) and you will add this line on the very start of every mail you get.

    hope that help

    Roxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane ... eventually under the red light

  9. Just to precise :

    yes I live in thailand

    yes I run my own business in thailand (and it's ABSOLUTELY legal business)

    Yes I do have a thai business partner (due the law) that have taken in 1 year vacation in phuket 3 times at that as soon as some big customers (I have the luck to work for a world leader in IT) have paid. reason : my business partner was so stress that it was necessary to have a rest.... Reason of the stress????? Stress about?

    Yes, mostly corruption is not around, but there is something else that exist : we are only farang, and we are tolerate in LOS only to improve the wealth of the kingdom ... I am unsure how to understand it, but I know that I should/must over pay everything only because I have white skin.

    No I am not bitter, I did choose to come here, and to live here ... it's my own choice, I have here other advantages that I can not have in my own country : as everything is cheap in thailand, I can get a lot of work that I can never have if I was in europe. That allow me to do, and earn money with what I know and love. But , seriously, if I was looking to just earn money (entrprneur) I should never come here but rather take a look to Malaysia (the girls are hot there also and not so expensive lol) or to silly'pore (educated there not like in ..., modern, good internet connection, and there is no "hidden fees" mean Tea money).

    Well, there is one criteria also :

    how many singaporean or malysian people are asking UK embassy for a visa? Thailand see daily the best of the thai citizen going abroad .... any reasons to that? Why those who can be the backbone of the nation prefer to be exprat in western countries? Wonder why.


  10. Do any Thai businesses come to mind?  Why do you think these businesses fail?

    Are you kidding? To have a successful business in Thailand doesn't mean hard work and good service, but monopoly and extortion. Just watch any hardworking foreigner achieving some success that cuts into the income of some locals and you will see the mafia show up. Example: Shark disco in Phuket.

    I love this reply, sound like real world ...

    In fact to summarise, if entrpreneur = investisseur then you are the most welcome to nvest your money in any kind of thai venture, as long as you accept to put your money and not be able to follow what happend after (except if you are US citizen).

    if entrpreneur = starting a business (any kind, any size) as the root of the word mean, then .... well, I don't need to be banned today , but ... I am affraid , if I refer to the western standart, Thailand is NOT friendly for entrepreneur. If you are succesful, you can not move out the money, you can have only 49% of the capital (not for US citisens as stated ... but human race is not locatd only in USA it is not?), and I don't speak about Mafia, that don't exist anymore since Khun PM have won the war against Iraq oooooooops against Mafia.

    To be honest, if you open a very SME (but I mean it .... very SME) doing business with farang only , well you can have a normal life as some of us, ... try to be middle sized and you will have problem without end:

    VAT never paid bakc or 10 years after (in thai it mean never).

    kickedout by the landlord because your business is successfull, then he need it for himself.

    Tea money for several governemental agencies (no sir it's not corruption, it's just to help to the prosperity of the nation).

    Problem with the tahi national if they discover you are succesfull (how dare are you to earn money and not them, who care if you work 15 hours a day)


  11. As usual I am glad to learn more about hystory, geography or maybe just about english language :

    2) Protection against foreigners coming to compete for the occupations that Thai nations have the ability to do and keeping them sufficient in quantify for the demand of the labor market within the kingdom;

    thai nations .... with an "s" at the end .... well I did not know it was still existing many thai nations in 2004 ... In the past yes, at least it was white and black thai in vietnam ....

    Or maybe it's a mistke made by the translator .... if there is one, what not other ... Who is sure this translation is well made?

    This is another sample how some people spread "erronate" information to reach some personnal goals ... increase business for exemple as last year with fear about the visa control ...



  12. One more time I must constat there is the same people that affraid other (feed the fear) and on the same time who launch new activities (thanks to Sunbelt for your advertising on the fact that now you can help us to get a new workpermit).

    I will not comment , or suppose that is a relation between our fears to be kicked out LOS with our investment lost, and the way how some people run their business and make profit with us ... I am sure Sunbelt Asia is not this kind of personn.

