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Posts posted by Prbkk

  1. 1 hour ago, SABloke said:

    Well, not homegrown enough: That actor Nadej? whose dad is Japanese is called half Thai (look kreung), my daughter is called Half-Thai, this Singaporean is identified by two nations: I pointed out one day that my father in law was look-krueng (Everyone was like "Maichai!!!") Anyway, his dad is Chinese (not Sino Thai), but 100% born and bred in China, Chinese. Anyway, my father in law is 100 Thai apparently, but my daughter and Nadej are look kreaung. Perceptions hey :whistling:

    Well, IMHO, the world be a lot better off if there were far more people who were 1/2 something, better still in quarters. We might see a bit more tolerance and understanding. ( not to forget the fact that the latte coloured people are generally better looking than 'full-bloods').

  2. 5 hours ago, Mitker said:

    Thailand proudly succeeds in leading the most read articles of the week on the international news section of "La Libre" website (one of the 2 leading Belgian newspapers in french; and definitely not a tabloid)

    But authorities may be disappointed to discover that the topics are:

    nr 1: the "suicide" of Elise Dallemagne on Koh Tao and the many former "definitely non-suspicious" deaths cases,

    nr 2: the scandal of organized underage sex abuse in Mae Hong Son

    Maybe not exactly the coverage TAT is looking for

    But, now, not everybody puts tourists dollars as a top priority when looking at serious issues

    The carpet approach doesn't reach abroad

    most popular of the week.jpg

    Thailand also gets very significant coverage on ABC ( Australian Broadcasting, govt media service) with a major story expresses disbelief that the confessed killers of the 'OK' girl have become social media celebrities and mentions the sale of a trinket key-ring chain saw that is now popular. 

    I wish more parents of "gap year" students would take a greater interest in where the kids end up. Bangkok is ok for savvy tourists who know what's what but one doubts that it is entirely suitable for 18 year olds on their first solo trip. As for them going to Koh Tao, they should be encouraged to think of alternatives. Easier said than done. 

  3. 5 hours ago, leeroy221 said:

    Visiting family so no backing out. I really dont want to go back on the stinkeys but may have to. Can vapes still be bought over there do you know? Maybe a better option than taking mine just to use at the house we stay?

    Why they dont just tax it i never know. Incoming tourists can pay an import tax, get a receipt and keep it on them. Then if they get stopped they show receipt, all ok. If no receipt then a fine, but i realise this dont help locals or expats.

    For what it's worth...I continue to in/out through BKK every month ( up to 4 times). I still carry all my stuff without a problem. No one is interested in it, as far as I can determine.

    I have stopped using my ecigs in a very public way, as per the advice above. I suggest that with discretion there is unlikely to be a problem.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:
    The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
    Come live with me and be my love, 
    And we will all the pleasures prove, 
    That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields, 
    Woods, or steepy mountain yields. 
    And we will sit upon the Rocks, 
    Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks, 
    By shallow Rivers to whose falls 
    Melodious birds sing Madrigals. 
    And I will make thee beds of Roses 
    And a thousand fragrant posies, 
    A cap of flowers, and a kirtle 
    Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle; 
    A gown made of the finest wool 
    Which from our pretty Lambs we pull; 
    Fair lined slippers for the cold, 
    With buckles of the purest gold; 
    A belt of straw and Ivy buds, 
    With Coral clasps and Amber studs: 
    And if these pleasures may thee move, 
    Come live with me, and be my love. 
    The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and sing 
    For thy delight each May-morning: 
    If these delights thy mind may move, 
    Then live with me, and be my love.

    Perhaps in this case Andrew Marvell ( if not John Donne) is relevant:


    "Two hundred to adore each breast,

    but thirty thousand for the rest" 


    ( although IIRC , it was years rather than Baht)

  5. 1 hour ago, Just1Voice said:

    Well done??  So you are in favor of same sex marriages?  

    Yes, without reservation and wholeheartedly....it's long overdue and equality must not be delayed any further. I'm not swayed by the biology/reproduction/sodom-Gomorrah arguments nor any appeal to what might have been the situation 2,000 years ago....

  6. Of course the Mum will believe it's murder , because she would be in complete denial about the possibility of suicide given her overwhelming grief. The problem for authorities is that fully rational people, with no emotional involvement in the matter, also assume murder; they will continue to make that assumption in future cases until this joint is cleaned up, once and for all.

  7. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Although there numerous social internet groups , and various other sites that people use , thaivisa being one .

        So it isnt actually facebook that you have a problem with, or social media in general , its the way people  too often look at their phones in public .


    Well, that's true.

  8. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    It would be quite interesting to find out whether the same people who are a bit afraid of F/B are the same people who petrified about Thais ?

