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Posts posted by graemeaylward

  1. If 490,512 drink drivers were arrested and charged, but only 16,288 vehicles impounded, what happened to the other 474,224 vehicles? Were the offenders allowed to go on their "merry" way after a small fine, as they were only a little over the limit? If so, this is outrageous! In UK if someone is breathalised and found to be over the limit, they are arrested and taken to the police station for further, more accurate tests, and if positive, the vehicle impounded, until such time as a sober, insured and licensed driver can collect it! Also, drink driving offences all go to court , and result in a minimum 12 months disqualification, plus heavy fines, community penalties and/or imprisonment. Laws and punishments are enforced! The result, less carnage on the roads.

    Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  2. People urged to wear retro-Thai costumes during Songkran festival
    BANGKOK, 4 April 2018 (NNT) – The Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Ministry of Culture are encouraging the people and foreign visitors to Thailand to wear retro-Thai costumes during Songkran festival. 

    The Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Ministry of Culture jointly launched a campaign promoting the wearing of Thai costumes while celebrating the upcoming Songkran festival. 

    Tourism and Sports Minister Wirasak Kowsoorad said the campaign promotes the Thai people who travel to their home provinces during Songkran festival to wear retro- Thai costumes, making the atmosphere of the festival more beautiful. 

    In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports will organize Water Festival 2018 in various locations across the country during 13-15 April 2018. 

    He said Thailand will host Sport Accord Convention 2018 during 15-20 April 2018, bringing together some 5,000 members of 100 sports associations to help boost the economy of tourism sector, and generate incomes to local villagers. 

    The Sport Accord Convention 2018 will lead to the improvement to sports associations, promoting the roles of the Thai people in international sports associations, and exhibiting Thailand's readiness to host regional offices of international sports federations in the future.
      nnt_logo.jpg&key=2d687e9357a7b4c0eb40db2208057b9f2995e35b1db596a8797260e94eb4eaff -- nnt 2018-04-04
    Why? The costumes will only get wet!

    Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  3. From 2006-10, I worked for learndirect, a government backed e-learning company. As a project manager, I assisted in setting up many basic literacy and numeracy programs, as well as ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) for offenders in prisons and the community. This method of learning and testing, through online computer programs, is extremely effective as it goes at the individual learner's pace, can be done in small sections, not long tedious lessons, and is fun. The only problem I can foresee is that the programs and tests will be in UK English and not American English.

    Sent from my Lenovo A3000-H using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  4. Just out of curiosity, yeah, you know. The one that finally killed that darn cat!:smile:
    What is the differens between the home office and the interior ministry? Can it be that you have a name for it and there is another name that represent the same at the international level?
    Just a question, as I said. I don´t know anything about it. Just beeing that kind of cat. :smile:

    In effect, I guess that there is no difference between The Home Office and an interior ministry! However, being a pedantic Brit, I do like reporting to be accurate and the correct title for the ministry involved in political asylum cases is "The Home Office". But I concede, as the great bard himself put it " What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet."

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