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Posts posted by ProfessorFart

  1. LOL Totster!!

    But seriously, the term was applied to someone who was sent to work overseas by a company in their own country.

    Over the years its been stretched and stretched and now is applied (particularly in Thailand) to anyone who seems to be around for a few months of the year.

    I know several lads who spend 3-4 months a year in Thailand and call themselves expats while they're there. The only reason I can see that they do this for is to seperate themselves from 'tourists'

  2. I have no problem with my GF being an EX BG.

    So why should you?

    It does seem as though you are trying to convince yourself of that through these pages BIG SPUDS!

    If you 'know' your GF as well as you claim then surely you'd know why she was scared of you eh? Methinks you really know nothing about her and this whole thread is a manifestation of your insecurity.

  3. For a newcomer to consider buying property in Thailand is lunacy.

    My advice is plain and simple. Go and spend some time in Thailand yourself and then post the same question again once you've been.

  4. Theres also a smaller less visited War Cemetery across the river in Kanchanaburi(a 40B tuk tuk ride from the main cemeteries) which can make for a better place for reflection than the main cemeteries.

    There is an old guy who is on the maintainance crew who has a few stories from the wartime era to tell.

  5. I'm afraid it all sounds fishy to me.

    You say she used to be a BG but has changed? Hmmmmmmmm!

    I agree that some people can change but if a BG was to change then she'd head back to Isaan and the farm, and not carry on hooking up with Farangs.

    You are still paying her for her affections whatever way you dress things up. A prostitute is a prostitute is a prostitute.

    You wouldn't hook up with an ex whore in the UK so why think that an ex whore in Thailand is going to be any different?

    The sooner you (and many others) realise this the sooner endless forums space will be used up with pointless threads like this.

  6. Thanks for the advice!! It sounds like the Spassos type of place is ideal. Not too sure about gullies as its very transient in there. All of my existing mates have Thai girlfriends which is all well and good but I think that she'll really enjoy the company of women from a similar background every now and again.

    I'm sure that we'll find something in time! A freind of mine mentioned something about a womens football league during a drunken phone conversation (he was drunk, I was soberish) which has quite a few westerners involved in it which sounded right up her street so I'm trying to look into that! I don't suppose any of you have heard anything about this?


  7. I will be moving out to Thailand full time soon with my English girlfriend. While we both enjoy the simple life which we will have in Chanthaburi, every other weekend we're going to head up to BKK to let our hair down.

     I'm a bit worried she'll feel a little isolated while in Thailand because I've been to Thailand many times and know plenty of people there so I'm OK, but my girlfriend will still be fairly new to the place and I think she'd like to have a regular circle of expat females to meet up with and have a laugh with in BKK. The last thing I want is for her is to have to come with me on my rounds all the time especially as shes very independent and likes to do her own thing and I think we can survive one night out of 14 apart. I know she'll get on with mates Thai girlfriends and all that, but I think she'd feel less isolated if she knew that she had mates up in BKK to fall back on. I know I do!

    Where is a good place for her to meet up with Western girls in BKK on a regular basis so she can get me from under her feet for a while and do girlie stuff? And NO! I'm not looking to get rid of her while I go misbehaving!!!!

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