        The "I was walking down the street today and I bumped into a Thai guy , I thought that he was going to kill me , I pleaded with me Wife to explain to him that it was an accident , I got away with it this time, but I wont be going out anymore" brigade

    You seem a bit confused about the matter. People are not afraid of FB but rather hostile, wary, indifferent. It is a sinister site, with a strong, loyal following among those of significantly low IQ and preys upon that part of the population.

    BTW, the most likely reason for anyone to bump into a Thai chap would be that he was glued to his FB page and didn't see you coming. We all have to sidestep these morons...but it's not uniquely Thai, happening all over the world as the FB lemmings roam the streets, malls and transport systems.

  9. 4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Why would anyone want to trace every aspect of my life ?

    Do you think that theres some anonymous person wanting to watch everything that you do ?

       If there is someone out there like that , all they have to do is to send me a FB request , and then I can watch everything that they do , also 

    If it doesn't bother you, then that's your choice.

  10. 2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You can go to numerous free sites to get news .

    BBC , SKY , CNN , Fox and mant other outlets , all free

    Very few media outlets charge a fee to view their site

    It just isnt true that news providers pay google to get to the top of the page .

    Some companies do advertise on Google , and these are quite clearly marked as advertisement .

    Almost every newspaper service has a subscription requirement. You may read up to a certain number of articles free each month but are then locked out; more commonly these days they have "premium" articles, ie never free, only open to subscribers.

    I think you will find that there is a nexus between advertising on google, google analytics and the positioning of returns: for ALL businesses, including media ( but excluding services such as ABC, BBC, NPR , DW, etc). Correct me if I'm wrong.

  11. I have a dormant account. Can't see that I would ever use it. We sell every detail of our lives to these rotters at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitters, Instantgram, Pinterest.....they know, can trace, everything about your life. Everything. We give it to them in exchange for peanuts.

    Good on the EU to sticking it to Google...with other countries to follow suit and the other companies under scrutiny. 

    Try googling a news item: before too long you are taken to a site high on the list of returns but likely to be a subscription site....not because the story is better than other sites, or more widely read....simply because that provider has paid Google to have it given greater visibility. Posing as an honest broker, Google is rotten to the core. Same as ALL those US companies.

  12. 24 minutes ago, lucjoker said:

    Bad comparison .....And people TOUCH and KNOCK on watermelons (and other things)before they have payed for it ,ask your wife .

    And also in a whore house ( even a bar  ,.....) i taste the services BEFORE i pay for it afterwards .( and i dont mean chocolat or beer )

    I understand that you never came further than a shoppingcenter ,so dont try to be a wise guy making stupid comparisons .If i see your wife next time i will tell her you were looking further than the shoppingcenter flyers .She will teach you how to knock on a watermelon.................


    You might well have an advance taste of the goods but you don't have the full buffet, as it were ( and particularly when you've had a prior warning about pawing the fare). 

  13. 5 minutes ago, fruitman said:

    After the London-inferno from last week i think many people will be hesitant to buy a highrise condo from now on.


    I think it's not wise to buy a high-end condo right now in the heart of Siam-area. The ones at the new skytrainlines have more potential for making profit.


    My understanding is that there has been a huge, sudden increase in fire services testing right across Bangkok....do very little , or nothing, for a decade or longer, but when disaster strikes on the other side of the world, fly into action. So fire testers/consultants will be busy for the next couple of months and then we will revert to the usual inaction.

  14. 1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:


    Exactly that.


    This "why why" on the video is so funny.

    What do they have eyes for?

    Of course he grabbed the buttocks of that woman while holding the other in the left arm.


    Even if both women are considered prostitutes it still does not mean that one can do whatever his drunken brain brings up.

    That applies especially to such acts without consent and in open public.

    A widespread misconception that cost a lot of bloody noses or worse.

    You might remember pictures of such fools battered to inconsciousness by a gang of kathoeys (ladyboys).


    And the behaviour you describe is that of a control freak; nothing to do with lust, rather it's the alpha male demonstrating his power over his territory ( presumably the bar , in this case). Nothing to do with his nationality either...just a low-life overreacting when he is called out on inappropriate behaviour. Nasty piece of work.

  15. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    Buildings depreciate. Land don't. The buyers are hoarding land since there is no property tax worth worrying.

    For some of the 'original' BKK condo developments, the value of the land on which they sit is greater than the sum total value of the condos. In some cases by a significant margin if they are in a prime spot. 

    Imagine being part of a process to get 100% agreement to sell to a developer.....the 'theatre' would be superb.

  16. In Bangkok, developers continue to throw up new condos , matchbox size, in the outer BTS corridors. They are pretty "cheap and cheerful". At the top end, they don't seem to have much trouble selling even at 2, 3, 400,000 psqm. That said, there are still units in some of the upmarket condos that have never been occupied....some approaching 20 years old.

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