    Now, everybody is scare about the 2 millions of bath ... what a deal ... The thai law let the ability to register non material (not real if you prefer) capital as : ideas, concept, panel of potential future customers ..... You just have to find an accountant (registred one) that will legally evaluate this capital, and it will be no problem at all .... if your company is a limited partnership ....

    Oh well, I forgot, mostly us expats in LOS , as we have follow the advices of the eldest of us (like Sunbelt or Indo Siam) now we rule Limited companie (he guys, both Sunbel or IndoSiam are businessman, they must have benefits, they will not advice you for free, and how they could know the law will be change). What I have say about the non material capital is totally useless for the Limited companies ... Does someone (except me since 2 years) have explain that before???????

    I think, but I am unsure if it's possible to do it, it should be better to change the status of the small Limited companies in partnership companies, and registed for the 2 millions of bath, if your old companies were running really, you will have no problem to find a accountant who will certify that your potential customers (existing for the old one) is valued at 2 millions... and your life will be simplier.

    My 2 cents.

    If this post seems to be too much aggressive, I beg the admin to not delete it completly, the info about the partnership is an importantone, in this case or you delete just the bad part, or message me and I will do it. thanks on advance



  13. For one time, I must agree with this governemental policy.

    As consumer, I must say that the counter ciggies are low quality mostly , then I will be only good one on the marker.

    Also, yes any developped country get an important revenue from taxes, and the fake ciggy/liquor is a pain for any country.

    Whatever who will complain? Both, ciggy and liquor, are bad for health, and cost a lot to western countries. At least heath of people that stay and live here will be better. In France , the price of the ciggy is so hight than manay [people have stopped to smoke .... I preferred to come here to spend less lol.

    At least it's a good news

  14. hi,

    can tell you more about both sites:

    script lance is full of indian and pakistanese societies ... who bid very cheap ... more than I can (or you will can ) do : they offer to install a full new ecommerce solution in less than a day for 30 $ (new mean not something existing on the market as oscommerce or agora cart or xcommerce, but a new program tht fully fit the buyer needs). True or not, I don't know, mostly they don't have feedback ... but hard to do something here ... you must really hit the featured project, and send a formal document to the buyer where you will explain what and how in how much time.

    Maybe it became clear why I said it's necessay to have astructured team ... the first proposition was interresting me for that, I have a IT skills, I have the market, I have the customers, but I waste every day btw3 and 5 hours only to answer to the bids .... too long... too boring.

    Rentacoder is trully better if you are a seasonned programmer/dev .... people come here with serious project and the price mostly have a ground and a floor ... mean the bid must be btw (exemple) 100 and 500 $ for a ecommerce website .

    Also the buyers are mostly IT professional .... they will not really care about a formal document, but they will mostly ask you to set up a demo (on your dev server) alsothey will ask you technicall questions.


    I am glad at least it's one personn that read and like when I try to help :o

    Good luck (work hard lol)

  15. laughtable ...... Your story ? No .... just the fact you do mods here ..... Loose the right to teach? or just btw 2 positions?

    Well, is it ebay that have bought paypal or paypal that have bought ebay? ooooooooops I mean does ajarn is a part of thaivisa now?

    I hope the others freaks and jerks from your own forum will not follow you and start the same post here.

    Whatever I always loved to read your post and comments, I positively love your humor sense (very british), when I think about some of them I can not stop to laught.



  16. About outsourcing in Thailand :

    Do program, pieces of sofware, or website for western societies who are looking to oursource the work is my daily work since almost 1 year .

    I can givehere sopme feedback, I wish it can be usefull for those who are looking for :

    1) You must be specialised : HTML guru, Perl Hacker, PHP coder, Photoshop/illustrator artist, Flash "metteur en scene" .... this market as the other morkets don't accept people that are weak .... The best of the best in my opnion is to have strong SQL knowledge (from access to oracle with as well Mysql or postgresql) ... knowledge mean at least be more than fluent in SQL ANSI92, but also be able to understand quickly the DB design and the eventual weaknesses. For that can earn (it's my fees up to 75$/hour) ... but the client will pay only if the job is made and WELL made in some hours ... They will not ask you to create the design, nor to flush data in the DB, but they will send a bunch of queries than you must fix in seconds, and will ask you to fix the inconsistencies of the DB ... mostly is short mission and good money.

