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Posts posted by Blackfox

  1. The western backpackers will keep coming in force…always.

    Does anyone really care about bar stool bums and western males with their Issan, Patong, and Pattaya buys...short or long time (her game)?

    Tourism is going south and the Thais with money couldn't care less what you or I think.

    The junta, higher prices, and inferior goods for the tourist.

    Really, what's it to any of you?

    Thailand must "get with program", I don't doubt that, but all of you guys should also.

    You all pipe on about tourism here in the country because you visit or live on or close to, and frequent the tourist strips.

    Believe me, the Thais with wealth don't give a shit.

    Tourism only contributes to a small percentage of the country's GDP, it's just you all notice it at the "coal face" so to speak, therefore feel you have experience enough to have a say.

    The Junta or Mafia couldn't care less for your thoughts, input, and $$$'s.

    You, as I, are just small fry.

    This country will be fine.

    No tourists...whatever; as others have posted, it's back to the rice field for the low class.

    Remember, it's not your country.

  2. - Not from Isaan

    - not first born

    - not from poor family!

    - not previously married

    - no kids!

    - not obsessed with "my culture this" and "my culture that"

    - Not xenophobic

    - not born a man!

    - No Umbilical cord... was cut at birth and not reattached either physically, emotionally or mentally

    - does nt clean with dirty cloth!

    - Does nt shout when talking to someone in same room!

    - not a hillbilly villager!

    - Not Hielophobic (does nt wear jacket full length in scorching heat so doesn't get dam dam!

    - Not obsessed with facebook!

    - Understands western people don't have to be same as Thai people or have to be like, same same Thai people!

    Has degree plus good job or some sort of legit business. Genuine, honest, fun loving, easy chillax personality, great cook, independent, loving and caring.

    I find good looking and leaves me the alone when football is on or when I am trying to work! !

    Pulse, preferred but not essential,

    Enjoy being single..

    Huawei; enjoy being single?

    I'm certain most lads on this forum don't have the attributes to make it with a girl he is wishing for.

    However, the remark of football and a pulse puts him in the gutter with "low so" girls.

    The good girls don't take to that attitude.

    It does help if you're not a heaving, sweating mass of white and over 40 I'm afraid. The ability to articulate in language and have the "get up" to make one attractive to the girls all guys here really would like to make it with is an essential.

    Just not too many of you is there.

  3. I could be wrong but if things were cheaper I think

    tourists would be back.

    Thailand is no longer the cheap destination it was.

    In Thailand these days the feel good factor has long since gone. Prices have rocketed with the usual " mentality " of trying to get more money from less tourists.

    Condominiums. Previously in years gone by, easily affordable and better built than they are today with better materials. Nowadays, anybody with half a rai of land or less is throwing up a cheap, shabbily built condominium block. There are virtually no building or quality controls.The going rates of 3.5 million baht up for anything decent are no longer the value they were as a holiday getaway/ beach second home/ bit of fun investment. My advice for expats moving out to Thailand is, DON'T BUY, RENT! every time. The rental prices are always better value for money than the purchase prices and you can walk away as and when a condominium block standards drop, or when the area goes downhill.

    Beaches and beach holidays. There are far better and cleaner beach destinations than Thailand and (nearer) in Europe and Africa. Also, your money can go further and is appreciated more and you won't get, " If you don't like it, go home " as the punchline for even the slightest complaint.

    Thailand has become bored of Western tourists and believes they can and always will be replaced with Chinese,Russians and the Middle East. Yes, they complain about them, but at the end of the day, they complain about us.

    Businesses, land and houses. I find the increases in these in all parts of Thailand, a nonsense, and they bear no resemblance to recognized norms in the West on business valuations. I think they basically go in their back yard with a bucket with tickets containing various prices, throw it in the air, and whichever they pull out, that is what they wish to sell at.No rhyme nor reason. Try to ask them to justify the price of something and you get the nonsensical answer " This is Thailand " which they feel justifies giving to facts and figures, sales returns or anything else.

    Beer bars. It is now cheaper to drink in most places in the UK than it is in the likes of Bangkok or Pattaya. The equivalent of half a pint of lager beer such as Singha going out at 120/130 baht in a cheap beer bar equates to 5.00 a pint in a UK pub. If you go to anywhere that has shows or entertainment, the price here rises considerably and tips are expected.

    Restaurants. With the exception of eating on the streets, ( Thais are complaining bitterly about these prices as well ) these have risen considerably and are now on a par with any city centre eatery in the UK with the exception of local Thai food which one expects to be cheaper in its country of origin.

