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Posts posted by saintbangkok

  1. Never. And doubt I ever will.

    Like others, I'm left totally cold by cold calls.

    Sad to say, if you think like that then in fact you are as closed minded as those who cold call.

    I asked a question on an expat forum some time back, let us see what answers we get on here. You have 10m baht to invest, would you

    A. Buy a condo in Bangkok?

    B. Leave it in the Bank earning 1%

    C. Maybe speak to an investment expert who can make it work best for you?

    Seriously, cold calls, yeah no good man, but if you want to build a building you see an architect and builder, if you have legal issues you see a lawyer, if you want to invest money, do you go down to the local expat bar and ask your mates? fact is, these people do in fact know what they are doing (not sure about the above) i know this as i bought an investment plan in 1999 when i worked in Saudi and it has averaged me 9.7% net in those 14 years. Much better than depreciating Bangkok condos and worthless banks.

    For serious financial matters I visit with a reputable private banking officer at an international bank, or discuss with my stock broker back home.

    These fly-by-night "expat" experts are mostly just trying to sell you their product so they can get a commission. Most are highly unqualified, young, and are living in Bangkok for all the wrong reasons. Most are less than half my age and have no experience in anything other than trying to sell their product.

    Another tip: the address in Pacific Place 2 really turns me off. That has been one of favored locations of boiler rooms for as long as I can remember.

    Most are young.....


    Well that seems wrong for starter, so maybe you want to retract that? They all look as old as Methusala (how is that spelt?)

    You do know what Due Diligence means yes?

    Now, back to Deverewhistling.gif Not got anything other than wikipedia in your inventory?

  2. Why would I do that? They've never cold-called me, nor have they tried to publicize themselves here. I can't find a wikipedia entry for them, though -- which seems strange for such a supposedly well-known entity.

    What do you know about Business Class (Thailand) Ltd, anyway? You claim they have 15 million in capital, when they only have two. What else can you tell us?

    And what was your previous handle, again?

    I am asking. He asked you to DD his group, so now i can ask you to DD Devere. You seem reluctant? Why???

    And why would a lawyer rely on Wikipedia, written by anybody and often nobody, not exactly safe secure reliable legal sources........what type of lawyer are you sir?whistling.gif

  3. I'm not a banker, I'm a lawyer.

    But you know so much about this group (alot of it wrong) so surely you should know about another? You say yourself you are a lawyer (i doubt it, seriously as you would not open yourself up to such things on a public forum if you were) but you were happy to pick on this group???? seems a bit odd?

  4. I'm not a banker, I'm a lawyer.

    So what was your previous handle, by the way? And why do you seem to be so emotional about this particular company?

    The gentlemen invited us to do "due diligence" -- which I did -- and it isn't pretty. Of course, they could be lovely chaps.

    So do some DD on Devere then an let us all know if they are OK or not. Should be easy enough yes?

  5. Hmmm...so you joined the forum today to argue for the legitimacy of a company with just 2 million baht in capital and no turnover for the past year?

    How very interesting.

    I guess you'll be running right over to hand your life savings over to the 26 year-old financial wizard from Glasgow.

    Figured you would revert to such tact. In hospitality myself.....how about you Mr. Devere?

    Personally i have always enjoyed setting records straight with people who are quick to judge but in truth know very little. You should think before you post and just have a little decency to ruin peoples names without know facts first. These people could be good guys for all you know. Live and let live is what i say.

    Incidentally, what do you think of Devere?

    PS. Been on this forum for years but they asked me to change my name as i could not recall the password and reset so i had no choice but to make new logon.

    I'm a lawyer. Who or what is Devere?

    Devere are an IFA group, surely you know that seeing as you know everything? Shock horror.

    BANG.....that was your credibility.

  6. Hmmm...so you joined the forum today to argue for the legitimacy of a company with just 2 million baht in capital and no turnover for the past year?

    How very interesting.

    I guess you'll be running right over to hand your life savings over to the 26 year-old financial wizard from Glasgow.

    Figured you would revert to such tact. In hospitality myself.....how about you Mr. Devere?