    2) there is many websites around who give the possibility for the young coders to get a name, also some others reserved to the seasonned coders (first category is www.scriptlance.com, in the second you can find www.rentacoder.com).

    3) Do outsourcing only if your nerves are perfect ... mostly the dead lines are very short, the buyers need it for yesterday, and to make the sites alive, the respective owners will never really help you if arbitration. Remenber in fact you sell your skills, os better to be really skilled, even in html, and be ready to work 14, 16, or sometimes 20 hours a day.

    4) it's a small word, mean :

    if you cheat a buyer (use third party coding, or keep the source for your self) you will be quickly without any work to do.

    if you are not skilled also, the word will be passed around, same result.

    5) about indian coder ( I am french), they are good one, and bad one .... reputation .... yet , the big danger for people like me is from Rumania .... they are skilled, fast (mostly in fact it's team), very professional (at least they have always a project manager who will be contacted easily) and ..... cheap. let say cheaper than indian for a better work.

    My bottom line is :

    there a huge potential (and real yet also) market, for a company based in thailand, composed mostly (and not only for the white collar) by western educated people .... Western educated mean :

    working with the goal/delay in mind, and not with bar/vacation in mind (both western and thai people alas share this motivation).

    structurate team (specialised coders, one project manager who handle the relation with the buyer, and in more of that somewhat serious with a perfect technical english who will prospect the new job offers (mostly on the places I go there is about 1 000 a day).

    coders specialised in what the buyers need, and not only in flash (mostly better to use swish) or in Java (what a joke for a small to medium sized ecommerce than to use Java ). But SQL , PHP, PERL, ASP and also (alas) .NET.

    I am ready to meet if the conversation is seriously oriented to do business, and not only oriented on the fact : how to stay in thailand where the bargirls are so sweet and the beer so cold. I can offer my experience (since 6 month I have not post a bid , there is the buyers that invite me directly and ask if I have a little bit of time for them) and my knowledge of the market from the coder side (thing you seems to be lack of... as all you seems to be more CEO or company owner).

    As usual , I will repeat, I am not US nor Britton, I am french, mostly as the the people in thailand are very open minded, it make a final point when I precise my nationality, wish it will be not the same this time.

    you can contact me or by the site (pm) but I did not log on too much (no time for that).


  17. shellman, my dear,

    it's Brunei ..... why you want to find it in the thai papers?

    There is something that still amazing me, as for the visa crackdown last year, This website is the place in world where you can information that you CAN NOT find elsewhere, include if you ask the Thai officials.


    Whatever , everybody well know it's necessary to to checl Brunei if you need info about Thailand by night ... lol

    Gooooooooooooooood Job


  18. I forget to precise that :

    Javascript, for humble it is, is full OO language.

    the notation is : method.object.

    it's possible to inherit from the parent.

    sometimes I hate my english, so difficult for me to explain ... but I think some native who are technies can develop it.

    About oscommerce, I pretend to know it well (I curently install 3 per weeks) it's 30 % OO, 50 normal style, and 20 % Maximal style... They did a mutation (change) since 1 year, before that OO was used only for the news letter and the mail. Now they try to implement (install) it widely. But it'scalled OO because they use mysql_fetch_object rather than mysql_fetch_array ... I wonder Penelope is more looking for a dot syntax and inheritence of the classes ...

    Ghost in the machine

  19. Some ugly story behind that guy. Let's just say he deserved it.
    Well he was just backstapped by some friends of him ..... Some people in this site have claim he was a pedophile .... if true why he is not in jail now ? ...... Maybe he just bothered some "important personn" Who knows

    Wonder how is HK now?

    He was also clueless as an IT professional.