    Taxis. Whilst still cheaper than the UK, especially in the capital London, these are starting to climb when you look at the tollway increases, increased airport charges to hire, and the general cheating and scams that the taxi drivers try non stop to get up to, these are becoming a challenge.

    Hotels. You can still get hotels considerably cheaper in all major towns and cities in Thailand than almost anywhere in the UK or main European destinations.

    Hospital treatment. Thailand is no longer the destination of choice for medical tourism with a number of European countries as well as India and various other destinations offering similar, if not better care, at more affordable prices.

    Clothing. Cheaper and far better quality in the UK without a doubt.The likes of Central are pretty much ridiculous.The shabby goods available in the Thai markets are now a non starter, The market standards are better and higher in the UK and prices on a par or cheaper, better made and you can take them back if you have an issue.

    Adult entertainment. You can hardly find anybody wishing to go overnight without expecting 2500 - 3000 baht. Add back the bar fine and the obligatory drinks and tips,it is minimum of 5000-7500 baht (120-150 GBP ) for a night out.You can do better in Europe without the add ons of being asked to buy a house or motorbike or Gold. You also run less chance of drugs in your drink or some lunatic boyfriend coming looking for you with a gun for sleeping with his " wife "

    Now, if you wish to travel Thailand and South East Asia, it can still be done and cheaply by budgeting carefully, booking your flights with the economy airlines, using search engines for affordable hotels, using public transport when possible,not buying cheap, shoddy Chinese imported goods and avoiding the local " talent? "

    No, Thailand is no longer a cheap destination nor is it any longer a particularly value for money or fun destination.You must be on the ball and switched on at all times to extract the good things it has to offer and discard the bad.

    Best post in 2015 - I wish some thais would read your post but they would probably tell you : This is Thailand, if you dont like it go home (just like the apologists are gonna do) ... so sad really ...

    Well these same Thais will be thinking otherwise in 3 - 5 years time if things don't improve. The hundreds of thousands who work in tourist places will all have to go home and wander around their rice farms for a living

    Then the dangerous Issan taxi drivers, drug spiking whores and Mafia "hanger ons" will go home.

    Terrific; bring it on.

    Depressed numbers might just weed out the trash, clean up the beaches, and make hotels and restaurants more competitive.

    Wishful thinking.

  4. Some very interesting posts.

    I don't doubt Thai tourism is hitting the skids but Thailand will not go south.

    I've lived in BKK for seven years, here for periods of time before that.

    I don't do the tourist strips any longer but when I do go downtown Suk, I make it brief and smile as I leave. I also no longer go to Phuket. Pattaya in my opinion is akin to diarrhoea. The tourist areas are going south but not the nation.

    In strong suburban Bangkok, no one is feeling the pinch.

    The main industries are automotive, financial, electrical, computers and components, heavy and light manufacturing, and agriculture.

    Tourism makes up 5-7% (dependent on the information resource used).

    Me; I couldn't care less if the tourists come or not.

    Yes, it's becoming more expensive to visit and live here but hey, that's life.

    I have immense respect for the Thai people and culture. I love living here. Unfortunately as others have mentioned the true culture of Thailand is diminishing and unfortunately the deep philosophical religion of Buddhism is very superficial within the tourist heartlands of the country.

    Interesting times ahead for Thailand, and throughout the world.

  5. A lot of the bar girls are a lot of fun from times past, but remember, if they've got the personality, it's their job to be lively and vibrant; keep you happy and spending.

    Last night I went with my wife's male cousin, early 20's, to a bar near home in strong suburban BKK.…some of the most stunning, lively, articulate, and vibrant girls I've seen and spoken with in my time here. All middle class girls, from early 20's to mid thirties.

    They are a tier above any girl getting around Suk or Walking St. They are a tier above the upper class girls also.

    So maybe you'll know better next time.

    Jeez mate, you're a bit vague.

    What do you mean, "I'll know better next time."?

  6. A lot of the bar girls are a lot of fun from times past, but remember, if they've got the personality, it's their job to be lively and vibrant; keep you happy and spending.

    Last night I went with my wife's male cousin, early 20's, to a bar near home in strong suburban BKK.…some of the most stunning, lively, articulate, and vibrant girls I've seen and spoken with in my time here. All middle class girls, from early 20's to mid thirties.

    They are a tier above any girl getting around Suk or Walking St. They are a tier above the upper class girls also.

  7. What is Suk?
    In my original post "…in BKK."

    "Suk" is short for 'Sukhumvit Road' in Bangkok.

    Good girls work along there during the day, but less than good girls are there at night.

    The bad girls work there during the day too. I would know. I am a daytime drinker.

    But there are more there after night fall.

    Since we are talking about social classes. I shall put forth my opinion: lower class people are more fun.

