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Posts posted by cnmltd

  1. I have a small town house in Nong Plalai and have

    a couple of water leaks on the outside kitchen roof.

    I desperately need a builder/roofer to come and repair it.

    It's not a big job. Please does anybody know a decent, reliable

    person who can do this?

    Any help is much appreciated

  2. On 5/21/2017 at 0:51 PM, Sooo Upto Me said:
    On 5/20/2017 at 6:11 PM, cnmltd said:

    Hmm. Whats an educated? Prob? No, we don't recognise that up north too.

    Ahhh ok, my 5 year old son just translated.

    I am 58, lived in 4 different countries and speak 4 languages fluently.

    I run my own successful engineering company and have done for 35 years.

    But I bow to your superior London education.


    Good well done, ur learning fast.

    Shame they couldn't teach you to spell though.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Sooo Upto Me said:

    Doncaster say no more haha.

    Haha 48 actually an educated which is a word that is prob not regonised up north.

    Hmm. Whats an educated? Prob? No, we don't recognise that up north too.

    Ahhh ok, my 5 year old son just translated.

    I am 58, lived in 4 different countries and speak 4 languages fluently.

    I run my own successful engineering company and have done for 35 years.

    But I bow to your superior London education.


  4. 1 hour ago, Sooo Upto Me said:
    23 hours ago, cnmltd said:

    Yes, n pleez wud u lern how 2 spel

    Nothing wrong with my spelling pal, it woz intended. Obviously ur not from London.

    Never mind ur catch on one day.

    Hmmmmm, no not from London. Doncaster.

    But I know a few people from London. Not one of them speak or write anything like you.

    But then they are educated adults. How old are you? Still at school?

  5. "She had already climbed Denali in Alaska, Aconcagua in Argentina, Mount Ararat in Turkey and Kilamanjaro in Kenya, the post said. Strydom said she felt well-prepared for her attempt to climb Everest, and that depending on whether she reached the summit, her mind would likely turn to her next adventure."

    Since when is Mount Kilamanjaro in Kenya.

    Last time I checked it was in Tanzania.

  6. Broken neck in an overturned truck = did not wear seat belt

    And I guess you have PROOF of that, nah, you're just guessing, here's another scenario, what if the roof collapsed, or the whiplashing of his head/neck, caused the neck damage. Some people make idiotic comments, with little, if any, thought, by the way, seat belts can in fact cause massive injuries, and even death.

    After watching the video, pretty obvious he wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

  7. Slightly off topic but I am looking to buy a Top Box for my PCX.

    As large as possible.

    As I am new to Pattaya can anyone suggest a place to buy at decent prices.

    Thanks for any help

  8. Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this.

    I am flying to the UK on the 15th of March and returning to Thailand on the 28th of April.

    I will be taking my 10 year old son who has both Thai and UK passports.

    Both his passports are valid until the 1st of June.

    I know some countries ask for passports to be valid for up to 6 months after departure.

    Will I need to get new passports before we fly or will the expiry date be OK?

  9. Gov't says there will be no slow down today in their actions which have been successful such as at Lumpini

    Correction --- phone number to report leader sighing is the same to call if you need help do to the situation

    I thought the area was completely surrounded.

    They must be the most recognizable people in Thailand.

    How can it be possible for them to flee the area?

  10. [quote Exactly.

    Just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading this sob story.

    I am truly concerned about the OP, really I am.

    Hope he does find the girl of his dreams, perhaps a therapist?

    Well done, Carib, brilliant piece of detective work.

    Now kaitchu, don’t you feel foolish wasting all of our time? And keep taking the green tablets.


    I think I need some after reading all that

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