    Personally i have always enjoyed setting records straight with people who are quick to judge but in truth know very little. You should think before you post and just have a little decency to ruin peoples names without know facts first. These people could be good guys for all you know. Live and let live is what i say.

    Incidentally, what do you think of Devere?

    PS. Been on this forum for years but they asked me to change my name as i could not recall the password and reset so i had no choice but to make new logon.


    Look out: armchair lawyer ahead.

    The Bangkok and HK entities have NO legal connection. The former is not an affiliate, nor are any of its shares held by the HK entity. Legally, two completely separate and unrelated entities.


    Incorrect. Any crime in TH would effect their status and licences in HK, this i know is 100% accurate. So you are devere, who would of thought it. You carry on boyo, happy with your lot.


    PS: who cares where the HQ is located? This is a completely separate juristic person.


    In fact it matters hugely that they have HQ in HK as if they do any wrong in TH or anywhere else they will be investigated and could and likely would lose their HK status. That is a fact, i know this well as i was in similar work some years back. Check out devere and many others here in TH and see if they have HK offices........no? Wonder why? It matters....in that industry it matters hugely that they have a HK HQ and licenses etc.

  9. Business Class has capital of 2 million. That's the company the poster said he worked for.

    PFS, a related company, has capital of 15 million.

    Did you read the Drummond article?

    Oh please no, not the drunk from Pattaya Andrew Drummond. Is there anyone with less credibility then him?

    Bottom line mate is you are being a bit harsh as not ALL these sorts of companies are bad. In life, learn to be a bit open minded about thing, you will find much more happiness.

    PFS seems to be to be part of the group, so hence 15m reg capital. Do you per chance work for one of their competitors? winky thing here

  10. Actually, a quick look at the Business class webby shows me they do all sorts, legal, loans, visas, insurance (NOT assurance for those who know the diff), so hardly a boiler room IFA group. Seems more like a genuine legals and money sort of services shop. Not really much mention even of IFA stuff.

  11. Business class group has 15m registered capital. Not sure where you found 2m, but my legal eagle eyes tells me they have 15m reg capital and HQ in regulated HK, does not seem like a bad firm to me. Perhaps a few too many bar stool lawyers on here happy to tar all IFA groups with the same brush?

  12. Never. And doubt I ever will.

    Like others, I'm left totally cold by cold calls.

    Sad to say, if you think like that then in fact you are as closed minded as those who cold call.

    I asked a question on an expat forum some time back, let us see what answers we get on here. You have 10m baht to invest, would you

    A. Buy a condo in Bangkok?

    B. Leave it in the Bank earning 1%

    C. Maybe speak to an investment expert who can make it work best for you?

    Seriously, cold calls, yeah no good man, but if you want to build a building you see an architect and builder, if you have legal issues you see a lawyer, if you want to invest money, do you go down to the local expat bar and ask your mates? fact is, these people do in fact know what they are doing (not sure about the above) i know this as i bought an investment plan in 1999 when i worked in Saudi and it has averaged me 9.7% net in those 14 years. Much better than depreciating Bangkok condos and worthless banks.

  13. We are looking out for the final piece in our jigsaw in the re-building of our team here in the form of an experienced real estate agent.

    We need some one with good knowledge of Bangkok condo market both sales and rentals able to help not just putting in business but also in supportive the two lesser experienced members of our team here.

    Company has been going for about 3 years so good name, good backing, good website etc. Now rebuilding a very dynamic team with two of the best leaders n the business here so you will be sure of being part of a team that will be uber successful in the future.

    Drop me an email on [email protected]

  14. David whom do you work for?

    I work for Business Class Asia. We are a financial planners based here in Bangkok.




    Sympathies to some of the simpleton quotes you will get from time to time, but i have to ask is there no other way of you guys getting appointments than by cold calling? Just asking like as i like to be constructive about these sorts of things rather than the usual destructive that we seem to often get here. I checked out Business Class website and you are clearly anything but boiler room but cold calling sucks. So is there no other way?

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