    It's hard to beat a few beers during happy hour on Sukhumvit with a barmaid, whose name must be Boom, getting drunker than you.

    I have found out from experience, that the most lively and vibrant girls are called Boom and the least, Lek.

    Yeah, perhaps you're right too.

    A lot of the bar girls are a lot of fun from times past, but remember, if they've got the personality, it's their job to be lively and vibrant; keep you happy and spending.

    Last night I went with my wife's male cousin, early 20's, to a bar near home in strong suburban BKK.…some of the most stunning, lively, articulate, and vibrant girls I've seen and spoken with in my time here. All middle class girls, from early 20's to mid thirties.

    They are a tier above any girl getting around Suk or Walking St. They are a tier above the upper class girls also.

  8. Jeez, all of you guys that talk about Thai girls with a fit body often being correlated with high maintenance are talking through your hooper.

    You're just not meeting the right girls.

    Many extremely fit middle class girls are perfect here in BKK.

    It's just that they, like their western equivalents want an equal.…a fit guy and a gentleman; and it's not about the money.

    Problem is, there are very few western guys here that match up.

    Who said anything about middle class?
    Sorry, I'm not with you?

    I used middle class girls as an example because I know many...and they are not to be found around Suk…ever.

    What is Suk?

    In my original post "…in BKK."

    "Suk" is short for 'Sukhumvit Road' in Bangkok.

    Good girls work along there during the day, but less than good girls are there at night.

  9. Jeez, all of you guys that talk about Thai girls with a fit body often being correlated with high maintenance are talking through your hooper.

    You're just not meeting the right girls.

    Many extremely fit middle class girls are perfect here in BKK.

    It's just that they, like their western equivalents want an equal.…a fit guy and a gentleman; and it's not about the money.

    Problem is, there are very few western guys here that match up.

    Who said anything about middle class?

    Sorry, I'm not with you?

    I used middle class girls as an example because I know many...and they are not to be found around Suk…ever.

  10. Jeez, all of you guys that talk about Thai girls with a fit body often being correlated with high maintenance are talking through your hooper.

    You're just not meeting the right girls.

    Many extremely fit middle class girls are perfect here in BKK.

    It's just that they, like their western equivalents want an equal.…a fit guy and a gentleman; and it's not about the money.

    Problem is, there are very few western guys here that match up.

  11. Two cracking good posts above and 1900; you are quite right.

    I understand Zeichen also.

    I'm not in education and I don't have children but I immerse myself in life here.

    There are some very sound respectable people I know also within the education system, albeit rare.....which is disappointing.

    My choice is optimism, and I think the new generation are getting "it" and will perhaps start a little catalyst for change.

    You are correct 1900; Thailand nevertheless is doing just fine…and will continue to do so.

  12. took me ages to find one that new about pigs,,lol

    you know when you have met the right one,, hard to put into words, so im not going to try,

    Gotta love the pigs Jake.

    114 day gestation period and one of the most efficient animals to pack on the meat and muscle.

    They have a great personality and shape that rivals many of our specimen also hehe.

    To say "you know when you have met the right one,, hard to put into words...",

    That inner and outer glow we have when you've found the one often rivals words.

    Common interests, drives, passions, and love for life together and one another supersedes near all else.

    I love my partner also mate…and I do love the pigs too.

  13. yes, perhaps you should have read the second sentence

    "The problem that I have with what I have read by some"

    Some indicates more than one. Do I need to write it in Spanish for you to understand?

    Funny what you call a rant others call a well formed argument.

    But now you have succeeded what you originally attended and that is to make the conversation about you.

    Obviously you are a troll.

    Zeichen; couldn't agree more.

    This troll is a thread killer.

  14. Some very funny posts.

    For the OP, don't go rushing into anything; just take it easy and go by pgrahmms advice.

    However, as HooHaa posted, FB is potentially open to all of the kids you are teaching.

    If you plan to spend at least a year or more here, then many new experiences will come your way.

    You'll learn so much whilst you are teaching, living, and integrating yourself within this country.

    All the best bud.

  15. Tall, graceful, kind and caring with an absolute heart of gold.

    Well educated, independent and possessing her own passions and career.

    A Top 10 Miss Thailand will be perfect also. Glamorous but well grounded. Stunning in a dress and just as gorgeous in a shirt and jeans.

    Yes, that's my wife...and we love one another beyond belief.

  16. Sure, Thai students don't do as well as their neighbors in scoring exams .. so what? How much do words on a piece of paper really mean? I'm sure they'd fail a Western-baised IQ test too. A stupid Thai has a much greater chance of serviving in Thai society than a well-educated farang. They were raised in Thailand, they know more than you ever will. All the subtilties of spoken and body gestures they've ingested over a life time trump all of our colored perceptions.