    Sure, I agree with that, he was working for a website who given fake information to ICANN .... thing who can lead to the loose the domain name ... not professional at all. I wish the website have rectified the informations, 200 Soi nakhaton in Nakhon Nowhere is not a serious address ... lol.

    For info ICANN is the top level organisation who take care of the internet number assignement. It's like APNIC .... But it's north America mostly ( we had africa in the past).

    Still wondering how is HK byt those days?


  20. Penelope, better if you return to school (assuming you never went to university) and learn a little bit.

    PHP is OO also (but it sucks and mostly reserved to the afficionados) since 4. x.x

    your comments are okie for the old releases.

    Also, what is a programming languages? Java? Cobol? ... in fact the only one I know is assembleur (using directly the processor instructions .... can you do that? Do you have ever thought it was possible to do it).

    I just finish a website, ecommerce, fully made in OO with php (client specifications).

    Penelope .... Are you related to Ulysse by any chance ??????????????? go to do your home work (sew or something like that) or maybe open a good book .... May I advice some best sellers from O'Reilly .... maybe PHP for the dummies will be enought for you.

    kidding .... today it's the birthday of my first ban in thaivisa ... I miss it lol


  21. 1907 .... French King ..... LMAO where have you found this bullshit bag ... The last king have resign after the "3 glorious" 1848 if I rmenber, after it was a republic (the 2nd) with only one PRESIDENT Louis Napoleon Bonapart (the nephew of the Emperor), then the 2 nd of december 1852 it was a "coup" and it was an empire NAPOLEON THE THIRD ( Napoleon the small by opposite of Napoleon the Great) untill 1870 and the defeat against Germany (Prussia + the other german states). And then a Republic (adopted by the deputies with only one vote of advance in 1874) In 1907, I am not sure, but I think it was Mr Fallieres. The personn who was the "pretendant" TO THE THRONE of France were asking and that untill the independance, to stay in Algeria ( with theforeign legion??????????).

    About me, you right to point on this fact, mostly Thailand don't need the people who are jobless in western countries, also, as in the western countries, they are looking for specialists on the fields were they are weak. There are some sectors where it's possible to survive, I found a little one and now I can continue to stay here. But there is not easy, and if you advertise too much it will be a lot of people who will try to do the same.

    I can give an idea where all the wonderfull IT specialists can find some work, but it need they have the same situation as me, I mean a real and legal business. MANY WESTERN SOCIETIES ARE LOOKING TO OUTSOURCES works to people who have the western skills (understand who know the western industry standarts) and who are very cheaper. But those societies need contractors, it mean invoices, taxes, and a lot of works for sometimes peanuts. If really IT is a passion, and not just a way to get the big bucks, then they can try that. Whatever ant that it's true all around the world, there is not enought people who have real skills about DB (Oracle mostly, but MySQL or POSTGRESQL also), but there is so many webdesigners, network admin and so.

    Darknight, I really would like to know who you are (or what was you old nick here).


  22. An old member of this forum did exactly that. He ran a security audit which he presented to some mayor ISP's. they smiled and put the thing in the bottom drawer. He was selling doll clothes a few months later to make him a living.

    Lol, the doll clothes business is a very good business (about 100 % of benefits per set) and it given me the opportunity, and the money to open an official business )registred with a TAX numberWhat about you? Do you work here? Officially? ) DARKNIGHT, and I will be very happy if you don't use my situation or past situation. The fact is as many farangs I came here with my head full of ideas who don't fit with the local situation. The industries standarts are different from Europe . One exemple in my country you work only 35 h/week, how lon here ? 45 I think. you must remenber that, there is thailand, and the people are clevert enought to have avoid colonization, and keep safe their culture. You can love it or hate it, it will be only your 2 cents opinion.

    The fact you know this story must mean I know you personnaly or you know me personnaly, whatever it would be great if you tell me (pm or my email ) who are you.

    In IT field, in thailand as other countries, there weak point and strong pointsn. If you need to survive you must be adatable, or it will just mean you don't have your place here.

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