    If anyone has hopes a culture with convert over to something more of your liking has a long wait. Like generations.

    Oh brother; I only hope English is your 2nd language.

    You have some serious spelling and grammatical limitations.

    Firstly, we are not talking specifically about exams.

    It's the new world mate; globalisation and competitiveness.

    Get with the program bud.

    I suggest you read and digest the entire thread before making further comments.

    Oh, sorry, I had no idea you were an owner and mod. In the future I'll be sure to check all I post as if it were a letter to God.

    If you're not talking about exams and scores how would you determine if Thai education was good or bad? Maybe the student who gives the best polished apple to the teacher is the class' most intelligent?

    Not an owner, nor mod, nor God (don't believe anyhow).

    Read the thread man or go back to school.

    Your response makes you a fool.

  17. Sure, Thai students don't do as well as their neighbors in scoring exams .. so what? How much do words on a piece of paper really mean? I'm sure they'd fail a Western-baised IQ test too. A stupid Thai has a much greater chance of serviving in Thai society than a well-educated farang. They were raised in Thailand, they know more than you ever will. All the subtilties of spoken and body gestures they've ingested over a life time trump all of our colored perceptions.

    If anyone has hopes a culture with convert over to something more of your liking has a long wait. Like generations.

    Oh brother; I only hope English is your 2nd language.

    You have some serious spelling and grammatical limitations.

    Firstly, we are not talking specifically about exams.

    It's the new world mate; globalisation and competitiveness.

    Get with the program bud.

    I suggest you read and digest the entire thread before making further comments.

  18. Way off topic now,

    But in my opinion, those with Australian/NZ educations generally seem to have much poorer English skills than the rest of the native English speaking world.

    (from reading assorted posts on these forums)

    I think you're right and you know I'm an Aussie.

    Off topic; I've met many from the UK and U.S. that were lacking also.

    Anyhow, I agree with Mike in that I'd educate my child in Aus should we have one.

    Also agreeable with Lostoday; there's enough graduates here; a surplus.

    How about more into the trades.

    The education standard must be lifted here, rid corruption, and enforce stringent criteria for acceptance and subsequent passing.

    That push might see some astute young ones choose different careers with equivalent or better opportunities and wealth creation…the trades for example.

    It's a big wish, but possible.

  19. Australia,with its fine education system have only invented th Rotary Clothes Line , so why bash Thais. My nation Portugal only sailed about stealing things like the Brits did,only difference they did invent superbly

    Australia is responsible for inventing the bionic ear, wi-fi LAN, ultrasound for examining unborn babies, the black box flight recorder and a plastic bank note for medium of exchange.

    We have an improving and evolving education system also as we understand and prioritise in sound assets for our future growth and competitiveness.

  20. You are still giving Thais more credit than they deserve, car design is an international effort but sadly Thais are not included in any of that effort, they are just the muscle behind it not the brains. So I don't understand why you are still pushing this point.

    We are probably are on the same page regarding to the failures in the government.

    Agree with your point 5, that is why I keep on insisting education is a failure by everyones standards, not just mine.

    You mentioned suicide rates, yet there are as many developed countries with less, and no reason why Thailand can't be like the other half.

    I have Thai blood and I grew up in the country side, my understanding could not get any more clear.

    I think your understanding of Thais is based on what you want, not what Thais want. Cheap food and booze and a laid back place to live, correct? :-)

    Then tell us what's so special about thai peoples needs (wants) as i'm pretty sure most thai people want the same stuff as western people do: financial security (which includes anything related to work), able to travel freely inside and outside of their nation, democracy (not sure about that in Thailand) and so on.

    My reply was to Lostodays comment, you are taking it out of context. I do know Thais wants are pretty much the same from westerners. My main point is everyone wants better education, yet Lostoday keeps on insisting Thais are happy with what they have and the education level is good enough for Thais, and that I should not be demanding better Education.

    I completely agree. Thais are not happy with the education system, you must give them more credit than just assuming apathy and acceptance. Every culture wants improvements for their children it's just an absurd assumption to think otherwise.

    It's the foreigner who has a choice but puts his children into such institutions that should be questioned not the Thais, many have no choice.

    I agree wholeheartedly with your final paragraph.

    Educating your child in Thailand will limit that child's potential opportunities.

    Superior education abroad is one important aspect but equally, life abroad will also provide greater personal growth, maturity, articulation, cultural and language diversity.

    Next point is harsh; perhaps a Foreign Father of mediocrity is happy to give just that to his child.

    If I become a Father, I feel it's my duty to give my child the absolute best start in education and life.

    The best is not here.

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